Chapter three- Bee

Bee – "Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give." – unknown.

I finish reading the letters sent by my future dormies! I am sooooo excited, I get to meet new friends! I hope they'll like me. I find my letter I sent, I made two copies to make sure they're perfect before sending them, it says;

Dear future roomies! I am sooooo excited to meet everyone!

My name is Beatrice, but everyone calls me Bee! I am Japanese, with short black hair and glasses. My hobbies are; helping others, spending time at an elderly home and not being vain. My favourite colour is pink because it's the colour of roses! My sister is four, and she is really cute, her favourite animal is a hedgehog and butterflies. My favourite animal is a snail!

I am so excited! I'm making everyone a special present!

Lots and lots of love and excitement, Bee

I drew the heart and smiley face myself! My sister helped with the sun, she's actually an amazing drawer for her age! I can't wait to show my new friends a picture of her, I bet they'll think she's cute too. It was weird, writing about myself so much. Usually people in my universe, Almaland, are not allowed to mention ourselves unless it's absolutely necessary, still it was oddly nice.

I brush my black hair into place, hanging just above my shoulders. I push my round glasses back up and put two pink clips either side of my head. We only get two minutes to get ready, so we can't be vain. It's not a bad thing, it's good! It makes us care more about others.

My little sister comes bounding into my room, wearing the yellow dress I made for her.

"Bee! Mommy wants you!" she sings, I laugh and scoop her up. Bee is just a nickname, most people think it's because my actual name is Beatrix, but it's because I'm always moving, that's what my mom says. I run downstairs and let my sister run about, I hug my mom and thank her for the toast she made me. I run out the door, grabbing my bag as I go. I'm about to take a bite, but I see a homeless man sitting on the street.

I'm super hungry, so I hesitate, but he sees me, so I give it to him. I feel guilty, I should never hesitate. I'll make up for it later.

At school, I greet each person with a cheery 'hello!' and sometimes a hug. Today in class, we got to learn about how to help someone who's deaf, we learnt to write stuff down and help them. At the end of school, I run over to the elderly home and start working. I clean all the plates and stack them neatly; I go around with some food for the residents and by the end I'm exhausted.

I don't get paid for it, but my mom says that's not what is important, and I agree.

Despite being exhausted, I still offer to do dinner, like I've been taught. It ends up with the usual fifteen minute conversation about who'll do it. In the end, my sister, me, my mom and my dad all chip in. We have my favourite, pumpkin and sweet potato soup. I help clean up and I go off to bed.

I go upstairs and start studying. People outside our universe thinks we're lazy because we focus on helping others, but it's quite the opposite. I already know exactly what I want to do, I want to be a nurse. My dad says it's because I love helping people, but who doesn't!

After a couple hours of going over the bones in the human body, I finally give in to my exhaustion and go to sleep.

I recite the things I'm grateful for as I drift off.