MYS 47 Playing secret

MYS 47 

End of Year Assessment can also be called the end of semester exams, class promotion exams. Where the whole school is arguing with notebooks, modules, and other references. At least in this one week, all the children look serious. Because the stakes are a shame if you don't go to class.

me too.

Usually, to understand and memorize material, it is enough to read three times, but now there is no focus more than seven times. A strange feeling from under the stomach as if it won't go away or is temporarily hiding. Stupid was there as long as I breathed.

Fleeting shrouded in a cloudy day. The clouds of serene nuance continued to hang throughout the day. Three days later it's still the same. As if waiting for something. Or in biological respect, for those of us who are struggling in the battle, trying our fate on a sheet of answers that will determine the future.