I know I didn't update yesterday, sorry, but this is for today. I'm now updating every day at 15:00 UTC. I will give out a short notice if I'm ever on leave.
I saw a few of your comments, just pointing it out for those who do not know or haven't figured out yet, Viviane is the Female Lead of Transformers: The Last Knight. I thought it was pretty obvious with the hints I've been giving, British woman, Oxford, life story(well, maybe I made up the mother side of her story but the father had indeed ignored her), and I even told her last name. Maybe just me but IDK.
Just saying, I just started writing recently and I know the story is still not perfect for some of you, but I really don't know if the quality could get better or worse. I'm leaning towards the latter. Just giving ya a warning if the quality goes down.
After discussing and giving ideas for several hours straight with his clones, he came up with 4 different blueprints. One of them had 72 different flaws but the design is increasing the energy output to the entire mech. The second one was for stability with 60 different flaws but is more stable, the only major flaw was that it couldn't generate enough Energon. The others were designed for it to be more compact and be able to recharge quickly. Both have over 55 different flaws to them.
"...." The clones and John looked at their designs in disappointment.
"At least we did something right," One of the clones said
"Yours have 72 different flaws here, go fix them first then you can talk" A clone interjected
"Oh, yea? Yours can't even pump out enough energy" The first clone argued "I say you go fix yours first"
"Yea, go fix yours first, idiot" Another clone joined in
"Shut up, yours became a bomb, asshole," The second clone said with disdain "Do you want us to sit on a bomb that could blow up in the middle of battle?"
The three clones began to argue.
"ENOUGH" John slammed the table
"Enough? You built a fucking charger, what do you mean...."
John snapped his fingers and the clone went poof into thin air.
"He was getting on my nerves," John said "Now, how about we merge our blueprints?"
The two clones looked at each other and nodded
"Good" John nodded
The four blueprints were merged and a new flawed bleprint was created. It took them some time to understand the new blueprint that was merged but they had a good idea on it's mechanisms, Sadly, there were still 15 flaws that were not fixed. But, the Library gave suggestions on how to solve them.
Its still quite big, but could definately fit inside the mech perfectly. There were still problems with overheating, waterproofing problems, and stuff like that. They were only some minor flaws and one or two major flaws like the chance of blowing up or energy leakage, but they can be dealt with by adding extra external systems to prevent it from happening.
John recreated his third clone and ordered "Go and start building a prototype engine"
"Got it" the clone replied
John snapped his fingers again and he popped the two clones sitting at the table to reset them.
"Go and help him" he ordered them
"Yes, boss" They replied emotionlessly
Satisfied, he looked at the time.
"Jarvis, any news on Autobots and Decepticons?" he asked
[The cube was taken, Megatron had been awakened and the Decepticons are currently chasing after the Autobots. They will enter Mission city within the next five minutes]
He nodded and turned to Viviane standing there in the doorway "I'm going out"
She didn't speak and just stared at him.
Although curious, he quickly put on his suit and took off.
When he left, viviane smiled ominously and went upstairs with some 'tools'
He flew at Mach 5 towards the location with the hulkbuster right behind him.
He arrived just in time to see the utter mayhem on the ground when Starscream attacked the convoy.
[Sir, the Airforce have scrambled two blackhawks and two squadrons of F-22 fighters]
"Got it"
The Hulkbuster armor quickly attached itself against his armor. He dropped down next ot Ratchet and Ironhide.
They reacted quickly and attacked him
"Woah" He exclaimed "Chill, you're attacking friendlies"
"Who are you?" Ironhide asked menacingly with his cannons still aimed at John's head, ready to kill him at any moment
"I..." He was about to explain before he was interrupted by Jarvis
[Sir, Megatron has arrived and is 4km north west of your position]
"RETREAT" He shouted and began to moveback while shooting towards the location Jarvis had talked about after his arm transformed into a handcannon
Ironhide looked at John in confusion before quickly sensing Megatron's presence in the area.
John provided coverfire with the rest of the autobot but he barely did much damage to it's thick armor other than wearing it down little by little.
"Retreat!" Lenox shouted
It was too late as Megatron snatched both John and Jazz who did their best to stall.
"SHIT" John's face changed when he was snatched from the ground and was thrown on top of a building. He did his best to resist, using mini rockets, Hand cannons, hidden arm blades, and even a vulcan machine gun.
"You want a piece of me? You want a piece of me?" Jazz repeated as he continued to shoot him
Annoyed, Jazz was stuck under his feet as Megatron proceeded to tear apart John's armor.
"Eject and activate self destruct immediately" He ordered
[Yes, sir]
He was ejected and the armor blew up in Megatron's face, knocking him back a little and saving Jazz from his fate.
Jazz quickly got away with John's help and Optimus arrived.
"Puny Human" Megatron swiped at John in annoyance after finding out that he was not a Autobot.
John didn't say anything and used his repulsors to fire beams of lasers at him. Sadly, it only melted off a bit of transformium from Megatron, not enough to properly injure him.
Megratron became angry and managed to barely hit John. John was knocked down from the sky afterwards and was knocked out from the battle for a few minutes.
"Fuck that hurt" He got up while groaning
With John out of the way, Megatron moved his attention to a badly damaged Jazz. Optimus came right on time before Megatron could finish Jazz off.
"Megatron" Optimus said as he got into a fighting stance
"Prime" Megaton replied before transforming into a Cybertronian jet and smashed into Optimus.
Without his hulkbuster armor, he couldn't do much against Megatron's tough armor. He joined the fight against Blackout.
"Who the hell are you?" one of the soldiers asked
"A man" John replied before taking out his pistols attached to his leg.
Pew Pew Pew
John fired three shots at the thing once it noticed the laser pointed at it's arm. As it's armor was not as tough and durable as Megatron, it managed to piece through it's front amror and released plasma inside, slowly melting away it's systems and causing a significant amount of damage. A couple missiles landed on it back as Lenox shot it's balls off, badly damaging it's spark, and killing it in the process.
"Jarvis, do a quick scan for it's spark"
[Sir, it's spark has been badly damaged and is now leaking energon, you won't be able to extract it before it is gone]
"Damn" he said in disappointment