"This is Alpha-1-2, we just lost Sector 17, retreating towards Sector 10"
"This is Bravo-2-2, we require immediate assistance in Sector 11, we are pinned down"
"Bravo 2-2, This is Alpha 1-2, Alpha team is on its way, ETA 5 minutes"
"Alpha team, this is Charlie 3-1, Immediately retreat, we lost Sector 15
"This is Delta 1-5, our team leader is down, I repeat, our team leader is down"
The radio chatters between teams increased as their lines of defenses fell one after another.
John decided to join up with the Vanguard group and hold out as long as possible.
"Optimus!" John shouted from within Zero "We will buy you some time, go and take down the pillars"
Optimus didn't have time to reply before Zero flew away.
"Autobots, roll out!" The large group of nearly 20 Autobots followed Optimus as they fought their way through to the center of the city.
Meanwhile, John, still currently in Zero, jumped onto a Decepticon fighter craft. They tore it into pieces with Zero's arm blades and continued, destroying as many as possible before rendezvous with the Vanguard Group in Sector 10. The city was in a mess. However, by now, Cybertron could be seen in the sky.
"Fire the orbital weapons, delay its impact with Earth as much as possible" John ordered
Landing in with the soldiers and Titans moments later, they assisted in the fortification of the large area, using as many broken pieces of buildings to build walls for protection.
Gunfire was constantly being exchanged between the two groups.
{On the other side of Chicago}
NEST forces separated from the Autobots to attack the Decepticon stronghold from behind as the Autobots got the full attention of the Decepticons. They were joined with multiple SEAL Teams and Delta Force.
"How are we going to get these bridges down?" Lennox asked himself as he tried looking for another way across the river until he came upon one of his old squadmates. "Epps!"
"How are you doing buddy?" Lennox asked
"Retirement is whack, what's worse, we can't get across to that building then the Autobots are surrounded" Epps replied
"Shit" Lennox cursed "Come on"
They ran off to find a good vantage point before the Decepticons get to them
Lennox met up with Seal teams and Delta Force "Go full auto, vibrations jack them up. Snipers aim for their eyes, use grenades to blow them apart"
Just as they were going to discuss plans to cross the river, Epps shouted "The bridge! It's coming down!"
Everyone turned towards the bridge that was lowering itself so they could cross. They knew they have no time to chit-chat and began running towards the other side.
Meanwhile, the Autobots while being outnumbered are fighting fiercely against the Decepticons. So far, many of the Decepticons either fell to Bumblebee, Ironhide, or Optimus. But, time was running out and they need to push forward.
NEST, Seals, and Delta Force managed to group up with a Platoon of stranded marines who had pushed their way up to a nearby building. They took the Snipers to a good vantage point to snipe as NEST forces discussed to attack from above as Demo teams attack from below.
"Look downstairs," Lennox told his teams "We got five targets and Shockwave right below us. standby to jump"
Soon they jumped
"Snipers shoot their eyes" Epps ordered
"Alright Demo team, let's crank steel" Another ordered
As soon as Lennox's group landed on top of the Decepticons, they covered the Decepticon's eyes with their parachutes. Snipers had already shot out their eyes and Demolition teams blew off the legs of nearby Decepticons with C4 and Thermite.
Epps and a bunch of Maries and other groups began firing away to distract and disrupt the Decepticons. Their plan was a success and they took out multiple Decepticons including Soundwave.
"ARGHHHH" The groans and shouts of dying Decepticons alerted the Autobots nearby. Ironhide and Ratchet immediately made their way over to provide support. Optimus himself had finished off Shockwave who was seconds away from killing Epps and his team. Because of the loss of many Decepticons, the rest who are still alive either went towards the main fortress or the battlefield with Arcania, allowing Tanks and APCs to roll in and support the Autobots.
Bang Bang Bang
Pew Pew Pew
An intense battle was fought between the two sides at the Human-Autobot alliance sieged the fortress. Casualties rose on both sides. However, as all hope seemed lost, a lucky shot from a random tank scored a hit on one of the pillars knocking it down.
"Decepticon ships, fire at Optimus" Sentinel ordered
A dozen Decepticon fighter craft pinned Optimus down. Without the support of Optimus, Sentinel had little trouble fighting everyone but Ironhide.
"WE NEED THOSE TOMAHAWKS LAUNCHING NOW" A member of the Seals shouted
A dozen Tomahawks were launched into the city by fighter jets. Because of Zero and John, there were fewer Decepticon fighter crafts, making it easier for them to get closer and firing without being immediately shot down.
"We got to cover for Optimus" Someone shouted
Pew Pew Pew
"Decepticons, trigger the pillar, restart the pillars now!"
"I can't hold them!" Optimus shouted as he was being shot by the fighter crafts "The ships have us pinned...NOOO-"
Optimus jumped out of the way as he was seconds from being crushed by a downed fighter craft.
"Inbound! Danger Close!" A soldier shouted
"Fork, Liwa, Echo, Echo, One, Four, Two, Five, Zero" Lennox ordered as he held up the targeting device
The Tomahawks managed to hit the distracted Decepticon fighter crafts and destroyed them, freeing the skies for the Autobots. As things seemed to be going well, the fallen pillar was suddenly retriggered.
Using high explosive weapons like RPGs, the American soldiers managed to stall Sentinel from killing Ironhide.
"ARGGHHH" The screams of dying Decepticons echoed as more and more Decepticons fell. However, the Autobots had only about half the numbers they once had before the battle. The humans took even more casualties, trying to defend the Autobots.
In a distant corner, Megatron looked up into the sky, "Cybertron, you are saved....."