Walk on woods wake up with blood

Alex: alright guys ready

Joyce and lex: yeah ready

Alex: let's go to the car

Joyce and Lex: alright let's go

-minutes later after they get in the car-

Alex: alright let's go y'all *starts the van*

Joyce and Lex: alright let's go Joyce

Joyce: yeah let's go Lex

Lex: here grab my hand I'll help you *gives Joyce my hand*

Joyce: thank you Lex *grabs your hand*

-when they get in the van-

Alex: alright guys ready to go

Joyce and Lex: alright ready let's go

-when they driving into the cabin-

Alex: dammit the van broken down

Joyce: dammit

Lex: well what do we do without it we can't go anywhere

Joyce: yeah we know Lex Alex got anything

Alex: guys I found out the cabin

Joyce: nice

Lex: it should have some tools to fix our van

Alex: we're here into the cabin

Joyce: hey Lex can you stay here and guard

Lex: yeah sure

Alex: alright Joyce you're ready

Joyce: yeah I'm ready

-when they enter the cabin-

Joyce: what is this

Alex: I have no idea I'm pretty sure the sheriff was suppose to be here

Joyce: yeah where's is he I haven't seen him anywhere

Alex: idk champ idk

Joyce: well let's look around

Alex: yeah let's keep looking around

Joyce: alright I'll look upstairs

Alex: okay I'll look downstairs

-when Joyce looks upstairs-

Joyce: alright let's look upstairs I'll look into the room on the right

-after he looks to the room on the right-

Joyce: alright found myself a kar 97

Joyce: let's keep looking alright found myself some wires and the engine

Joyce: i wonder why the sheriff left it in here

-meanwhile with Lex-

Lex: alright I just can't stay here I'll have to look too

Lex: let's look for part's.....