The New Mission Begins


"Made it!" we head Kenko shout from afar.

We turn to see the kid running towards us. He stops in front of us, heaving. 

"Can't have an undercover mission without snatching a few IDs. We had a southern team…uhm, procure these, so to speak, secretly, of course. Rest assured the owners are all enjoying a sudden all expense paid trip to Disneyland. Okay, everyone take your identity's card," the major adds.

Kenko reveals a couple of ID's in his hands.

Oh right, we're going undercover as employees of the company, hence the heavy make up and drab clothes. And of course, we won't be able to enter the building without these IDs.

I take Jordan Imen's ID. On it is his face, a bearded man in his late twenties, who somehow decided that plaid is always in.

"Thanks kid. We'll be counting on your team to keep us covered while we're in there," says the major.