Charlene Lust

The Penthouse - 6:00 pm

It was six o'clock by the time the bell dinged in the elevator signaled Charlene's arrival at her floor. The bellhop rolled a luggage cart with her boxes and dresses on it, leading her to her new home away from home. He palmed a card from his jacket, slipped it into the card reader on the door and led the way in. Once inside, he turned for his tip which she handed to him and he left.

Looking around, she walked about the penthouse suite envious of her employer's grotesque wealth. She started at the foyer and sauntered into the living room. She ran her hand over leather couches and across a black baby-grand piano while on her way to french-doors leading to a large balcony. She stood out there for several minutes letting the wind whip her hair as she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off.

Looking back inside the suite, she leaned against the railing as she took off one black five inch pump after the other. With shoes and blouse in her left hand, she unzipped her skirt with her right then pushed it over her broad hips and thick ass until her skirt dropped to the deck. Stepping out of the ring of her skirt, she bent and retrieved it before turning back to look out over frigid downtown Seattle in only her black lace demi-bra and matching black G-string. The frosty thirty-five degree winds tweaked her nipples into thick rosy nubs and goosed her skin, and with a smoky exhale that she watched float away she turned and went back inside.

It was instantly warmer once in doors as she finished her tour of the penthouse. Carrying her clothes with her as she inspected the open kitchen to the left of the foyer, and a hallway that led to guest bedrooms. To the right there were french-doors she assumed led to the master bedroom. Investigating, it was a huge bedroom with a king sized bed, another french-door leading from the bedroom to a huge master bathroom with a shower and jacuzzi tub inside as well as a private outdoor ten man jacuzzi. On the other side of the bathroom she found the master closet.

Walking back to the foyer and the luggage cart, she began moving her new apparel into the closet. She hummed as she hung up her dresses. She held onto a cream lace shoulder clinger mini-dress and looked at the beautiful craftsmanship as she remembered her conversation with Kevin Stacey at the dress shop…

"Ok, here you are Mrs. Galdren, now this dress is what you should be wearing when Mr. Gorden arrives tonight," Kevin instructed, his eyes never leaving hers, "Don't worry a bit of you ruin the dress. Now that I have your fabulous measurements I can replace it as often as needed. Also, if you want, I can personally tailor all your clothes from now on. Anything! You name it, from denim jeans to silk gowns!"

"Thank you Mr. Stacey," She purred with a wry grin for the tailor's exuberance.

With his instructions in mind, she laid the dress out on the bed before unfastening her bra and sliding her G-string over her hips until gravity did the rest of the work and they fell to the floor. Looking over at the jacuzzi-tub longingly, she contemplated all Donald's cum still between her ass cheeks and thighs, and calculated the time she needed to get ready for Randal. With an indulgent grin she sashayed over and turned the knobs to fill the basin. As the water ran, she left to pick out her shoes and to put away the rest of her clothes. When the tub was full, she turned on the jets and stepped down into its hot depths. Hot water caressed her toes and slid up her foot to her thick ankle and calf like a massive tongue licking up her leg until all but her thick muscular thigh was under water. Sitting on the edge of the tub, she sighed as she lifted her other leg over and slipped it in the water before scooting her plump ass off the ledge and lowering herself down. She hissed as the hot water licked at the bottoms of her ass cheeks, and then the lips of her shaved smooth pussy before rolling up her perfectly groomed pubic mound with its one inch wide by three inches long landing strip of long, silky, jet black pubic hair. It felt like warm velvet was sliding over her forty inch hips and ass, and up her flat belly to caress her small 28 inch waist and belly until it was consuming her perky 36 D-cup breasts and relaxing her taut nipples. Once her tush hit the molded seat and only her neck and head were left out of the water, and then closing her eyes she relaxed as the jets massaged her into delirium...


The Galdren Home - 6:00 pm

Heather awoke from a nearly three hour nap to find her daddy's head still snuggled up between her breasts. He had one arm around her waist, and his other hand was squeezing her breast. He felt warm and for some reason calming instead of disgusting like the kids at school that groped her, and it made her wonder if this was how her mother felt with daddy?'

The sudden thought of her mother sent her into a panic as she looked around wildly for her until she realized that Charlene wasn't home and came to the conclusion that she must be working late again. Looking down at Jason, she smiled and craned her neck but couldn't kiss him like she wanted to, so instead she inhaled his scent. He reeked of beer and whisky. She had never seen him drink so much. Worried that something was wrong, she wanted desperately to console him. She wanted to make him stop being sad. She wanted to make him happy again, but what could she do?

For now he needed physical comfort, and she would give it!

Wrapping her arms around his head, she combed his hair with her fingers with one hand while stroking his back with her other. It didn't take long before he roused from sleep. Feeling a woman's body beneath him, he squeezed her breast as his mouth found a thick nipple and began suckling. With his other arm he pulled her belly more firmly into his body as she giggled and shimmied lower.

What they were doing. She knew it should feel wrong, but it felt right. It felt oh so right. It felt so warm, and it was so unbelievably arousing. She could feel her body responding in her womb as her nectar started flowing down and out of her vagina, wetting her pussy-lips until her thongs were drenched. As if Jason could somehow smell her arousal, he suddenly broke off from sucking on her breasts and surged up and planted a kiss on her mouth which turned her thoughts into a haze!

She responded by reaching for his belt, unbuckling his pants and pushing them down freeing his swollen veiny cock with its blood colored mushroom head. With his dick free, Jason got very aggressive and suddenly thrust forward trying to sink his prick into her sopping wet pussy only to be thwarted by her thong. When he kept pushing against her pussy-lips, she realized that he was still asleep, so reaching down she pulled her them aside just as her father's huge mushroom head surged forward splitting her wet taupe-brown labia like curtains to reveal her aroused pink flower within. Once inside her Jason was a machine thrusting in deep and hard until he bottomed out inside her with a resounding, "Whack whack whack whack," of his balls slapping her ass cheeks echoing throughout the house!

She bit her bottom lip as he entered her, and gasped explosively when Jason moved back to sucking her breasts while thrusting inside so deep that he was hitting her womb. The sensation was like electricity shocking her every time his head hit her cervix, and then suddenly she was climaxing, and she closed her eyes and inhaled and held her breath as heat and euphoria exploded throughout her body!

She peaked with a gasp, and as she came back down an unreasonable happiness spread out through her body, starting from her head. She knew she would forever be addicted to the sensation of her father plowing deep inside her pussy. She was just starting to rock her hips and really get back into the rhythm of her father fucking her when his whole body stiffened up, and he was suddenly blasting his seed inside her as his pace became ragged. With a final push, he thrust his erupting head against her cervix and did his best to shoot everything that was him straight into her womb, and in that moment, he woke up!

Sea green eyes fluttered open and locked onto her green-brown hazel eyes as recognition, surprise, horror, and self-crimination spread across his face, "Wha…"

"What's going on," He shrieked, "What have you done? What have I done?"

Jumping off of his beautiful naked daughter pulled his dick out of her seeded pink flower unceremoniously, and he watched in horror as a tiny trickle of his sperm trailed out after him to glaze Heather's beautiful rose petals. The rest, he knew, was planted deeply inside her fertile baby-maker!

"Go quickly and wash yourself out baby! Before you get pregnant! Please hurry!" He shrieked as he grabbed her arm and pulled her off the couch roughly before forcefully pushing her towards the bathroom.

Jogging with the momentum of Jason's push, she figured it might be best to obey him until she could talk her father through his shock. However, walking into her bedroom she rummaged through her desk drawers until she found her diaphragm. Laying on her bed she thrust her hips high in the air and shoved it into her vagina and worked it into place. Hopefully it would hold all of her father's seed right against her cervix until it all made its way into her uterus. Then she went and took a shower.

Thirty minutes later, she stepped out of the shower, dried off, then pulled the diaphragm out to inspect if her father's seed was still in it or if any would leak out and discovered not a drop.

"Good," She mumbled with a broad ebullient smile as some of the fantasy pictures she had painted of her and her mother impregnated by Jason flitted through her mind. She had wanted this for so long. She had hoped he would come to her and tell her how she was a woman now and how he just couldn't quit thinking of her, not as his child but as a young beautiful woman, and now, here she was. It hadn't happened like she had fantasized but he had made love to her and she was full of his sperm now. That had to count for something.

"It's all secure inside my uterus! Now, how do I convince him to contribute more," She mumbled to herself, looking at the towel wrapped around her breasts and body. She would've normally covered herself with it, but as an idea sparked in her mind. Smiling mischievously, she unwrapped her towel and hung it up to dry before walking out to check on her daddy.

When she walked out Jason was still sitting there on the couch, his head in his hands, and his pants still down around his ankles while his manhood was still hard and slick with her juices. Looking up, his red rimmed eyes saw her naked body first, and he ogled her thick muscular thighs, her overly wide hips, her exotically small waist, and her gigantic breasts before he finally met her clear hazel eyes trimmed in the thickest ebony eyelashes he'd ever seen. His cock twitched excitedly, but his eyebrows frowned in guilt. Making her move quickly, she lunged toward her distraught father and knelt before him and cried earnestly, "Daddy! You did nothing wrong! I love you! You were so sad earlier, and I wanted to console you. This was my way of giving you support like you have given me all my life. You make me feel safe, and loved, and wanted, and now you have even made me feel like I am actually attractive and desirable as a woman. So this is my fault if there is blame or punishment, but dad, I am not ashamed! I am happy! Happier than I have been in a long...long time!"

He just looked at her like she was a stranger, or maybe a monster. Hissing in pain, she clasped her breast as her heart broke. He saw her anguish, and winced, and for the first time, Jason really looked at his daughter, searching her eyes for who she was in her soul. Seeing the intensity of her love for him, he realized she exuded love from her entire beautiful body, and his cock bounced and throbbed even more excitedly!

Tears edged his eyes as he condemned his own male reaction, and he dropped his eyes to his lap again. Leaning in so she could look up into his eyes, she would not let him retreat. Her mouth was now only inches away from his throbbing penis, and she could smell herself and him on it and it seemed like it was even bigger than when he came in her the first time and it made her ache to have him inside her all the more!

"Daddy! Please look at me. Please talk to me," She begged.

"Honey," He cried as he shook his head in self-loathing and he stared at his treacherous dick, "I don't think you grasp what we've done. What I've you! First; Honey, I had sex with my own daughter!! Second; I took your virginity! Third; I may have gotten you pregnant! I just ruined your life!"

Why did she feel like she was the parent here as the corners of her mouth turned up in a smile at her father's concern for her, "Daddy! First off; I love you, so I don't care how closely related we are! Fuck incest! This is the love I want from you for the rest of my life, consequences be damned..."

Jason didn't respond, he wouldn't even meet her eyes, so she continued, "Besides, with you being of Welsh descent and mom a second generation Indian immigrant, even being your daughter I think any child we have will most likely be fine. So, like I said before, I don't care if this is incest…"

He looked up at that, his irritated tearful eyes staring into hers hollowly and she knew she had to say something quickly to pull him out of this depression, "Second; you did not take my virginity, though I so wish you had. Daddy, I've never shared this because, well, because I was where you are right now emotionally, and if I had to endure any further humiliation I would have killed myself."

His gaze hardened and she could see she was making progress as she continued, "I was raped by a lesbian at school. It was in the gym showers after class. The girl that raped me, her name is Joan. I haven't been a virgin since the day after I turned eighteen."

Jason's eyes blazed with outrage and protectionism and she sighed in relief. Finally he was pulling out of his depressive possibly suicidal state as she finished, "Lastly Daddy, there is no other man's child I would rather carry than yours. As I said before, I feel happier now in the last few hours than I have in a long time, and you did that to me! Your hands on my breasts warm me up, your head in my cleavage aroused my heart, and I hope your seed does impregnate me!"

"This isn't right," He hissed with a shake of his head, but she didn't let him start down that train of thought again.

Surging forward, she grabbed his head and planted a kiss on him equal to all his previous subconscious kisses. He pushed back against her feebly, but she climbed on top of him and straddled his lap quickly and grabbed his dick and guided it to her vagina before sitting down on him as best she could before he could fight her off. It wasn't as smooth as she had hoped, but as she sat down she rammed him straight up to the mouth of her cervix!

Jason bucked and fought just short of physically throwing her off his lap and across the room. With that sort of disadvantage she just tightened her legs and held tight not letting go and started rocking her hips in time with his thrusts. His dick swelled up as she stimulated him, and he growled when she leaned in for a kiss. Pulling away, he sat there and glared at her angrily...

"Please Daddy! Please love me," She begged as she hugged him, laying her head on his chest, "Love me like you love mom!"

"Release me Heather," He growled sternly, "Release me now! Or, will you rape me, just like you were raped by that girl, Joan?"

The implication hit her like a fist in the stomach! She hadn't thought of it as rape, "I just wanted you to realize this is me. That I want this!"

He didn't respond, and he didn't participate, as she slowly rocked her pussy on his dick.

"I want mother has you! Daddy!" She whimpered. Guilt and sadness stabbed at her heart and she stopped rocking her pussy and pushed herself up so she could look into his eyes, "Please love me! Please make love to me!"

She pleaded with him, her own eyes now desperate as she sat mounted on his cock with it's tip buried deep inside kissing her womb. Jason just glared at her, his eyes firm and unwavering, and his face filled with hurt and disappointment. It stabbed her to her very core, and her bottom lip started quivering as she held out a hesitant hand to him.

Had she just ruined her relationship with her father? Tears welled up in her eyes, lined her bottom lashes, and then cascaded over to stream down her cheeks. With a shaky shuddering cry, she leaned in and tenderly kissed her father's soft pink lips. He didn't move or respond in the slightest, and her quivering cry became a wheezing tormented bawling as she pulled her lips from her father's mouth. Feeling soundly rejected, she quickly pushed herself up off of his hard throbbing organ and stood there in front of him like a diminutive, chastised, little girl.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry daddy," She cried in shuddering broken-hearted sobs as she stood there in front of her father naked and humiliated, with one arm wrapped around and one under her breasts plumping them up exponentially!

Between her thighs hung a single creamy dollop of cum and lubrication that was dangerously close to snapping and falling into the carpet. Jason couldn't pull his eyes away from the glistening creamy string hanging just below his daughter's smooth pussy-lips. Heather shifted her weight and the silver string disappeared as it swung up and stuck to her labia, and his mother's voice rang in his ears from twenty-four years previous, "Jason, a father never cultivates his daughters garden. Rather it is your responsibility as the oldest son to teach your sisters how to please a man, and it is your older sister's responsibility to teach you how to please a woman."

Of course the next day his mother had him fuck her in the shower and bathing pool before later telling him that sometimes you just have to fuck the rules. Looking at his daughter from her head to her toes he had to admit that she was stunning. Far and away more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen including supermodels, actresses, playmates, and penthouse centerfolds. She was more beautiful than any woman he knew with the exception of her mother, Charlene. Staring at her camel-toe pussy as another lone tendril of cum began dropping down to hang from his baby girl's pussy, he had to admit that she wasn't his baby girl anymore. She was a full grown woman!

"Go to your room and go to bed," He finally commanded.

She broke down completely, sniffling giving way to deeply agonized sobs as she ran to her room in shame...


The Penthouse - 7:00 pm

Charlene heard the entry door to the penthouse open and close, followed by the slow purposeful click of shoes on tile as they came closer. She was ready for Randal when he stepped into the master bathroom. She was sitting in front of the vanity with her long taupe-brown legs crossed, her hands were in her lap, and her long jet black hair fell to the small of her bare back.

Her dress was creamy white with long lace sleeves. The body of the dress was skin tight, conforming to every curve of her voluptuous body and ending high on her thighs just two inches below her pussy and bared the bottoms of her ass cheeks. It was a shoulder clinger, looking like it would fall off at a breath of air and V'd down to the bottom of her sternum bearing an impressive amount of cleavage, and V'ing down to the back all the way to the top of her ass. There wasn't hardly any material to the tiny thing and she absolutely loved it. It exposed her forty inch bust, accentuated her twenty-eight inch waist, and clung to her forty inch hips and booty extremely nicely!

It was made to be worn braless, but upon request, she wasn't wearing any kind of panties. She knew there was no way to sit without baring her now completely shaven pussy and pubic mound to everyone, and the sheer eroticism of it sent a thrill to her core warming her up and lubricating her labia!

"You're a vision Mrs. Galdren," Randal complemented.

"Call me Charlene…Charlene Lust, Miss Lust, or just Lust. Calling me Mrs. Galdren just reminds me of where and with whom I am supposed to be with," She purred sensually while feeling guilty and exhilarated all at the same time.

"Charlene Lust," He mused, rolling the name over in his mouth like he was tasting the flavor of a fine wine, "I like it. Well, Miss Lust, do not expect us to ease you into our new contractual relationship. This is the honeymoon, and we expect the same kind of enthusiasm!"

"Of course," She answered huskily, her eyes glinting seductively, "I am always an...aroused...professional."

Randal smiled and held out his hand for her to take, and as he pulled her to her feet instead of kissing her as she expected he simply turned and led her out of the suite and down and out of the building to an awaiting 'Lincoln Towncar'...


Charlene sat in silence, listening to the noise of traffic, of the tires rolling down the highway as she watched Randal out of the corner of her eye, or his reflection in the window, or directly when he asked a question. He was the oldest of the partners closer to fifty than forty. He had a nice face with distinguished eyebrows, piercing blue eyes, and noble nose, nice lips if a little too serious and a well defined jaw. His hair was black and his skin tanned. When he had the chance to tan she couldn't even begin to fathom, and there he was, tall and strong, standing around six feet four inches and arrogantly calm and commanding sitting next to her, his left hand between her thighs.

After twenty-four years with her only lover being Jason, the eroticism of this stranger softly caressing her pussy-lips felt like electricity arcing across her skin as the bottom side of his fingers slowly stroked down across her soft smooth labia!

Even after fucking Donald three times at the office, warmth pulsed in her womb. The heat of her need spread throughout her belly and her pussy-lips felt wet as nectar leaked out from her vagina. She could feel a large dollop of clear honey collecting at her vagina as his fingers raked across her labia. A fingernail traced the line of her closed labia while the others raked back across her skin. That one fingernail caught the bulging dollop of nectar and spread along her vulva. She wanted more of her employer's fingers deeper inside her pussy, but Randal wouldn't go any further!

She tried to convince herself that it was fine, and instead focused on the feeling of his fingernails continuous stroking! Soon she was scooting her ass down, spreading her legs apart, and having a hard time resisting the urge to arch her back and tilting her hips! All but demanding he push deeper inside and fuck her, as the ball of warmth growing in her belly turned into a giant fireball making her head swim with need and desire!

"So, where are we going?" She sighed disappointedly, deciding to try and take her mind off the wondrous sensations between her thighs by asking questions.

"The Volton. It's a high-end nightclub that has dancing, and a restaurant, and other interesting things..."

"Oh! Wow! I just signed the contract today. I haven't even had time to discuss some of the changes it calls for with Jason. So, I can't be out too late tonight or Jason will worry," She said, reminding him of her circumstances.

"Yes, well, you had best be convincing when you inform him you will be late," He said, his voice cool and firm, even while still stroking her pussy, "I will tell you this only once; I don't give a flying fuck about your home environment. It's not my problem. It's yours. However, I do care about this environment. So if you want to get paid, stay focused!"

"Yes sir," She answered demurely, then a question that had plagued her resurfaced and she asked, "Why me sir?"

"Why you," He echoed her question, tasting the words as he seemed to roll them over in his mouth like he was tasting wine before he finally answered, "That is a very layered question. Obviously we have several women in the office, all of them the most beautiful candidates we could find. You are the oldest of all of them being thirty-six, but you are also by far and away the most beautiful. You are absolutely flawless, from your hair to your toes, and you are also in the very prime of your fertility. That pretty much covers your physical requirements, and though I'm sure Donald informed you, let me reiterate; I will be trying to impregnate you!"

She was so lost in the feeling of his fingernails raking across her pussy-lips that she spread her thighs wider, her pussy opening invitingly as she nearly meowed, "So what happens do impregnate me?"

His fingers paused briefly on her pussy as he thought over how to answer her question.

"Next was ethics," He continued as if she hadn't just asked him about Impregnation, "Your work ethic is beyond reproach, so we wanted a woman that would be as invested in her professional performance and discretion as we are. Being older and married to one man for twenty years, speaks both to your loyalty and guaranteed that you would be as interested in cautiousness as we are. Then there is the fact that while you are flirtatious and clearly an exhibitionist you haven't had any affairs, though you clearly could have if you had wanted to!"

"Who says I haven't," She purred huskily as she rocked her hips so he rubbed his fingers down her vulva, pulling back her labia and tickling her clitoris before running his nails down and pushing two fingers deep inside her vagina!

He whisked his fingers inside her as he massaged circles around her cervix, "Well, if you have, our private investigator couldn't find it. Anyway, continuing on, your obstetric records also assured us that, affair or no affairs, you were absolutely STD free, and lastly, you are a sexually experienced woman with an inner tigress reflected in your confidence and office attire. We didn't want a virgin or inexperienced girl that would require years of training to our tastes…"

"Oh," She hummed lasciviously, she had no idea they had researched her so thoroughly, going so far as to get her medical records. Mentally shrugging her shoulders over the Partners thoroughness, she spread her legs wider, pulled her dress up to her waist, scooted her ass down the seat, and turned so Randal could finger fuck her pussy…

For now she would enjoy the rest of the ride...


The Galdren House - 7:00 pm

Jason came into Heather's room thirty minutes later. He had taken a shower, a long cold shower, and thought about his life. He thought about his mother and sister's.

The memory of his oldest sister taking his virginity and giving him hers. He thought of his mother teaching him her anatomy and how to satisfy her and his sister's sexual needs, and he thought of his incest children with his mother and sisters and how he had chosen Charlene and Heather over them when he left and they moved to Seattle. He had turned his back on his incestuous family and his responsibilities as the Cultivator of his Family Garden. He had turned his back on that lifestyle, and now, here he was plowing his own daughter's garden!

Cold water washed over him, and he came to the conclusion that the damage was done. He had sex with his daughter, and pregnant or not, their relationship was changed forever. It was now sexual. He was her father, but he was now her man as well, and he would treat her like she was his woman!

He washed his whole body, and then brushed his teeth when he got out, hoping to reduce the smell of booze as much as possible. He shaved, and put on cologne, and then he went to her...

Heather heard her father go and take a shower, she was sad and worried but she had quit crying when she heard his footfalls coming near her door. Of course her shaky whimpers resumed when she heard him pass her room. She listened to him shower and wished she were there with him, and then she heard him get out and brush his teeth.

That was something he always did before he made love to mom!

Hopeful, she got up and quietly washed her face before crawling back into bed nude, hoping that he would come to her. When her door opened softly and she saw her daddy's silhouette cast against the half light behind him, her heart was beating so hard it sounded like drums in her ears!

Jason closed the door as he moved across the room to his little girls bed and crawled in. He crawled on top of her as she giggled and spread her legs to him. He didn't immediately move for insertion, rather he began kissing her tenderly on her mouth. After several minutes, he moved down to her jaw and neck, then her clavicle before kissing down her sternum and up the soft sloping mountain of her left breast to its peak to gently suckle on her nipple.

She moaned softly at the warm ball roiled in her belly that she came to associate with her womb, "Oh! It feels so good," She purred rapturously as warm euphoria rolled her eyes up into her skull.

Arching her back, she let her moans take control as her father's hard throbbing mushroom head stretched her pussy out around his circumference as he sank into her aching center until his soft velvety head hit her womb. With her back arched, the top of his rod rubbed her spongy G-spot while the bottom side of his head pressed into the back of her vaginal wall to rub against her rectum sending her into a long intense orgasm, and then another, and another. One after another!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" She moaned prettily each time she came, as her juices flooded her vagina and ran down the cheeks of her ass to soak her bed sheets!

Each time she climaxed, she clamped down on her father's rod so hard it was actually hard for him to keep driving into her. Remarkably, he held off his own orgasm until she came three times before thrusting in deep! Pushing in hard on her cervix, he imagined feeling it give and widen for him as sperm surged through his groin to blast his seed into her fertile vault for very unsafe storage. She wanted to be pregnant, then he would impregnate her tonight!

He would not stop until she was so full of his seed it would be impossible for her not to be!

Kissing her mouth, he whispered, "I love you baby," as they both rested for a few minutes before he began moving inside her again.