MYS 277 It's no big deal as long as you're here

MYS 277 




Ebi is busy preparing the ingredients to load the sushi. Even though he looks very focused, now and then Ebi glances at Karin who is standing in front of him while Jono is busy in the front kitchen of the house making spaghetti. 


  The reason is simple, Jono deliberately left Karin with Ebi while he could find out about Anggi's condition through Edi and Anna. Unfortunately, when Jono tried to call, neither Edi nor Anna answered the call. 


  Finally, Jono got up the courage to call Anggi. 


  "Yes. I'm good. Edi and Anna just came home after dropping off clothes." replied Anggi without further ado. 


  Jono understood that if Anggi immediately spoke like that, it was likely that Maryam was nearby. Should Jono thank Maryam for being kind enough to accommodate Anggi?