Before he could get distracted by his future child, John worked overtime every day to allow for a few months of time to be with Viviane and his child. After being scanned, it was found that the child in Viviane's womb is 30% a girl/boy and 40% twins. As he still has over half a year's time before Viviane would go into labor, John sped up his plans.
Project Zero was supposed to be finished a month after the completion of the communications array. (Give me a name idea for it pls) It is supposed to take the form of a Mobile Suit Gundam 00, with major modifications. It had two retractable arm blades hidden in the arms and the cockpit directly in its chest. The cockpit is completely made up of proto-adamantium while the rest of the body would be made with Vibranium and Grade 5 Titanium.
Its main weapon is a Myriad Manifestation Umbrella (The King's Avatar) and two pistols. Due to certain limitations of the neuro link, the mech can only reach the maximum height of 33ft. The Myriad Manifestation Umbrella allows for a detachable Energon sword, a machinegun, a lance, and a shield mode. It cost him a lot of Transformium to create and test. As Plasma bullets are effective when fighting transformers, he didn't change anything and just loaded tens of thousands of rounds inside. The pistols on the other hand use a much more destructive round. Combining blaster and Energon technology, John developed a powerful energy bolt that could heavily damage a lightly armored transformer in a single hit. This was at the cost of having a huge recoil and slow rate of fire. The pistols were made after dumping a large number of resources into it to build and successfully built.
Not only are there thrusters on the mech's legs, but John also provided it with wings made from Transformium to provide better maneuverability and the ability to retract back into the mech or transform into a portable shield. It may not seem a lot but there is also a lot of systems that he implemented like cooling systems, sensors, sealing and containment systems, and anti-radar detection systems. He planned to add a camouflage system into it to allow it to blend into the environment. Otherwise, it would stand out when traveling between places.
It was the best he could do until he gets some more data during a fight. Exo suits are developed for his men. So far only two kits were developed, an assault kit and a scout kit. Assault kits increase his men's overall combat effectiveness by 200%. (Assault kits are similar to ones from COD Advanced Warfare) The scout kits do not provide the same as an assault kit but they allow better maneuverability through boosters and wall-running abilities (Titanfall).
A month later, the communications array was fully operational. One of his teams nearly got into a small fight with NEST if not for Alice warning him and John ordering the team to back off. It was unexpected but he knew that they would eventually meet.
Far away in Tokyo, Japan, Two groups clad in black clothing were having a standoff in an urban nighttime environment. Both sides hid behind boxes pointing their weapons at the other.
"Who are you?" A man shouted from the other side
The men in black with a phoenix tag on their clothing didn't speak.
"Alpha Team, pull back and return to base" A voice suddenly came over their comms
The entire team immediately popped their smokes and completely disappeared into their cars and drove onto the road.
John didn't want to ruin a relationship with NEST forces as he still needed Transformium nor did he want to lose any of his men, so escaping was the best option on the table. Each team consists of 12 members. If a team is wiped out, or any members are KIA, the member would be replaced and their family would be compensated with a million to a hundred million USD depending on their situation and contributions. There are only 6 such teams under him and the 500 other active personnel in the company are just regular members that needed to be tested or just needed a team (ones that were already tested).
"This is Alpha 0-1, we are being followed, requesting permission to engage"
"Negative Alpha 0-1, do not engage, lose them and return back to base" John ordered
After a ten minute car chase, Alpha Team turned a corner and disappeared from NEST radars and their choppers.
Lennox smacked the hood of his vehicle. "Who were those guys?" he asked
"We don't know, they could be from anyone"
Optimus arrived a little later and they began their attack on the Decepticon hidden there.
John hacked into their servers quietly and left a virus before leaving.
{NEST base, Diego Garcia}
"Sir we have a situation"
"What is it?" The commander asked
"You may want to see for yourself, sir"
He walked out of his office into the command center.
"pfft" The commander's saliva flew everywhere
Chaos ensued in the room as a group of men and women were bawling their eyes out crying "My eyes, AAAAAHHH my eyes, I'm going blind"
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?" The commander yelled
"We don't know sir, everything was normal just now....."
"NORMAL? YOU CALL THIS NORMAL?" He pointed at the big screen angrily
"Nothing? Sir?" He asked
"Look at that fine ape beating his mate's backside" He muttered with a cigar in his mouth that appeared out of nowhere "You should learn from it Sargent"
The Sargent was speechless
"Sir? That wasn't me...." The Sargent spoke up
"Then who was it, Sargent? Who is watching such a thing on the big screen?" The commander asked
"You...sir..." The Sargent said
"WHAT?" The commander shouted, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME SARGENT?"
It was then that the commander notices the profile picture. It had his face on it. His eyes widened and the cigar dropped out of his mouth.
Over 10,000 miles away from them, John was laughing his head off as he watched the reactions of the soldiers and the commander specifically. It was hilarious, especially when the commander nearly went mad from shame and embarrassment. John uploaded a small virus and hacked into the government servers. He then found the commander's account on a certain website for his night activities(😉😉😉😉) and hacked into it while pulling up an hour long video loop of two hairy apes mating.