Broken fragments awakened

Alex: yeah we are thanks to you

Joyce: well let's head back home

Alex: alright this is the last class anyway

-both alex and Joyce head back home-

Bruce: yo guys

Alex&joyce: yo Bruce

Bruce: I made y'all food hurry and eat so we can go to sleep

Alex&joyce: thanks bro and will do

-both alex and Joyce hurried eating they're good and went to bed-

Joyce: goodnight alex

Alex: goodnight champ haha

Joyce:*drifts to sleep*

Alex: *laughs* *drifts to sleep*

-but suddenly-

Joyce: *wakes up and snaps to reality*

Joyce: damn how long was I asleep for

Joyce: *gets a call* *hurries and picks up*

Joyce: hello?

Brook: Jesus about time I was getting

Worried about you I thought you died

Joyce: no just taking a long

Slumber apparently

Brook: don't worry I sent I rescue team to secretly retrieve you

Joyce: how do I find them

Brook: pay attention to the flares is all I can say

Joyce: I see thank you Brook

Brook: you're welcome

Joyce: let's go I'm starving I need to go and get food

Joyce: gets up *picks up guns for protection*

Joyce: alright let's scout

-Joyce scouts the area and finds food-

Joyce: I need to be careful

Joyce: huh? *looks in the distance and funds hospital*

Joyce: oh thank good a hospital

Joyce: I can find myself a couple of useful items in there let's scout that area and explore it

-Joyce explores abs scouts the abandoned hospital and finds himself a Medkit painkillers and straps with a scalpel to use as his weapon-

Joyce: those are useful alright enough dreaming about them Joyce they're gone

-Joyce sits back for a bit and breaks down-

Joyce: *cries* goddammit I told myself I wouldn't cry but why why does this hurt so much

Joyce: I need to get out of here asap after all this isn't some creature it's a Mankiller nightmare

*distorted sirens plays louder*

Joyce: *hears sirens* *hides under the patient's bed* *in head* shit fuck shit why is this fucking creature here

Joyce: *peeks for a bit* *sees the creature killing sometime else*

Joyce: we should be safe


*siren head hides*

Joyce: *keeps peeking* I'm not seeing that creature anywhere

-sirens head appears and stabs Joyce's eye with his finger-

Joyce: Aghhhn motherfucker *shots the creature*

Siren head: *sirens in pain*

Joyce: *runs and hides*

Joyce: fuck fuuuuuuuuck

Joyce: *wraps his eye with bandage*

Joyce: I let my guard down