The very first fight

Lex: so Joyce you're ready to face it

Joyce: yeah I'm ready

-after the nice chat They make it back to the campsite to reunite with everyone-

Lex: so we're here

Joyce: we sure are Lex


Joyce: hey hey Emily didn't expect you to be...

Emily: *slaps Joyce really hard*

Joyce: ouch *slightly tearing up*

Emily: go check on Bianca really quick

Joyce: okay fine I'm going

Lex: why you gotta slap Joyce though

Emily: because he deserves it babe

Lex: right I felt he didn't do but if it is that big to you then i guess you're right

Emily: of course babe I'm always standing up for people

-meanwhile with Joyce-

Joyce: hey Bianca you're here

Bianca: go away Joyce you don't like me you rejected me what else do you want

Joyce: well I'm scared okay I been through something none of you will understand

Bianca: wdym scared Joyce

Joyce: here let me tell you

-after Joyce tells Bianca what happened-

Bianca: oh my god Joyce that's horrible

Joyce: yeah sadly that's the truth....

Bianca: I wish I could've known I wouldn't have rushed with things this easy

Joyce: you're fine Bianca it's Just me I need time to heal from someone

Bianca: can I help you

Joyce: sure you may indeed Bianca

Bianca: thank you Joyce *smiles sweetly*

Joyce: yeah haha *smiles sweetly*

Bianca: oh dear what happened to your left cheek

Joyce: Emily Happened

Bianca: oh dear I shouldn't have said anything to Bianca

Joyce: you're fine haha I kinda deserve it from treating you this way

Bianca: right right so what do you want us to be

Joyce: for now friends until you know until I healed myself completely

Bianca: of course Joyce we can start off like that

Joyce: okay thank you

Bianca: you're welcome so let's go outside and greet the people

Joyce: let's...

Announcer: HELLO EVERYONE thank you so much for supporting me and everyone I have a special shout out to give to someone

-SHOUT OUT- I shout out to willow and her three books

1. villain uraraka

2. A book with its own life

And final but not at least third one is galaxy girl and Milky Way boy everyone be sure to cheek that out if you can and this little message I had to say so enjoy the next chapters tomorrow and peace out stay fresh everyone and take care all of you.