Homefront, pt 2

Standing naked under the shower faucet as hot water rained over her. Charlene's taupe-brown skin and raven black hair glistened as water ran in rivulets down her supple curves. She leaned her head over against the tile wall and let herself cry as her body shuddered in anguish. When she felt, not relieved so much as emotionally spent, she washed her body and douched as best she could. Despite what she said earlier, she'd be damned if she let any of the men fucking her get her pregnant before she was good and ready!

Jason joined her in the shower just as she finished washing and she stabbed him full of dagger-looks as she got out and left him to shower alone. For almost twenty-four years they had always bathed together, and in one week that ship was blown clear out of the water, but she was still way too pissed off to spend anymore time with him. There were so many angry words she wanted to shout at the man, like; she knew he was cheating on her. That she knew he was fucking a younger woman. That she knew he was FUCKING their only daughter. That he was an incestuous bastard. And most of all, she wanted to gloat and tell him how she had fucked over a hundred other men this last week, and she had let them all come in her pussy until she was overflowing!

Instead she toweled off, and grumbled all the things she wanted to say under her breath as she wrapped her hair and walked out to the foyer buck-ass naked. She didn't care at all anymore whether Heather saw her. She was obviously a grown ass woman, and she could handle it...or not!

She retrieved her bags and brought them back to the bedroom. Sitting them on the bed, she dug into her attaché case and pulled out an envelope with a single pill inside.

The day after her first night with Randal, she took a personal day and went to the health department for a morning after pill and a STD test. The clinic called by the end of the week and informed her that she was STD free, though she supposed she didn't know for sure if she still was now. She hadn't wanted to come home for her diaphragms the previous week, so she had been saving this pill even though per her contract, she couldn't use chemical contraceptives. Which meant, no birth control and no day-after pills.

"Fuck them," She thought in a mental growl, and popped the pill in her mouth and swallowed it. After fucking all week raw and unprotected if she wasn't pregnant it would be a fucking miracle, but now, if she was… she soon wouldn't be.

Going to her chest of drawers she pulled her lingerie drawer open and dug under her thongs and G-strings until her fingers found what she was looking for, her new and old diaphragm. It dawned on her that Donald hadn't mentioned her new diaphragm, so they must have started and finished their background check before January of last year.

Opening the new one, she squatted down, shoved it inside her vagina, and secured it over her cervix. It was only a year old and even though she had neglected it, it should still be fine. Standing up, timidity suddenly struck her as she opened the old diaphragm and inspected it.

Shaking her head, she ran her fingers over the dried out and cracked membrane, and sighed, "Fuck! I'm so going to get pregnant in no time!"

Both diaphragms new and old were made of smooth, thin and ultra cheap latex. Both needed to be maintained and lubricated to keep them from drying out and cracking. Since she had been, until recently, only fucking Jason, and only in the ass, she had forgotten and neglected both of them. There were already dry spots speckling the new one, but they were small and she felt confident in its integrity. Not so for the old one, the entire cup looked like a spiderweb of cracks, small tears, and holes.

Testing its elasticity resulted in several new micro-tears that she knew sperm would have no problem penetrating. Taking a bottle of she lubricated it and rubbed the fragile latex before she put it back in its container, then she put both new and old containers in her briefcase. The next things she retrieved were all of her toys; ben-wa balls, anal beads, vibrators, dildos, nipple pinchers, and clitoris pinchers before putting them in the attaché case and locked it.

Walking to her vanity, she sat naked in front of her mirror and pulled the towel from around her hair, blew it dry, and braided it for bedtime. Afterward, she pulled a long diaphanous silk nightgown out and slipped it on. It felt good to have something so soft caressing her skin. The gown was a soft creamy pink and transparent enough that her entire naked body was quite admirable through it.

Jason finished his shower and plodded out naked to find his boxer briefs and pajama bottoms. Mad as she was at the man, he still had a beautiful ass, and long legs, and his back was so strong, broad, and defined!

When he looked over at her she looked away, but she always returned to admiring his body. With a sigh, she stood up and left the room while he was still pulling his pajama bottoms on, and went out to find Heather in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Hey baby," She greeted, feigning a cheery mood to mask the resentment she felt for Heather at the moment, "What are you cooking?"

"Spaghetti with meatballs and mushrooms and extra parmesan cheese," Heather answered happily before turning around and hugging her. Pushing back from their hug she ogled Charlene, and then exclaimed as she gestured like she was too hot to touch, "Damn mom! You are so beautiful, and that gown is to die for!"

Charlene found herself blushing even though she was privately trying to show up Heather and establish that she was still the queen of her house and Jason's Goddess of sex, not her. It didn't seem to phase Heather though, and only elicited Heather ogling her with an intense almost pornographic admiration.

"So, how've your classes been going," She asked tentatively, trying to change the atmosphere.

"Good. Boring as hell," Heather answered.

"How about you and Jason," She probed to see what Heather would divulge or admit to, "What have you two been up to all week while I was in the city?"

Heather blushed as she thought about what they had been up to, and then with a sultry smiled answered, "Just fucking around mostly. Watching TV and movies, and such. Dad took me out to dinner Wednesday night. He took me to get my nails done and my hair trimmed Thursday. Saturday we went to a park and walked around, and Sunday we just laid about the house all day."

Charlene wasn't a naïve little girl. She was completely capable of reading between the not so subtle lines. They had fucked all week long except when Jason took her out, and they had fucked all day Sunday. Probably from mid-morning to midnight!

"Mom," Heather said in a hushed undertone breaking Charlene's breakdown of her daughters and Jason's itinerary for the last week. She looked up from staring at the floor to gaze into her daughter's eyes as Heather continued, "You should have been here this week. Dad really needed you Monday. Do you know he lost his job?"

She nodded, as Heather went on, "He was a mess when I got home from school...I...didn't know what to do...so I did my best to do what you would have done mom."

"I," Charlene gulped, so that was the catalyst, "I am so sorry! But, I am proud of you for taking care of your dad so well while I was gone..."

"Mom," Heather said quietly, her eyes dropping to fixate on the table as she confessed, "I never told you this... and I just told dad last week... but... I wanted you to hear it from me. Last year, the day after I turned eighteen... I was raped by a girl in school. She's a lesbian... anyway... I wanted you to know. I wasn't sleeping around."

Charlene stood there in shock, staring at her daughter in horror as tears welled up in her eyes. So... another piece of the puzzle of what brought Jason and Heather together fell into place.

"I'm so sorry Heather," Charlene cried as she embraced her little girl and tried to enfold her in as much love and reassurance as she could convey, "I wish you had told me sooner..."

"I was embarrassed... I still am embarrassed," Heather admitted, her voice shaky from trying to not break down into a puddle of tears.

Jason walked in and Heather pulled away from her mother and stirred the pot of spaghetti and he eyed them both, assessing the emotional current of his two beautiful women and then asked, "Did you tell her about what happened to you at school?"

"Only just," Heather answered as she finished stirring the pot, and then turned on the balls of her feet and in three quick sensual strides flung her arms around her father's waist, and pulled herself up to give him a tender, extremely sensual kiss on the lips.

Jason's eyes went wide open in shock and he looked over at Charlene apologetically. She was so taken aback, her mouth hanging open in shock! When his eyes met hers she closed her mouth and grew stony-faced with jealousy as he pushed Heather away exclaiming, "What the fuck Heather?!"

"I'm sorry babe," He began to apologize, "Heather has been very emotional and affectionate lately..."

"Don't," She growled angrily and got angrier by the second as Jason tried to lie his way out of Heather's rebellious outing of their relationship, "Don't fucking lie to me!"

"Babe," He started again.

"Mom," Heather pleaded.

"Stop," She yelled and stomped her foot in emphasis, "I know!"

"You," Jason whispered, "Know," Heather finished.

"Yes," She screamed in anger, as tears ran down her face, ""I know you two are fucking behind my back! I saw you! Together! Monday night!"


"Why would you do this to me?!"

"It's why I left and went back to the city. Because you two broke my heart!"

"Then I come home and YOU," She stabbed her finger at Jason, and railed on spitting his name like a curse, "Jason! I come back home resolved to forgive and forget! I fuck your brains out of you fucking head, and YOU have the gall to get pissy and pout and tell me you want to fucking knock ME up! That you are mad because I haven't been popping fucking babies out every two years like you want ME TO! Well...FUCK!! YOU!!!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs, "Why would I ever want to have kids with you…," She wailed pitifully as snot and drool and tears streamed down her face to drip into her beautiful nightgown, "...when you're molesting our DAUGHTER!"

Jason was blown away. He had never seen Charlene so livid in all their time together. Sure they had their fights, but they were nothing... compared to this. He felt heartbroken at his wife being so distraught, he hated himself for what he had done, and he hated Heather in that moment for what she had done to him!

Heather was crying, and shaking her head, trying to break through her mother's tirade and tell her that Jason had not instigated what happened. That it had been all her. That she was the one at fault for seducing her father but, Charlene was like a volcano the more she shrieked at them the angrier she got. The angrier she got the more her body shook in rage and the more expressive, and colorful her language got. Charlene was an erupting human volcano about to go absolutely nuclear!

Heather couldn't take it anymore when her mother called her father a molester.

As soon as the words were out of Charlene's mouth she hated herself and she hated Jason. Heather's face was a tearful pleading mess, and then she watched as her daughter's demeanor changed, and even seeing it she had no time to react when Heather suddenly flew out of her father's arms, crossed the kitchen, and slapped her as hard as she could across her face!

Charlene was stunned and reeling as Heather hugged her close, burying her face in her neck and hair and crying as she entreated her mother, "Please! Mom! It's my fault! Not daddy's! He has never touched me...EVER! The way you are claiming... until Monday... and he only did that because he was drunk and I was trying to console him... like I thought you would if you were home."

She tensed and began to retort, but Heather hugged her tighter and interrupted her. "I did this mom...I did...and I am so...so..so..sorry! I...just have never felt so safe...and loved...and wanted...and adored...then in that moment with daddy. For the first time in my life I felt good when a boy, or a man, touched me! And, for the first time I wanted to be you," Heather whispered into her ear.

"You should have seen daddy," Heather continued, "He was apoplectic and very nearly suicidal, I think. That is, until I convinced him that this is what I want. Momma, I want to stay here with you and daddy and I want us to be one big family. Where we feel safe, and loved, and wanted!"

Charlene was starting to tense up trying to reject her daughter and her argument. Heather pulled back just a little and looked at her mother, her eyes were red and swollen, her nose was flaring as tears and snot ran down around her mouth. Even in her distress her mother was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen! So much more beautiful than herself.

Leaning in Heather kissed her mother passionately! Trying to convey all that she said, and all that she felt in that long sensual kiss. Charlene fought against her momentarily, but then... Heather felt her mother's tongue probe her mouth! Heather opened to her and let their tongues intertwine as their salty passion filled kiss went on and on as they suckled on each other's lips.

Jason was stunned and as he watched, his cock grew and throbbed in his pajamas as Charlene tilted her head back and Heather kissed down her jawline, down to her ear, before kissing and biting her mother's neck down to her collar bone. Jason want to join them and pull their clothes off and fuck them both right there in the kitchen, but the spaghetti was starting to bubble and pop. Pushing away from the counter he crossed the kitchen and stirred the pot before turning the dial down to low as he watched his girls become more frenzied in their lust!

By the time he had the spaghetti stirred and turned down, Heather was pulling her mother's nightgown off in a hurry, while Charlene was pushing Heather's thongs down over her hips to fall to the kitchen floor.

"Bed...room," Charlene suggested lustily in between kisses, as her gown fell to the floor to join Heather's panties.

Heather pulled back, taking her mother's hands and pulled her along as she led the way to Jason and Charlene's king sized bed. Charlene had only enough time to grab Jason's hand and pull him along too.

By the time Heather crawled on the bed she was naked. She laid back and spread her thighs as her mother climbed on top of her. Jason watched his daughter and his wife kiss and grope each other. Fondle and squeeze each other's breasts, tweak and nibble each other's nipples until they were squealing! It was a live porno come to reality in his bedroom as they shuffled around so that Charlene's thighs were over Heather's, with her calves wrapped under and her feet sticking out while Heather's legs were spread wide and straight out in a split!

Jason pulled the ties on his pajamas and pushed them and his boxer-briefs to his ankles as Charlene positioned her hips so that her and Heather's pussies were pubic mound to pubic mound! Jason climbed up on the bed and lined his dick up and slid into Charlene's wet pussy!

He thrust in until he bottomed out and slid back out as Charlene purred in Heather's mouth, "Ohhhhhhh fuck me!"

Jason loved the arousal in his wife's voice and began slamming her soft wet pussy! He lasted all of 60 seconds before he was coming inside her. As soon as he finished his first climax he pulled out and slammed his dick into Heather's pussy!

"Ohhhhhhh... daddy," Heather mewled as he slammed home.

Charlene grabbed Heather's breasts in that moment and twisted her daughter's thick taupe-brown nipple as she bit the other and flicked it's tip with her tongue!

"EyeeeeeeeYeeeeeeeeee," Heather wailed as her back arched so Jason was only able to keep the tip of his dick in her as she convulsed as her orgasm exploded through her body!

Charlene was so aroused by the erotic taboo she smiled delightedly at the orgasmic face her daughter was making as her mouth hung open in a profound orgasmic-O, her chest expanding as she breathed in and held it as her eyes fluttered and rolled up into her skull! Charlene bit down on her daughter's breast so hard that she tasted blood, and twisted Heather's other breast as all the air she was holding was suddenly released in a mighty shriek of pleasure and pain!

As Heather's orgasm dissipated, all of her energy expended, she collapsed back into the bed as Jason rammed his cock deep into her womb. Charlene pulled away from Heather's breasts, knowing that they were tender now and additional attention would only be painful.

Jason reached down and wrapped his hands around his wife's waist and pulled her back from Heather and slid his left hand down her soft flat belly to slip his fingers between her pussy-lips and began softly caressing her vulva from the entry of her vagina up to her clitoris. Simultaneously, he slid his right hand up her belly and wrapped his arm around her chest, just under her breasts, and pulled her back against him.

Charlene responded by tilting her head back toward her husband and kissed his mouth as he shifted his hand to cup her left breast. Charlene leaned back into her husband's body, pushed her ass into his hips, and felt his strong abdominals against her soft plump ass as he plunged his cock into their daughter.

She wrapped her arms behind her and around Jason's lower hips and grabbed two handfuls of his small rock hard ass and relished the feeling of his muscles tightening and relaxing and he fucked!

Pulling away from kissing Jason she purred sensually, "I want you to fuck me! I want you to come in my ass...in my pussssssy...I want you to shoot your creamy load across my ass cheeks...I want you to spray your seed all over my belly...and...lastly...I want you to come...innnnn....myyyyy...mouth...and I want you to watch me drink your come like you're my own personal dairy cow!"

Charlene dug her nails into Jason's ass as she felt him tighten up and thrust with every release.

Jason couldn't hold back anymore as his wife talked dirty to him. He thrust a finger into Heather's vagina as he squeezed Charlene's chest and breast as he bit down on her neck and shoulder. He thrust his cock in deep a final time and sprayed his daughter full of sperm!

"Mmmmm," Charlene purred, "This is more fun than I anticipated! I quite enjoy feeling your body quake as you come in our daughter... it's a shame we didn't have any sons because I would love to feel them shooting come in me..."

"We can remedy that," He mumbled back as the peak of his release settled into a warm afterglow.

Pulling his dick out of his daughter he guided it to Charlene's ass and thrust his come slick rod up inside her rectum as she sighed in pleasure.

"Mm, I've never told you how much I love it when you fuck me in the ass have I," Charlene said her voice husky with arousal, "Well, I...love...getting...ass fucked! Maybe...one...day...we...can invite another man in...so I can be ass...fucked...and pussy fucked...at the same time..."

"Hmmm, good to know," He growled in her ear, not opposed to the idea… at the moment.

"That way...I can feel your long...strong...cock...deep inside my...tight...little...ass," She continued in a purr, "...as your hips slam my fat...juicy...butt...as another long...thick...veiny...dick...fucks in...and out...of my tight...undulating...pussy...as I lubricate...my cool...silky...nectar...all up and down his swollen meat as he comes...and comes...and comes...in my hot...fertile... furnace...filling me up so...full...that he might...just...im..preg..NATE...ME!" Charlene's sultry sex talk turned into a long guttural moan as Jason pounded her ass like a pile driver!

As her last words rang in Jason's ears he flooded her ass with a torrent of come and he orgasmed harder than he ever had in twenty-four years of being with her. His whole body shook as he squeezed the air out of her chest, as he thrust his fingers up into her cervix, and thrust his cock deep into her ass as he pumped cup after cup of come deep into her intestines!

"Fuck," Charlene mewled as she fell forward on to her daughter as Jason spent the last of his energy fucking her ass to a slow grinding halt.

"Fuckkkk," Heather whispered in awe, "That was so fucking hot!"

Charlene let Jason's cock slide out of her ass, and then twisted and lay beside her daughter on the bed. Jason, a shadow of his usual vigor collapsed on Heather's other side, and they all laid their basking in their afterglows before Charlene finally admitted, "I signed a contract with work as part of my new wage increase. They think I'm an asset they want to cultivate, and so, they are paying my tuition to go to law school."

"Huh," Jason harrumphed, "That's awesome babe, you're worth it. It's just a shame it took them 10 years to see it."

"Yea, well I will be starting school in the fall," She continued, "Aside from that, I had to sign a contract to continue working for them for the next ten years and there is a non-compete clause."

"Really," Jason mumbled, "Is that why you don't want to have children right now?"

"Yeah," She lied before continuing, "There's a pregnancy clause too. If I get pregnant they can fire me and we lose everything and I still can't compete."

"I see," Jason whispered.

Her heart ached. Jason didn't see. How could he? She hadn't even come close to giving him all of the facts. The facts were; she was a very expensive, maybe even the highest paid, prostitute, in recent history. And, she was really starting to enjoy it!

She would make this up to Jason! Somehow...

Propping herself up on her elbow, she looked at Heather and Jason intently. Heather became intimidated by the intensity of her scrutiny and looked away. Jason, however, just smiled and stared right back at her as he very obviously ogled her from her thighs to her eyes!

"I'm sorry for being a dick earlier," He apologized suddenly, taking her by surprise.

Smiling wickedly, she purred, "I rather like your dick!"

Jason laughed and Heather guffawed, "Oh fuck, mom!"

"I," Charlene began, and was interrupted by her stomach growling loudly, "am apparently hungry!"

"Me too," Heather agreed.

Jason pulled himself up and pulled Charlene and Heather up with him, "I put the spaghetti on low, but if we don't eat soon it's going to be mush."

Heather made an unpleasant face at the thought and led the way to the kitchen...

They all chatted and laughed about the week's events, and reminisced over the childhood antics and memories of Heather when she was little and Charlene spent a lot of time watching her little girl, and the rest of the time watching how Jason treated her. They were all sitting around their small round dining table when Heather and Jason both realized Charlene hadn't said much in a while and they both turned to her, fixing her with smiling stares until she realized she was caught zoning. Charlene's eyes came back into focus and she smiled at Jason and Heather.

"I was just thinking," Charlene said to them "I love you two so much... I want to stay like this forever too. You, Jason, and me, and Heather as a new incestuous family unit," Jason and Heather smiled at each other and took each other's hands before they each held out a hand for Charlene to take, "I...think," She continued hesitantly, still unsure of her feelings about what she was about to suggest, "if Heather isn't already pregnant she soon will be."

Heather looked startled, but unashamed, and then smiled happily.

"You haven't used any birth-control at all have you," She asked Heather and Jason, "this whole last week?"

They both shook their heads no.

She smiled and nodded, reassuring them she wasn't upset before she continued, "If this is what you want, then I think Jason, Heather can give you what I can not right now. I think. No, I want you two to have the babies I can't have for you right now. This is my blessing. I...want...this to be our new family, and from now I think we should all sleep in the same bed as well. That way we'll always know where to find each other..."

"Oh shit," Heather squealed excitedly, "Thank you mamma! Thank you thank you thank you!" She cried as she jumped up and rushed around the table to hug her. "Thank you," She whispered a final time in her ear.

Everyone slurped up spaghetti and munched on meatballs. Charlene left to get three cups and ice tea from the refrigerator. When she returned she poured tea for everyone then sat back down. Heather was slurping up a mouthful of spaghetti while Jason was taking a humongous bite out of a huge meatball, when she looked up and smiled at her lovers and asked, "So, do you want to watch some TV, or a movie, or go back to bed and play some more?"

"Play some more," Jason and Heather answered in unison.

They didn't even look at each other or even wait till their mouths were empty. She laughed and shook her head as she purred, "Okay!"


February 12, 2008 -

Gordon, Dole, and Smit Law Offices - 8:00 am

"Good morning Mrs. Galdren," Donald greeted warmly as she came into his office for a morning meeting.

"Good morning Mr. Smit," Charlene answered, her tone professional.

"Did you get things resolved last night," Randal asked.

"Yes, Mr. Gordon very much so," Charlene answered with an almost sensual smile.

"Good," Donald answered as Charlene walked around his desk and set some files down for him to look over.

Today she wore a rose colored lace bra with a matching under-bust corset with a transparent cream blouse. Her dress was a burgundy minidress that only reached her mid-thighs with a four inch slit in the back that cut straight up and showed a little ass cheek when she walked. She wore no stockings or thigh-highs today, only cream five inch heels.

Donald slyly slid his hand up her inner thigh from behind, and found out that she wasn't wearing any panties when his thumb slid up between her ass cheeks and rubbed her soft puckered anus as his pointer and index fingers slid inside her soft wet vagina.

"Ahhhh, no panties again today, Mrs. Galdren," Donald asked dejectedly.

"I am sorry, Mr. Smit," Charlene purred as she shifted her weight from leg to leg as she widened her stance so he could rub her as much, and as deeply as he wanted, "I am afraid I have stopped wearing panties to work. I just can't afford to buy new panties every week."

"Well that's a shame," Donald mumbled.

"It is a good thing you have found you stride Mrs. Galdren," Randal announced, bringing the discussion back to what he considered important, "Tonight you will be meeting Leon at the Penthouse..."

"Oh Yes," Leon interrupted, "Finally my turn to play with Mrs. Galdren. Well, I expect you to greet me at the door at eight o'clock and completely naked, understand?"

Focusing on Mr. Dole, Charlene tried to not orgasm right in front of her bosses as she shakily nodded yes.

"Good," Leon purred happily, "Now Donald will you please leave the poor woman alone so she can go get some work done."

Donald sighed and removed his hand from finger fucking her pussy while his thumb was fucking her ass, and two other fingers were massaging her clitoris. When he was out of her she stood up straight and calmly sashayed out of the office. Walking to her desk she typed out a quick message to Jason, "Working late tonight. Don't wait up for me. I will join you and Heather as soon as I get home. Love you. -Char"

Sitting back in her chair, she wondered what kinky deviant things Leon was into, and smiled as she started sorting the paperwork on her desk before filing it all away. She guessed she would just have to find out later.