2: Bathe You With Liquid

Two days have gone by, April is worried about Sterling but cannot bring herself to talk to Blair about her twin sister. Holding her necklace with her left hand, books in her right hand, silently praying that Sterling is alright, she mindlessly walks inside the hallway, without her squad on her back.


Luke, as usual looking mighty and handsome, but with a heart so fragile turned up out of nowhere. April looked up at him, still feeling nothing for this boy, even though they've been flirting with each other for days now.


April stopped walking and faced Luke. The latter took his hand on his nape and tried to start a conversation.

"Uh, I'm just wondering if it would be okay with you if I asked you out?"

Even if anticipated, April can't help but be in shock. She dropped the necklace and put a flirty smile on.

"Yeah. That would be okay."

Twirling her hips while making eye contact is a textbook flirting.


Blair seeing the flirting in a short distance made her roll her eyes.

"I am so happy that you're not here."

She sent the message to Sterling, but have no plans on telling her why.

"Awww, Miss you too sis!"

Blair put her phone in her pocket after reading Sterling's reply. Though her sister cannot see this, deep inside of Blair cannot stand these two getting along and being together. She had to interfere.

"Excuse me!"

She passed in the small gap between the two. She intentionally pushed Luke slightly away from April.


April looked at Blair, with 'what the heck !?' drawn in her face. But Blair didn't care. She just walked away. Luke looks back at April and the two just laughed.

"Walk with me to class?"

Asked Luke, a boy who's trying to move on from the years-long circumstance he had with Sterling.

"I'd love that."

Still, with her flirty face on, the two walked together, shoulder to shoulder. The Willingham students are struck by this new couple. Though it's not official yet, rumors immediately feast inside the Willingham Academy.

"I wonder how Sterling is."

Hannah B broke the silence during lunch. Ezequiel is busy with his phone while April and Luke keep staring at each other, with a smile on their faces. Both lying to themselves, but the truth is, they have the same name inside their hearts.

"Hmm, I'm sure she's fine--" Said Ezequiel without removing his sight on his phone. "--she's stronger than a sickness or whatever."

April didn't like how sarcastic he sounded. It annoyed her. She slapped the book in front of her to get their attention. Spoke with a threat in her voice, looking directly at Ezequiel and Hannah B.

"The next time you talk trash, about someone who's sick, look if I'm around because I don't want to hear any of it."

She took her bag and books then left the cafeteria. The two just watched her back as she walks away.

"I wonder what is up with her"

Ezequiel puts away his phone and looks at Hannah B.

"Yeah, same thought. Do you think it's about her dad?"

Hannah B looks at Ezequiel.

"Yes. I think that's it."

The two continued to eat.

April sat down on the same bench when she broke up with Sterling. This worry about Sterling, her dad coming back from prison and forcing herself to be with Luke is drowning her. She just needs to know if Sterling is okay then she'll deal with everything else.

"H-hey, are you okay?"

April looked at him with shock. She had no idea Luke followed her. She looks back at the floor.

"I'm fine."

She replied shortly. She can't be vulnerable, she always needs to play this game of charade and lies. She looks up to Luke, again with that flirty voice, flirty smile, and eye contact. When the bell rang, She stood up from the bench, leaving Luke sitting alone. She stood up in front of him.

"I'm craving for yogurt. Do you think after school will be fine?"

She has to make a plan. She needs to know how Sterling is doing so she needs to go to Yogurtopia. Thinking maybe Sterling has a colleague that she can ask.

"Ooohh !!! Eww !!"

The twins groan in a chorus when they saw someone ran out of the bar and puke on the street. The neon lights saying El Bonito is really bright. There's a bouncer out front checking for IDs.

"Oh, who's that? I didn't see her yesterday--"

Blair covered her mouth, Sterling's eyes widened when they both realized the mistake.

"wait, wait. What? You didn't see her when?"

Bowser's eyes are looking directly at Blair. He had to turn around because Blair is in the backseat.

"No. No. I meant I didn't see her there. It's like she just appeared! Whoosh! Magic!"

You can hear in Blair's voice that it is absolutely made up. She looked at Sterling, saying that she needs backup.

"Yeah! Totally. I mean it's like this one movie I watched, they're all magicians and made this act, where the volunteer teleported inside a bank then vacuumed all the mo--"

"I ain't stupid. I know you were about to say 'yesterday'." Bowser looks back in front, at the bar while shaking his head. "That movie is Now You See Me Two. So I know what it is. Just shut up. You two are getting out of control. We will talk about this later. But right now, tell me everything you know."

"What do you want to order?"

Luke quickly asked when he opened the door for April. The girl quickly scanned the whole establishment with her eyes. Though knowing that Sterling is sick, the girl still hopes for a sign of Sterling. An elderly, kind-looking woman is at the counter.

"Uh, just, anything."

When they got what they ordered, April sat in front of Luke, patiently waiting for the right time to ask Sterling's colleague.

"I'm just gonna go check other toppings out."

Luke nodded, glad to continue enjoying his yogurt.

"Hey, hi um--" April looks at her pin and sees the lady's name.

"--Cathy. Can I ask you something?"

Miss Cathy just nodded. April looked around her, making sure no one will hear her.

"Is Sterling okay? I'm just wondering."

Miss Cathy is confused.

"Are you friends with her?"

Unfortunately, April has to nod. It's not even the truth. They're not more than that. Not even less than that.

"She's not here now, she just finished her shift and left."

Confusion is drawn all over April's face.

"Her shift? But she's sick! Right? That's why she's not coming to school?"

Miss Cathy shrugged her shoulders.

"Nah, she seemed pretty healthy to me."

April's resiliency comes in handy right now.

"You mean, she's still working? Here?"

Miss Cathy just nodded.

"Okay, thanks."

She left the counter, still confused. Is it maybe Sterling is taking some time away from her? That thought crushed April's heart.

She slowly sat back to where she was sitting earlier.

"Are you okay?"

She looked at Luke then shook her head.

"Yeah! How was your yogurt? Is it good?"

Once again, her flirty voice can be heard. She washed away thoughts of Sterling. She just wants to finish this date and deal with her thoughts at home.

"Okay, you two seem to know a lot. Are you girls ready?"

Asked Bowser, while closing the car door then tried to hide his gun on his back. Blair and Sterling looked at each other, with their game faces on.

"Born ready."

Said Blair then follows Bowser towards the bar. Sterling keeps up with Blair.

"How come you always look way more badass than me but I am the one who's good with guns?"

Sterling whispers Blair.

"Shut up. I'm more of a machete kind of bounty hunter."

Blair whispers back. Once again, they passed as 21. The bouncer lets them in without a doubt. The twins are smiling like crazy and low-fived each other.

Inside the crazy bar, aside from the dance floor burning, they smell alcohol, cigarette, sweat, sweaty-drunk-dancing people, and some of the unnamed smells.

"Holy shit is this hell ?! It's so different from what I imagined!"

Bowser is looking around, trying to find a way to sneak inside the skeleton of the bar.

He smiled when he realized he didn't have to search.


The girls paced towards him.

"Looks like we've got our skip."

He then pointed to a guy on a spherical couch, with a girl beside him while he inhales the 'smoke of death.'


Bowser laughs for the first time. The girls looked at him. All both confused.

"Bowser forgive me for asking but are you high?"

Bowser looks at them.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen you laugh like that."

Sterling seconded. She looks back at the skip. Wilson Jeffers.

"So what's the plan? There are hundreds of people here, he might have some protection or something."

That question from Sterling makes good sense. Bowser touches his lips and beard, looks down at the skip. Thinking of all the possibilities of delivering this drug-stealing-dealing-asshole to the prison.

"I have an idea!"

Blair's light bulb just lit. They are talking in a family-feud-steal kind of situation. Bowser looked at Blair and Sterling after hearing Blair's plan.

"I don't think I can let you do that."

The two girls looked at Bowser with rebellion in their eyes.

"Why? Is it because you don't think I can lure him somewhere more private?"

Bowser slowly shakes his head in disbelief. He held out his index finger in front of them.

"First, you are minor. Second, that's illegal. It's highly unacceptable to use you as bait in that kind of way."

Blair's brows arched.

"You know what? We are professionals. And professionals, get the job done whatever it takes."

She quickly removed her beanie then opened two buttons of her shirt to slightly show her cleavage. Bowser, disappointed in himself, knew that he wouldn't win. Blair always does what she wants. She left Sterling standing on the balcony watching how Blair flirts with the skip while Bowser tries to do the plan.

"She got him!"

Sterling almost yelled in happiness, because it means their plan worked.

"Oh! They're going!"

Sterling once again yelled. She and Bowser had to run to the bathroom to get there first and trap him. Blair looks around, looking for her colleagues if they're gone. She felt relieved that they're gone. It means they're on their way to the bathroom.


The girls in the line groaned as Sterling cuts the line.

"Hey ladies! Why your asses up here!? There's another bathroom at the back left! Didn't anyone told you that?"

Sterling's eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she heard just how Bowser sounded gay.

"Yes! That's right! It's on the left side. Byeee!"

When the women left, he dragged Sterling inside the ladies' room with four cubicles inside. Bowser went and checked each cubicle. Three are under maintenance and then there's a drunk lady on the third cubicle.

"Not a word"

He threatened Sterling in a very deep voice. Sterling repeatedly blinked because of shock but now a smile is forming on her face.

"Oh my god is she dead!?"

Sterling's voice went high because of panic. Bowser looks at Sterling then slowly closes the door.

"No, she's not. Just let her rest."

"Hahaha, I think you're sexy!"

They heard Blair on the other side of the door. The two hid against the wall, getting ready to trap the skip.

"Hmmm, you do? I think you're sexy too. I'm gonna do bad bad things to you baby"

The door is now open and Wilson Jeffers is in the trap. Bowser quickly slammed his head to fall asleep. They sneaked Wilson out of the bar without no one noticing. But while they are carrying him out, they didn't know that Jeffers is already awake and just trying to wait for a good time to run.

"In your face! Motherfuckers!"

He ran away from the parking lot across the bar. Sterling and Blair went to follow him.

"What!? You're just kids! You won't be able to get me!"

The skip teases the girls. Blair's ego isn't happy to hear it so she ran, faster and faster, with her adrenaline as her nitro, she felt powerful and super fast. Sterling did the same, they didn't even realize they're in the middle of a dry field. Bowser is still keeping up with his car, staying on the road but he knew he had to run with them because the skip might harm them.

Jeffers, realizing he's not a superhuman finally stopped to get some air. Blair and Sterling stopped too, as they as well aren't as superhumans as they think they are. Jeffers looks around to see where the teenagers are. The three are now in a breathing contest, like whoever breathes in more air wins.

"Hahaha, you, you girls are resilient. I like it. But, as I've said, you will not be able to catch me, little girls. Hahaha"

With his short breath, he once again tried to laugh at the twins. Sterling just had enough. She took her gun out of her body bag. Jeffers saw the gun then laughed at her.

"What!? Is that a water gun? Honey? Hahaha, you know what, just go back to school I'm out of here."

Sterling looked at Blair, weirded out because Blair isn't saying anything.

"What? It's a really long and fast run. Could've been the farthest and fastest run I ever did in my whole life."

Still trying to catch her breath, Blair explained herself.

"Okay, Mister Jeffers. You are coming with us. You skipped bail, you should be in jail"

Blair looked at Sterling. Amazed by what she just heard.

"Wow. Nice rhyming."

Sterling looked at Blair.

"Really? Yeah. I didn't realize it rhymed until you mentioned it."

"Hahaha, how are you bitches gonna make me!? With your little water gun!? Or is that a party popper gun!?"

Jeffers spit on the ground.

"What!? Did you just use the B-word!?"

"Hey! Language!"

The two became upset with what they just heard.

"So. Adíos!"

Jeffers attempted to take a step.


He jumped out of shock. He looked back and the two girls are now closer to him.

"Water gun? Do you want me to bathe you with liquid? Only in this case, it's blood. Your blood."

Sterling asked the man who's now raising his hand in fear. He's got no gun or anything that can be a weapon.

"No! No, I'm coming with you!"

He's now on his knees, with his hands on the back of his head.

"Hell yeah, you're coming with us you asshole!"

The girls looked at Bowser, walking towards them. Bowser cuffed him.


The man stared at his face. Laughed in disbelief while Bowser is taking him up and dragging him by the elbow. His arms are cuffed in the back.

"Wow! It's you! It's been a really long time!"

Bowser looks at him.

"Wait! Y-you guys know each other!?"

Blair asked while walking. It has really been a long run and it's definitely gonna be a long walk and series of questions from Blair Wesley.

The Willingham hallway is as usual busy with students going here and there, especially the student body and fellowship leader and a straight perfect daughter.



Hannah B had to touch her by the arm just to answer her question.


She looks at Hannah B, looking annoyed.

"I asked if you're okay. You know you can tell me if something's bothering you."

Hannah B gives April a reassuring look that tells April she can trust her.

"Yeah. I'm okay, I'm just, tired."

April took a step but Hannah B grabs her arm.

"Just be strong. You can tell me, whenever you're ready."

April got nervous so she walked away, fast.

"Does she know? Did she see us? Is it possible that Hannah B knows about me and Sterling?"

These thoughts are running around April's mind. She keeps walking without direction, doesn't even know where to go, until she reached the Willingham garden. She looks like she's chasing her breath and about to faint.


She suddenly looked at the gum, the hand, the arm, and the face of the person who's handing it to her now. With her eyebrows arched down in confusion, she asked the girl.

"Who are you?"

The girl just looked at the sky. Deeply breathed the air in with a smile. Her hair is wavy and black, slightly tanned but with beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile.

"Gum helps me relax. So I think it would help you too."

The girl looks at her, still with a smile on.

"I'm Ruth, by the way. A transferee."

After saying her name, she just walked away without another word.


Whispered April to herself. She put the gum in her pocket with a plan on putting it in the trash later, or maybe give it to Hannah B.

"I heard she's from Hollywood, terminated her contracts, and wants her old life back as a teenager."

Murmured Ezequiel to them while April is typing and deleting and typing and deleting her message for Sterling. But cannot seem to find the right words to say.

Hannah B looks at Ezequiel.

"They said her family died in an accident, her aunt is taking care of her that's why she transferred here."

Ezequiel shrugged his shoulder then looks at April.

"I think you should just talk to each other in person. Besides, everyone knows you're secretly dating each other."

April looks up at Ezequiel with shock.

"What? Who said that?"

She looks around trying to find Luke.

"Uh, everybody. So there's no need to hide it. We're happy for you"

Ezequiel moderately claps in happiness.

"Yeah, We are happy for you and we fully support you for whatever makes you happy."

Again, with that reassuring look from Hannah B, April wants to crack. She wants to tell the squad that she's happy being with Sterling and she's in love with her and she's in a closet and she wishes that everything could be as easy as it is with Luke. But that would just happen in her dreams.

Shaking the thought in her head, she smiled at her squad.

"Thanks, you guys."

That sweet, fake smile. There it is again, every time it shows, it hurts. It hurts the real little April that's longing to be with Sterling.

"Hello April, what can I do for you?"

Ellen puts her phone on the desk and sits on her chair. April closes Ellen's office door and slowly sat on the chair in front of the desk.

"I need help. I feel like I'm drowning with my thoughts and feelings."

Ellen is delighted to hear that April is coming to her for advice.

"Oh, uhm, and what are those, exactly?"

April is caught off-guard. She can't tell Ellen about Sterling.

"Oh, uh. I'm scared that things may not work out as I planned, and I am so so guilty that I've hurt someone I care about and cares about me too, but I had to do what I needed to do."

Ellen is intrigued, but she knows enough to help April.

"Okay, you know, April. There are so many loopholes in life. You try one hole, see where it takes you. You cannot really plan your life and expect it to go the way you want it to. Because, God planned it, way before we were born. So, maybe try to take it easy. Don't push yourself too much, and when you didn't achieve your goals, don't be too hard on yourself."

April can now see Ellen's perspective. Now, she realized that she's been hard on herself for the past few months trying to keep her record as a perfect student, daughter, and leader. Ellen leaned in closer to the desk.

"You should really stop trying to be a perfect person. Because you're getting too worked up and now you look stressed out and it does not look good on you."

Ellen, with that face she makes when she is trying to make a joke.

"And as for that guilt, I think you just really need to say sorry and be forgiven. To know that you're forgiven because there are times in life that we hurt someone else when we least expect it."

With that last piece of advice, April stood up and thanked Ellen for her time. She now knows what to do. She never really asked Sterling if she's mad at her. But it really showed the way Sterling behaved the last time she saw her.

At the end of the day, while other students are busy playing catch, the others are busy reading a book, listening to music, the others are talking while walking towards the exit, there is one girl, walking fast, like the love of her life is about to get on a train that will bring them apart, forever.

"Are you good to go?"

Ezequiel's question is left unanswered as April passed through him and Hannah B. Even though confused, the two followed her to the main exit and wait for a cab.

"Where are you going?"

Asked Hannah B while April is standing on the side of the street. April gripped the strap of her shoulder bag and looked at her friends.

"I'm going to--" She looked around trying to think and make an excuse. "--Meet a friend, she's in town. I met her in a debate tournament last year. She wants to meet with me. I guess that's okay? To have other friends? Right?"

Sarcasm is the title of April's voice. Ezequiel and Hannah B just nodded.

"I just hope that she's really a she and that you're not cheating with Luke."

Ezequiel turned his back right away not giving April any time to roast him alive. Is it really a good thing if she's a she? Because April, being gay is a real game-changer when the truth comes out and those words from Ezequiel recalls his mind.

As April stood in front of Yogurtopia, she took a deep breath. Looked around while she walked towards the door. There she is, Sterling Wesley. Her one of Adeles who actually wanted to stay and never leave her. Only this time, she's the one who chose not to stay, not to be together.

Sterling and Blair stopped talking, Blair signaled to Sterling that she's gonna take it while Sterling walks inside Bowser's office.

"Wait! Sterling!"

April yelled Sterling's name when she saw that Sterling is leaving the counter. The latter stopped and looked back at her. April rushed to the counter, looking straight into Sterling's eyes. Blair is looking at April, with that face she has whenever she's confused.


April's eyes once again are in deep pain. The longingness she feels about Sterling feels like water that is about to boil.

"--I just want to talk."

April looks at Blair.

"Alone? If that's okay?"

Blair and April looked at Sterling, waiting for her answer.

Sterling took off her visor. She opened Bowser's office which is lucky for them, Bowsie isn't home.


Sterling answered. April then walked around the counter to get to the door that Sterling is holding. Blair looked at her with eyes widened. She suddenly looked at the door when a bunch of people walked in. Sterling closed the door. April looks around and felt weirded out by a bunch of papers stuck to a whiteboard. Sterling is now looking directly at April's back. She's fighting her urge to rush to April's back and just hug her so tight and tell her how much she misses April but she can't.


Sterling broke the silence which made April turn around and face her. Lies a few meters between them, the two girls are both having a war inside themselves. This is a quiet place, they are alone and that first kiss just keeps playing inside their heads.

"Are you mad?--"

April looked at Sterling. Trying to make sure that Sterling will be true to her answers.

"--at me?"

Sterling blinked.

"What? Why would I be mad?"

She is confused about why April is asking this question.

"Because--" April once again reached for the strap of her bag. Once again letting herself be vulnerable around Sterling. "--you snubbed me the other day. I know we talked about that but I just want to know—if you're mad."

Sterling nodded, She just doesn't know how to answer that question.

"No--" Sterling shrugged her shoulders. "--No I'm not mad. I was just dealing with some stuff right now. I told you about it, right?"

April's face says it all. She's worried about Sterling so much. She took Sterling's hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry."

Hearing these words made Sterling sad. It should be her who's sorry.

"No, You don't need to be sorry. Actually, it's my fault, it was me who forced you to come out. And you're not ready so, now I get it, and I respect that."

April squeezed Sterling's hand. They looked at each other in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, April."

And with that, April closed the gap between her and Sterling. She kissed her and Sterling kissed her back. The two sets of lips that were wanting to be with each other again, just reunited. But unlike their first kiss, the door is already locked. April's heart and Sterling's are both beating fast. It's like a rhythm.

"If you two are kissing, please stop it now I need help, Sterling! Help!"

The kiss parted when Blair forcefully banged on the door.

"And if you guys are banging in there, do not do it on the couch! I do not want your naked butt touching my butt later!"

Sterling got slapped by a reality that it is not gonna be easy but she'll pull through. She will. She believes she will. April rushed to the door then stopped. She looked back at Sterling who's watching her back.

"By the way, Luke and I are known to be dating"

Sterling's heart just froze. She thinks she heard a glass break inside her head. There's a but, Sterl. But I can't tell you that. Because I am going to make it official. She took a deep breath then continuously walked out in there and waited for a cab.

"What happened?"

Blair cannot stand Sterling's long face anymore. She was silent ever since April left. She's sitting on the couch of Bowser's office, looking like she's carrying the world on her shoulders. Blair put back the cocoa can on the shelf and made her way to sit beside Sterling.

"It's, Luke and April. She said the school thinks they're dating."

Blair's eyes arched.

"So? Come on Sterling. You shouldn't be affected. You already know that April is not into Luke, she will never be into men. She said it herself, right? She's gay. You shouldn't really worry about it. Don't bother."

Sterling looked at Blair, realizing that she has a point.

"Yeah! I know April really likes me, I mean, liked me. I don't know. But, yeah. I shouldn't be affected."

Sterling finally smiled. She felt her energy slowly crawling back to her body because of relief. Relief that whatever may happen, April will never fall for Luke.

"Miss Cathy!"

The two jumped out of shock. Miss Cathy is silently cleaning the floor when the twins decided to close the shop up.

"Yeah, I need extra shifts 'cause living ain't cheap."

She stopped mopping the floor and looked at the girls.

"Oh! Sterling, I forgot to tell you, but yesterday, there was a girl asking about you."

The twins looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Who is she? Did she say her name?"

Blair slowly walked towards Miss Cathy. Sterling is left standing outside the counter.

"No, I didn't catch her name but,—"

Blair quickly walked back to Sterling, excited and panicking.

"Oh, my God! You totally have a sister! A sister! Sterling!"

Blair whispered to her.

"What? A sister? No! You're the only sister I have, Blair."

Sterling looked back at Miss Cathy.

"What else did she say? what did she look like?"

Miss Cathy tried to remember the face. But cannot really recall the details.

"She's smaller than you, blonde. She was with a tall guy, sweet looking, curly hair."

Blair turned around then walked back to see Sterling.

"Oh My God! It's April and Luke! They totally had a date!? Here!? What the fuck is wrong with her? She's playing two-faced bitch!"

Sterling cannot stand the thought of it anymore so she ran away. She just ran, just to convert her tears into a sweat. She made her way towards a tunnel underneath the highway. When she can't breathe anymore, she stopped then leaned to the wall. This is too painful for Sterling. This is too painful. How can I get through this? I never thought that this is going to be too much. Even when in too much pain, Sterling still can't feel anger towards April.


She stood up when she heard Blair's voice.

"I'm here!"

She answered then wiped her face that's soaked with tears. She walked out of the tunnel, to meet with Blair.


Blair ran towards her. Hugged Sterling, then they walked back to the car without saying anything.

"Are you still up?"

April looked up from her journal to her phone. She took a deep breath before she replied to Luke's message.

"Yeah, why? What are you doing?"

Asked April. After sending her reply, she looked for Sterling and her conversation. Read back from the top.

She was disrupted by Luke. He wants to facetime with her.

Oh gosh. Is he really this clingy? How did Sterling stand him?

Asked April to herself. But she still decided to answer the call.


Luke slightly chuckled. He sounded a little shy.

"Is this a good time? To call you?"

April smiled then stood up. She went to the bed and sat on the corner.

"Yeah, I guess. So, what were you doing?"

Asked April while roaming her eyes on Luke's back. Trying to take a glimpse of his room.

"Nothing, really. I was trying to finish my song and I just got tired so I stopped and checked in on you"

April took a deep breath. As if she really cares, but this is for the best, to pretend that she cares.

"Listen, Luke. I know that you know that the school thinks we're dating."

Luke kept listening to April.

"And, I really like you. So, why don't we make it official?"

Luke blinked his eyes, thinking if he heard her right.

"I'm sorry, what?—"

Luke's voice, face, and mind are confused.

"—You want to date me?"

April took a deep breath once again.

"Yes. I know you won't ask me for a date if you didn't like me. So now I am telling you that I like you too and now we're official!"

April clapped in happiness. Trying to make a genuine smile but only Sterling can bring that out from her.

"Oh, hehe wow. It's too fast."

April's smile turned into a frown.

"Are you telling me that you lead me on and now you're rejecting me?"

April's threatening voice is stiff and Luke got intimidated.

"No, no. That's not it. I just, it's too fast. But yeah. Yeah. Let's do this!"

Luke slightly laughed, more like a nervous chuckle. He's scared that Sterling will soon find out about him, dating April, her arch-nemesis.