Strange Places

Panama City Beach, Amos' hotel room - 9:00 pm

"Mmm," Heather moaned as she slowly roused from what felt like a hellacious hangover.

Trying to move, she found two arms slung over her while a hand cupped her right breast and the other cupped her pussy. Turning on her right side, the hand on her pussy grabbed her ass while the guy holding her breast squeezed her almost painfully. As her eyes focused she realized she was looking at a beautiful porcelain black man with long dreadlocks hanging about his face and his eyes were closed...

'Who the fuck were these guys?'

'Where the hell was she?'

'Why did her stomach hurt so bad?'

Pulling her arm from under the guy in front of her, she pushed herself up and saw the other guy. Feeling the pressing call of nature, in a panic she frantically pushed and pulled until she got herself untangled, jumped up, and ran to find the bathroom. She made it to a toilet just in time to feel her bladder and rectum release. An overwhelming heat cascaded over her as a massive wave of nausea bend her over to puke in the tub at the same time just as her anal Ben-wa balls passed out of her and clinked into the toilet bowl along with what sounded like a half gallon of sperm!

She heaved for several seconds that felt like minutes and left her feeling like shit and disgusted. Wiping her mouth she stood up and fished the Ben-wa balls out of the toilet and dropped them into the garbage can, she washed her hands, and then she sat back down and finished as her body shuddered uncontrollably. By the time she was done, she felt a little better though still nauseous. She washed up again, and then turned on the shower. For the next thirty minutes she scrubbed every inch of her body. Stepping out of the shower, she toweled off and wrapped it around her breasts before walking out to find the two black guys sitting on the bed waiting for her.

"Girl there's no reason to have that towel on now! We done seen and fucked every part of your luscious body," The guy with dreadlocks chortled.

Heather felt fear burning at the edges of the haze in her head. Standing there, her mouth fell open and she shuddered like a deer facing her predators. Closing her mouth, she managed to scrape together enough composure to ask, "Who are you?"

"Jamal," He answered while pointing to himself.

"Amos," The other introduced himself with an incorrigible bright white smile.

"How did I get here," She asked next as she put a hand to her temple trying to dampen the drums beating in her skull.

"I brought you here," Amos admitted, then explained, "You passed out a few hours ago, so I brought you up to my room."

"Why," She hiccuped, and started crying, unable to remember anything after dancing with Jean, Shannon, Dean and Julia, "Why am I with you?"

"You...don't remember," Amos asked.

"Dude this is fucked up," Jamal growled, "I'm out'a here before she gets us all arrested for rape or some shit!"

Jamal followed up his statement by jumping out of bed. He was completely naked and his dick was hanging and wagging at least six inches long flaccid. He pulled on shorts and a t-shirt and fast walked out of the condo. She cried a little harder as the door slammed behind him.

Amos stood up and walked up to her and wrapped her in a hug. He was tall, at least six feet three inches tall. She clung to her towel and visibly shook as she cried in Amos' ebony embrace.

"Shhh," Amos shushed as he slowly ran his large hands up and down her back trying to console her.

She smelled lavender on his skin and she began to calm down as Amos' hands worked their magic. She was starting to feel a little safer. The fog of emotion made the drumming in her head pulse until she felt like her brain was going to explode. Feeling sick, she turned and ran to the bathroom!

She puked loudly, and felt like she urinated herself as she puked again. She found a towel and threw it on the floor to soak up her urine. Only when she looked down as she sat on the toilet to wipe herself she saw the blood on the floor. Screaming in panic, she clutched her belly and curled in on herself sobbing when Amos came running in and stopped dead in the doorway!

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit," He recited in panic.

Another wave of nausea swept over her and she swooned. Amos caught her and kicked the door closed when he heard someone coming in the condo. Picking Heather up, he locked the door before turning on the water and running a bath. When she came to, Heather was in warm water while Amos was sitting on the toilet holding her with one hand and using a rag to gently wash her body.

The memory of blood had her sitting bolt upright and looking at the water between her thighs to find a pinking to it and a dark red tendril appearing to come from her vagina.

"Oh no," She moaned and began sobbing as she clutched her belly.

"Are you pregnant," Amos asked quietly.

She could hear in his voice that he was scared. This was way beyond a convenient spring break fuck. This was way more drama than he had wanted.

"I am," She mumbled through her sobs.

"I've seen this before," He said, his voice deep with sadness, "My ex-girlfriend in high school decided to cheat on me with this other guy and she got pregnant. Anyway, she miscarried. I think you may have lost your baby, I'm so sorry."

Feeling broken, she knew Amos was most likely right, but when he said it, it was as if her heart shut off. Her feelings shut off. She felt…numb.

"Thank you, Amos," She whispered after a long time of just staring at her toes, "For not running away."

"You're welcome," He answered.

"Will you tell me what happened this afternoon," She asked, her voice a whisper.

"Um," He hesitated, "Are you sure you really want to know?"

"Yes," She answered with a nod as she wiped tears from her cheeks, "If I miscarried, I want to know why."

"Okay," He agreed with a nod, "I wasn't present the whole time, so I only know that there are twenty-four of us down for Spring Break."

"Twenty-four who," She interrupted.

"Of my team," He answered, "We're down from the University. Anyway, some kid came up and told Leroy and Charles you were hot and horny and wanted to fuck the whole team. So, we came over."

"The whole team," She gasped in shock, "I got fucked by the whole football team?"

"Well not the whole team," He laughed, "That is like a hundred and twenty-five guys, and most of 'em went to other Spring Break locations anyways. No, you only fu...had sex with us, the twenty-four that are here."

She wanted to cry, but for some reason she felt too drawn out, too tired, "What happened here? Why did I wake up between you and Jamal," She asked quietly, almost hesitant to know the truth.

"You woke up," He answered, "You know you are a sex-beast right? A certifiable nymphomaniac! You had sex with all the guys at the beach and then up here you fucked most of the guys as they came back from wherever, and the last couple of hours was with me and Jamal."

"So I'm a slut," She whispered, condemning herself with a shake of her head, "And now, I am being punished..."

He didn't know what to say so he wisely kept silent as she stared at and rubbed her belly. Several minutes passed before he finally asked the question that was plaguing him, "Listen, um, you're not going to go to the police are you?"

She sat there for a long time before finally asking, "Why would I do that?"

"Um, I don't know," He answered as he twirled a lock of her long jet black hair around his finger, "Some girls do you know, get drunk or high and have sex with a guy or guys then say they were raped afterwards."

"Is that what happened," She asked, her voice low, soft, and feminine.

It seemed to agitate Amos more than her crying, or maybe because she wasn't hysterical or screaming in fury, either way his face was a mask of guilt as he shook his head grimacing, "I don't know, part of me doesn't want to know! You were willing enough in the beginning. I knew something was wrong when you passed out on the beach, that's why I brought you to my room…to protect you…from getting raped…because..."

He trailed off mid-sentence, which peaked her curiosity enough to look up from her toes and at him. He had his elbows on his knees with his face in his hands. She reached out and put a dainty brown hand on Amos' ebony forearm, which elicited a response as he looked up with brown eyes so dark they could be black meeting her hazel green as she asked, "You brought me up here because?"

"I…think you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," He admitted, "I thought…maybe…you might be interested…"

She looked up at him waiting for him to finish, understanding completely where he was going, what he wanted, but she wasn't going to finish his thought for him. If he wanted a deeper more meaningful relationship he would have to state it!

"I," He hem-hawed as he finally summoned the courage to get to the point, "I don't usually get attached to girls on vacation. Spring break is well, spring break everyone here is looking to hook-up but, when I saw you…it didn't matter that you were hooking up with all of us…as long as you hooked up with me too!"

"I don't know if that is adorable or disturbing," She commented but she managed to smile, trying to take any sting away.

"I know," He agreed, "I guess what I'm saying is, Spring Break is a hook up week. No one comes here thinking they will find the one they want to take home, but I did. If you are not interested in pursuing a relationship with me then I will gladly take our hookup to my grave, but if you are interested then as far as I am concerned it's just you and me Baby!"

She couldn't help but smile, she had never been confessed to…ever! It was sweet, and if she wasn't already head over heels in love with her Daddy she would totally blow his mind. Then again, she probably already had, several times in fact!

"I am so flattered," She began as Amos' smile wavered, "Please, I am not rejecting you but, I need time," His smile returned, and she continued, "I want to go home, or well, the condo where my family is vacationing. Will you help me go home?"

"Of course," He answered automatically.

"Thank you," She purred with more warmth and emotion than she felt and stood up out of the bath water.

He stood up as well, and she looked him up and down, admiring his chiseled ebony body. His whole body was smooth and hairless. He looked like a flawless ebony statue, and his dick and testicles hung like large fruit! She put her hands on his abdominals before she ran her hand down and took hold of his dick, it was least six inches long limp, and his scrotum looked like he had two large pears inside. She doubted she could fit both or even one of them in her mouth, and her mouth did salivate in desire.

He found a towel and offered it to her. She smiled and took it gratefully. Toweling off, she found that there was no more blood when she patted her pussy dry. Worry still tore at her intestines, and even physically she felt ill.

"Do you perhaps have a shirt I can wear," She asked.

"I do," He answered.

He opened the door and she followed him out of the bathroom. Several guys were sitting watching television and looked over to ogle her when she came into the room.

"Hey Baby," One of them chortled, "You all cleaned up? Are you ready for more?"

"Shut it Derrick," Amos growled protectively, "She's done. I am taking her home."

"Okay okay, fuck man! The dark knight fallen for his damsel!" Derrick jeered.

Jamal found underwear, shorts, a t-shirt and pulled them on. Digging deeper in his bag he pulled out a blue and white jersey. It was too large for her, but he handed it to her anyway and she slipped it over her head and let it fall over her body as she let the towel drop to the floor.

"Damn dude, you are hot for her aren't you?! You're giving her your jersey," Derrick laughed.

"Shut up Derrick," Amos growled as he took her hand and led her to the door.

Leading her to the elevator, he rode down with her before walking with her out of the condominium to the beach. They walked down the beach to La Vela and finally she had an idea of where she was. Leading him down the past Spinnakers, she pointed to the Summit.

"We are on the top floor," She said as she pointed to the west side of the building, "In the far west condo. I don't know what the number is. I will have to go to a clinic or hospital tomorrow and see if I miscarried or if something else is wrong with me, but…" She looked up at Amos and smiled. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly and then straightened up again as she sighed. Catching herself sighing, she cleared her throat and continued, "If you want to see me come over and get me Tuesday, otherwise you will find me down here."

"I will do that," He agreed as he pulled her in for a tight hug and kissed her.

He turned and walked back down the beach toward his condo as she watched him walk away until she couldn't see him any longer. Then she turned and walked up the beach the rest of the way to the Summit. Jean, Shannon, Dean and Julia met her on the beach just before she reached the stairs leading up to the pool deck. They were all sitting on one beach chair together as if they were hanging out or waiting for someone. Seeing her walking up they all jumped up and ran to meet her. As they came closer, Jean held out her arms and asked, "Where the fuck have you been?"

She glared at all four of them with a deadpan stare, "I don't know. Where the fuck have you four been? Why did you leave me to a group of football jocks? Was that planned? Were you fucking with me? Where you the ones that dosed me with something that fucking made me go fucking insane?!"

With each question they looked more and more nervous and scared. Jean was the only one that adamantly shook her head, "No! I don't know who would do that, but I would never! We got separated in the crowd was all!"

She couldn't remember anything after stripping on the beach and walking down to the concert, so she let it drop. Instead she announced, "I'm tired and I am hungry."

Turning she walked up the steps towards the condominium. Looking over toward a small hot pool, She saw two people. The woman was in the guys lap, and she knew from the body movements the woman was rocking her hips on the guys cock slowly and steadily. Averting her eyes, she looked toward the building looming before her and walked with a purpose while Jean, Shannon, Dean and Julia all followed her up.

Dean kept staring at her, trying to see a little more than what the jersey's V-neck exposed of her breasts. Thankfully it was long enough on her to fall nearly to her mid-thighs.

"Mom said to not come home until we found you," Shannon said out of the blue, "So we all missed dinner. When we get up to the condo I will make something for all of us."

"Thanks," She mumbled.

When they opened the door, the first thing they heard was low mewling's, grunting, and climatic moaning coming from Donald and Mildred's room.

"Shh, best not to disturb them," Jean said, exchanging a knowing look with Shannon, Dean, and Julia, "Change of plan. Let's go out and get something to eat, then come back in a few hours."

"Good idea," Dean agreed, "I don't care to listen to the parent's fucking all night long."

"Just a second," She whispered, leaving them at the door she went to her room and pulled out socks and her sneakers, went into the bathroom and washed off her feet and put on her socks and shoes.

Jogging back out to the others, Heather saw that they also had found flipflops or washed their feet and put on shoes as well. Jean motioned for them to exit silently and they all followed her out of the condo.

"Are you wearing anything under that jersey," Shannon asked when they entered the elevator and started down to the ground floor.

Heather just smiled at Shannon while Dean and Julia watched interestedly, and Jean looked like she wanted to say something. Sighing, she grabbed the bottom of Amos jersey and pulled it up to her armpits exposing her nudity to all of them. She refused to acknowledge the blushing of her cheeks, after all, these four had already seen her completely naked. Why be self conscious now?

"Wow," Dean mumbled appreciatively.

"I have your bathing suit in my bag if you want to put it on," Jean offered.

"I'm fine how I am, thank you," She answered as the bell chimed for the ground floor.