
Nine Years Ago


The once proud building has been reduced to nothing but rubble, burnt and damaged. The roof completely collapsed, the three floors fell to the earth. Nothing is left standing. This is the home where my father, my sisters, and my brothers grew up in. This is my family's heritage, the home of our blood for hundreds of years. And yet here it is, tumbled down, defeated. Like it's people, the great fortress of Martha has succumbed to the pangs of war.

I can only stand watching it, unable to do anything but perish in sorrow. My heart starts to tighten in my chest, I feel my whole body tremble.

Stay still, stay steeled. I am not here to wallow in memories, I am here for answers.

Taking a huge breath, I take a step forward. 

"You were hoping there would still be books here, diaries, scrolls, memoirs, anything to tell you who you are. But there is nothing left here, Felix," Helen says beside me.

I turn to face her.