Mildred Smit

The Summit, Pool Deck - 3:00 pm

Charlene led Jason by the hand from the beach to a set of pool reclining chairs facing the ocean while Mildred and Donald sat nearby, "Would you lotion me up dear," She purred with a devastating smile.

"Sure," Jason agreed affably and began slathering oil on her back, shoulders and chest, down her arms all the way to her fingertips.

"Under my suit too," She whispered with a devious smile, and so he lotioned up his hands and slid under her bathing suit and cupped her breasts, spread lotion down her cleavage as Donald watched with his mouth half open, and then rubbed down her belly all the way to her pubic mound before withdrawing.

Charlene laid back, and Jason started slathering lotion on her hips, moved down her thighs and continued all the way to her toenails. When she turned over he took his time lotioning each ass cheek before he slid his hand under her suit and rubbed down the valley of her ass all the way to the anal plug in her anus. She spread her thighs and he slipped his fingers over her labia and played with her clitoris right in front of Donald and Mildred as Charlene mewled and rocked her pussy on his fingers.

Before Jason finished finger fucking Charlene, Donald received a phone call and got up and walked away a few steps as they watched him. When he returned he looked grim.

"I'm sorry Honey," Donald apologized as Mildred immediately sighed in annoyance, "I'm sorry Jason, but was from the office. It seems Charlene and I are needed on a priority conference call...right now! I know it's bad form to interrupt our vacation, but Silvia says that it's urgent..."

Charlene turned her head where she had rested it in the crook of her arm and looked up at Donald, "Okay," She sighed and stood up. Walking over to Jason, she kissed him lightly on the lips before whispering, "I'm sure this won't take long. Just stay here and have fun. Get to know Mildred better, she is a darling, and I'll be right back as soon as the conference call is over..."

"Okay," He mumbled into her mouth, "I think I can manage…for a little while at least..."

Charlene stepped back and smiled up at her husband with undeniable love burning in her brown eyes, then turned and followed as Donald led the way back to the condo. She quickly caught up and they walked side-by-side as Jason watched her leave. Everything Charlene did was sexy, especially walking. Her long jet black hair fell in a braid all the way to her ass and swayed from side to side to bounce off each ass cheek as her hips swayed hypnotically.

"How long have you two been married?" Mildred asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

Jason looked down to see that she was staring at Charlene's retreating ass as well, "We've been together since high school, almost twenty-four years, and married for almost twenty," He answered as he watched Charlene disappear inside the condominium. A polite cough drew his attention back to Mildred, and he continued, "We got married when I was twenty and Charlene was sixteen, and Heather was born almost two years later..."

"Mm, that tracks, so you two were sixteen and twelve when you started fucking...I mean dating," Mildred asked with a sly grin on her face.

Jason nodded as he answered, "She snuck into the bathing room in my parents house our very first time together."

"Wow! Determined girl," Mildred chuckled.

"Yeah," Jason agreed, "She fights hard for what she wants. It makes her a formidable partner and an implacable foe."

There was a long silence before Mildred cleared her throat and sat up as Jason turned to her. Changing the subject she asked, "Um, I realize this may be unconventional, but um, Donald left before I could ask him to lotion me up. So, do you mind?"

"Uh," He hesitated, and looked back in the direction where Charlene and Donald disappeared.

It felt wrong to say yes, especially too quickly. He didn't want to seem like he was eager to put his hands all over her, but his dream that morning of coming in her flashed through his mind and he realized he wanted very much to put his hands all over her and so much more. At the same time, he rejected the thought. He wanted to be faithful to Heather and Charlene.

He felt so…conflicted…

The sensation of Mildred straddling him. His dick buried inside her. The feeling of coming in her was so fresh in his thoughts that he could still feel her.

"Come on," She laughed coyly at his hesitancy, "It's not like we are getting it on or anything! I just need a little help putting some lotion on me..."

"Okay," He agreed, "Do you want tanning oil or sun block?"

"Sun block please," She answered definitively as a triumphant smirk curled the edges of her mouth up, "Unfortunately, my complexion doesn't agree with hours of sunning as your wife's does."

"Yeah," He answered with a short nervous laugh as he picked up the sun block and squeezed out a generous dollop, "I am the same way. I burn to a crisp while Charlene just turns into a giant piece of dark chocolate!"

"She must taste especially good then," Mildred laughed naughtily and sat forward as Jason's eyes betrayed his shock as he sat next to her, "Well if Charlene is dark chocolate, then I am white chocolate, and I promise...I am just as sweet..."

He laughed nervously, and then looked down at the lotion in his hands and exclaimed, "Ah shit, I have way too much lotion!"

"Oh, that's fine," She laughed and pulled her straps down to her elbows, baring her shoulders, back, and almost all of her breasts as she let her swimsuit fall, exposing her invisible white areolas and the light pink nubs of her nipples before calmly raising her suit up just enough to cover herself as she smiled up at Jason as he gawked at her breasts, "Sorry about that, but don't worry about the lotion. I have plenty...of sweet...white...chocolate...for you to rub all that on..."

He paused, feeling like a deer in headlights. However some neanderthalian part of him reached out anyway and started massaging lotion between Mildred's shoulder blades.

'Was that a proposition?' He wondered, then figured he must have taken what she said the wrong way.

From her shoulder blades he worked his hands down her slim back to her waist, and then to the small of her back. He let his fingertips follow the edges of her bathing suit while his thumbs ran down the soft little ridges of her spine. She was so tiny beneath his hands compared to Charlene and Heather. Working his way up her back, he rubbed up her sides and under her arms until he felt the soft pillowy flesh of the sides of her breasts.

"Make sure you get under the edges of my bathing suit too. I don't want to burn if my suit moves," Mildred instructed breathily, as she looked straight ahead as if it were nothing to have a stranger sticking his fingers under her clothing.

"How far is a little under your suit Mrs. Smit," He asked nervously.

"Please, call me Milly, Jason," She purred sensually now, "And, please, rub the lotion into my skin well, and um, and going as far as your fingers can reach until your thumbs hook the edges of my bathing suit should do fine..."

"Yes Milly," He answered as he wondered, 'Does she realize how far my fingers go before my thumbs catch on her bathing suit?'

He pulled his hands out and Milly sighed in disappointment but waited patiently as he squirted more lotion into his palms. When he returned, he put his hands on her shoulders and slathered lotion up her dainty neck all the way to her hairline, covered her ears, under her jaw all the way to her chin as she turned her head and smiled up at him as he gently rubbed lotion across her cheeks, forehead, and down her nose before caressing the soft curves of her thick rosebud lips. Their eyes met, aqua-green and bright-blue, and it felt like electricity was passing between them.

"Thank you," She whispered, her voice husky with arousal before she turned away and presented her back to him.

Taking a deep breath, he silently thanked her for turning away before caressing her lips turned into something…more! Squeezing out more lotion, he continued at her right shoulder, holding her arm away from holding up her swimsuit top. Leaving only her left hand to cover her breasts, he rubbed lotion into her bicep and triceps, down to her elbow, and from her elbow down her forearm to her dainty hands all the way to her fingernails. He tried to concentrate on the work, but he could feel Milly watching him hungrily. He knew the look all too well, from Charlene and Heather, and he had never escaped the eventual outcome…not once...

He let Milly recoil her right arm as he moved to her left and repeated what he had done on the right. Moving behind her once again, he squeezed out more lotion and placed his hands on her waist, and slipped his hands under her suit. When he touched her skin it felt like Milly was giving off his fingers slid around her waist and he felt her steady breathing in the movement of her abdomen. The electricity was marching up his arms and arcing through his body, curling his toes to tingling his scalp. He almost snatched his hands out when the fingertips of his hands touched each other, instead he paused and let his hands rest on Milly's belly and let the steady movement of her breathing focus and out…in and out…

Calming down, he summoned his courage and moved up Milly's belly until he reached her ribcage. She didn't say a word in protest. Only her breathing seemed to catch briefly when he reached the soft fatty under-curves of her breasts. He was about to withdraw when she whispered breathily, "Keep going…you must keep going, or I may get sunburned, and I most certainly don't want to burn…there…"

He wasn't sure how much more he could take. His cock was already a raging hard-on in his shorts. Still, with his purpose in mind, he slid his hands up over Milly's small, but amazingly soft, yet incredibly dense breasts. He could feel the softer skin of her milk white areolas, and the thicker buds of her nipples catching between his fingers as he cupped her breasts. With a mental growl, "Fuck it!" He flipped his thumbs under her bathing suit and fully grabbed her and squeezed until he was satisfied. Once he relaxed he massaged the sun block into her as he pushed his arms under hers… His hands came out of the top of her suit as he spread lotion across her chest from her collar bones and clavicle before retreating back down to cup and squeeze Milly's breasts once again.

"Please," Mildred sighed, "Make sure you rub the lotion in...well..."

Nodding that he understood, he slowly withdrew and loaded up on lotion before slipping his hands beneath her bathing suit once again spending several minutes massaging her breasts, her ribs, and her belly. He spent a great deal of time on her tender, quarter-sized, areolas until they tightened into small thickened nubs between his fingers.

Milly was breathing rapidly, her eyes were half closed when she started mewling softly and sighing lustily. Reluctantly, he left her breasts as he rubbed more lotion down her ribcage until he finally went back to her belly, "Now...go...down…Jason," She sighed sensually as she leaned back against him, "You must...get...everything…"

He didn't even bother with trying to use his thumbs as a guide anymore. Withdrawing for more lotion, he returned to her waist and slid down her belly. Caressing the soft hairs upon her skin elicited a shiver as her breathing quickened in anticipation. He thought it must be nerves, so he slowed his caress, making sure he massaged the lotion into her belly thoroughly as he slid between her thighs.

"Ha…," Milly exhaled sensually, and Jason was amazed at how her curves broadened as her waist and belly transitioned to her hips. She was so much smaller than Charlene and Heather, and yet, she had all the same curves, dips, and ridges. Soft skin. Even softer hair. Soft fat and firm muscle, and hard jutting hip and pubic bones.

He brought his left hand up and braced himself and Milly by placing it on her lower belly, just below her navel, and then he slid the fingers of his right hand down between her thighs once again. Following the soft sweep of her belly he discovered long, soft pubic hair decorating her pubic mound. Combing his fingers through the small thatch of down, he found that it ended just above her camel-toe pussy slit. Continuing to explore, he slipped between her thighs, curious to see how far Milly would allow him to go before she protested. She answered him when she spread her legs open so he could glide down across the soft, smooth, white skin of her outer labia.

Before he worked his way back up her belly, and slid his hand over her pussy making sure he massaged lotion into her very well as his fingers slid between her ass cheeks. Using his thumb, he rubbed her anus before pushing against it. Giving way as he slipped inside, he pushed all the way in as her soft wet insides sucked him in deeper before he finally withdrew.

Looking down at Milly to see how she was handling his ministry of her body, she was looking straight ahead as if nothing was happening…as if everything was exactly as it should be...except, her mouth was partly open, she was breathing rapidly, and her eyes seemed to want to cross and roll upward. Pushing his left hand between her thighs, he lightly caressed her smooth white outer labia, sliding his nails across her smooth skin until he found her soft ass cheeks, and then drawing his fingers back he felt the heat of her arousal radiating from her pussy like she was a furnace. His nails scraped across the bottom curved of her ass cheeks until he came to her perineum, and as he passed it, he dipped his middle finger into her vagina where her nectar bulged like a teardrop about to fall into his palm.

"Ha…," Milly exhaled a soft sigh as her cool nectar wet his finger as he pushed inside her...

Watching her face for her reaction, Jason marveled at how cool her insides were compared to the heat warming the palm of his hand. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as Milly's mouth opened and a little sighing exhalation escaped her plump mouth as her eyes began to flutter. Withdrawing his finger from the cool well of her wet vagina, he used two fingers to rub up her vulva to the small bud of her hooded clitoris as she moaned softly as he pinched her clit between his fingers and thumb...

Milly couldn't contain herself and thrust her pubic mound into his hand, grinding her clitoris into his fingers as he alternated between running down to probe deeply inside her well before withdrawing to rub her nectar up her vulva, lubricating her labia until he reached her clitoris. He didn't stop until she began to quake and tighten her thighs as a profound climax swept over her. He finished when she tightened her thighs around his hand just as she squirted a blast of nectar into his palm, and then she put her hands on his and tried vainly to keep him from strumming her clitoris like a guitar string. When he moved his fingers away, Mildred sighed with a sated smile and purred, "Wow...that was...amazing! Definitely what I call...a thorough lotion application. Now, if you would please, I need you to do my legs and...buttocks..."

Jason felt weird, this vacation had just taken an erotic turn into a real life porno, and a little voice in his head kept accusing him of cheating on Heather and Charlene. Hesitantly, he shifted in the pool chair, feeling uncomfortable about having just manually fucked Milly to a very impressive climax. As if his body had a mind of its own, he rubbed more lotion into his hands as Milly stood up in front of him and untied her sarong and held it in the crooks of her elbows as it draped down to hide what he was about to do to her next. It never occurred to him that to the casual observer that didn't know that Milly was forty years old, he looked like he was molesting a twelve year old.

"Hey," A man came up, his voice betraying his outrage as he asked, "What the fuck do you think your doing to that little girl man?"

Milly turned only her head and looked the hefty man square in the eyes and growled, "Fuck off Bluto, I'm forty years old and he can fucking do to me whatever he wants to!"

Jason was taken aback and so was the stranger. He raised his hands and backed away and he apologized, "Sorry lady, I can't help it if you look like a little girl…"

Jason felt Mildred's whole body tighten up as she was about to unleash on the man, but he put his hand out and caught her around the waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. The stranger took the opening to shrink away and disappear. Jason softly nibbled at Milly's lips and then slowly...reluctantly…he pulled away as she took a step back and looked down at him like he was a puzzle she couldn't solve, but wanted too.

"Sorry," He apologized, "I could see you were winding up to go off on the guy, and well, I didn't want his stupidity to ruin your...lotioning…"

"Really," She asked in a whisper as she bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling, "Are you sure that is all you wanted?"

"Of course," He whispered, as he admired the one-piece bathing suit she was wearing. It was a beautiful shade of aqua blue, and would have disappeared once she was in the pool water swimming making it appear like her head, arms, and legs were disembodied. Instead, Milly was standing inches from his face, and he got a close up view of how it was cut high to arc over her hips exposing flawless white skin as the thong disappeared between the valley of her voluminous round ass cheeks. Gulping down his own drool, he whispered, "Now, where were we," as he placed his hands on her right mid-thigh and began massaging the sun block down to her knee...

"Please, Jason, if you would," She purred politely as if she were asking him to perform a normal everyday task, "Go up first, please. I suddenly feel like I need more a certain place. That way, I can sit down when you spread the lotion down my legs as well."

"Of course Milly," He answered and reversed course, and took his time massaging the remaining lotion into her thigh, starting just above her knee and enjoyed feeling the taut muscles of her slim yet feminine leg.

"And, if you would please, make sure you get well below my bathing suit like you did the top… So, you know...I don't burn...," She purred, not bothering anymore to hide her very obvious desire to have him continue manually fucking her in front of everyone on the deck.

He nodded, it didn't matter anymore, any voices in his head were deafened now by the sound of his blood pumping in his ears, of Milly's scent in his nostrils, and her soft silky skin was beneath his hands. Placing his hands on the front and back of her thigh, he slid up until he came against the cloth of her bathing suit. It's soft, unpadded, nearly transparent, fabric that more than hinted at the soft wet pussy underneath. Simultaneously, his other hand slid up so that he was cupping Milly's ass cheek. His hands were large enough that he could cup her entire bottom while his fingers could slip into her valley and feel the heat radiating from her soft velvet anus.

Taking a deep breath his nostrils filled with the scent of Milly's pussy, and he slowly massaged lotion into her inner left thigh while feeling her right thigh and ass cheek caress the backs of his hands. The heat from her pussy was radiating through her suit and he could feel her cool lustful nectar leaking around her thong and smearing along his hands. Withdrawing for more lotion, he returned and rubbed it into her ass cheek as his fingertips glided down the line of her thong. His hand was filled with her petite, yet bountiful buttock, and yet, with the other hand he caressed her thigh as he slid beneath her bathing suit and stroked her smooth skin as he followed the soft swell of her lower belly as he slid down and combed his fingers through her pubic hair once again.

He thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of her soft pubes running through his fingers as he slid up to feel the taut muscles of her lower belly and the soft swell around her navel. He enjoyed the slow relaxing movement of her abdomen as she breathed in and out, and by the time he withdrew his hands, Milly was aching to rock her hips and feel his fingers back inside her pussy.

"Okay turn," He commanded politely as she sighed in disappointment.

"Please, make sure you get everything," She reiterated sweetly, "I don't want to burn!"

He smiled as he lathered up his hands again, and grabbing her left mid-thigh began rubbing lotion down to her knee first, before he moved back up the full length and breadth of her thigh. Milly sighed, and feeling he had tortured her enough, began massaging lotion into her left ass cheek as he enjoyed the heft, the squeeze, and the superlative curve of her bottom. Her breath caught when he suddenly slipped his right hand between her ass cheeks and found her puckered velvet anus and pushed his thumb in until he buried it to the second knuckle. In the same motion he slid his pointer and index fingers straight up her vagina while he used his other hand to massage her vulva and clitoris.

"Ha...," Milly moaned as he V'd his fingers in her vagina began rocking his hand so that he thrust into her ass then her vagina and rubbed her vulva, her inner labia, and clitoris all together. Within seconds a shiver ran through her belly and her breathing quickened as little mewling's began to grow in volume and intensity. Her skin goosed and her muscles quivered as he found the small muscle and nerve cluster connecting her clitoris to her pubic bone and p[laced his free thumb on it and began stroking his fingers down her vulva then drawing them back up her clitoris. With a constant pressure on her nerve and swirling his fingers around her clit as she fucked her vagina and ass, Milly gasped and quaked.

"Ah…," She moaned as her legs gave out under her, and Jason was forced to catch her and pull her into his lap. The angle was all wrong for finger fucking her ass, vagina, and masturbating her clitoris, so he gently withdrew and held her ass while he used his left hand to reposition, slipping his two middle fingers into her vagina while grinding his palm into her. Mildred, weak with her climax, curled up against his chest and softly moaned as Jason finger fucked her to another epic orgasm.

She never did get around to letting him put sunblock on her calves and feet...