Chapter Four

She swirled the bubbly liquid in the champagne glass as she stared into the dancing crowd. All were dressed in the highest quality of jewels and beads. The wealth in the hall swayed with every beat of the song but the host had yet to make an appearance.

The Western Lord was a blend of beauty and danger. The term beautiful wouldn't normally describe such a being but he was in fact just that. Like a rose, one wrong move and its thorns will make you bleed. Without a doubt he was said to be the most powerful Lord as well as the most feared. His dislike for humans was obvious yet humans and demons alike coexisted in his territory.

Stories of his battles that took place hundreds of years before Rina's birth were still spoken with enthusiasm. His form was the epitome of perfection, long silver hair, smoldering golden eyes, wide shoulders and not overly muscular. His height always garnered attention. Yet his downfall was his cold regard for others, he was a man of few words. Rina scoffed as thoughts of the few interactions she witnessed between Tristen and Damien. It always led to a fight with Rina patching up Tristen and yelling at the Lord. An action no one dared to commit.

A hand on her shoulder pulled her gaze from the crowd. "Sarah, finally. I was starting to get bored when did you get here?"

"Just a few minutes ago, your dress is gorgeous!"

The cream dress fitted to Rina's curves leaving little to the imagination, pearls and jewels of various sizes trailed the edge of the backdrop of the dress and spread into a random design over the rest of the material. Clusters of delicate beadwork centered around the ends of her long sleeves that cut right at her wrists. The dress was a show stopper mixing the front as a conservative design only to surprise a viewer once she turned around.

"Thanks! Yours looks amazing too."

The pale green dress draped over one shoulder. A leather corset, a shade darker then the dress wrapped tightly around her waist. The rest of the material flared around her hips accentuating her backside.

"Michael would be a drooling mess if he saw you right now."

"He would swoon if I was wearing a trash bag too so I'm not sure how I feel about that."

Rina giggled and turned back to the crowd.

"How about you? Tristen here yet?" Sarah asked.

Tristen's silver bed of hair was easy to spot. They stood on the second floor of the hall that wrapped around the entire room, giving her a clear view of everyone.

"We haven't met up yet. I'll let him mingle a bit and greet everyone he has too before I get to him."

"Sometimes I forget that he's technically a prince." Sarah said.

Rina's gaze narrowed. "Yeah I think we all do."

Tristan finished greeting a group of officials then quickened his pace passing a few tables. Kimberly stood at the edge of the hall in a dashing red dress that shimmered with every move.

"Hey that's him right there." Sarah pointed.

Rina couldn't make out the words they exchanged but the moment they left the hall it solidified her fears and anger. She could no longer see what they were doing. Fear of rekindled feelings swept through her then came the anger at letting herself feel anything towards Tristen but a friendship.

"That bastard-"

"It's fine," Rina cut her off. "I always knew something like this could happen."

"That asshole didn't think to talk to you first before doing this shady crap."

Rina sighed. "Just drop it. I don't feel like getting angry tonight, I don't have the energy for the drama."

"Fine, sorry." she whispered.

Rina took a swing of the remaining champagne and set the empty glass on the side table. "Come on let's go get some more drinks."

They headed down the steps.

"Oh I love a drunk Rina."

"No that's not gonna happen here."

They approached the open bar, Rina leaned against the edge of the marble counter. "Vodka and cranberry please."

"Coming right up." the bartender said.

"Go heavy on the vodka." Sarah pitched in.

Her eyes slanted over to Sarah then back at the bartender. "Go heavy on the vodka." she repeated Sarahs words.

"Alright, we're going to have fun tonight."


"Come on cheer up." Sarah hugged her side.

"Sarah," someone called behind them.

"Hey Kristoff, wow I haven't seen you in a while you're so tall now!"

"Sorry to interrupt you ladies but father has requested Sarah's presence."

"Always so proper."

"Only around you." Sarah whispered.

Kristoff cleared his throat. "Have a good evening Laurina." he promptly pulled his sister along.

Rina sighed and turned back to the bartender, her drink was ready. After her third order Rina decided to wander around as she sipped her drink. The alcohol had numbed her taste buds, at this point she was drinking more alcohol than the juice itself. She left the ballroom.

Rina walked into another lavish hallway decorated in paintings, she stumbled to the side and leaned against the wall and took off her heels. She continued to sip at her drink. A glass in one hand and heels in the other. Battle upon battles were meticulously detailed in each painting. At the end of the hall large windows that went up to the ceiling displayed a flower garden hidden away from the ballrooms view.

Rina took another swing of her drink to find there was no more. She set the glass on the floor and opened the glass doors and entered the stone terrace overlooking the garden. The area was blossoming with a variety of flowers she had never seen before. The cool stone steps chilled her heated body. The alcohol was taking its full affect.

Rina placed her heels at the bottom of the steps and circled around the garden. The aroma was intoxicating. She ran her fingers across the delicate petals of a cream rose before she leaned forward and inhaled.

"What are you doing here?"

Rina spun around so fast she felt herself falling face first.

"Sorry!" she blurted out and slowly pushed away from the chest that saved her from an embarrassing fall.

"Damien?" he stared at her and said nothing.

She quickly pulled her hands away from his chest, it was only then she realized Damien had a tight grip on her shoulders. She froze, Damien dropped his hands as soon as she stopped moving.

A wave of dizziness took over, she placed a hand over her temple and mumbled out a question.

"What are you doing here don't you have a party to host?"

He raised a brow at her question. It was then Rina took a moment to really look at him. Aside from the cold demeanor he really was a sight to behold. He held an air of superiority that she couldn't deny, she could feel his demonic energy simmering beneath the surface. She could still feel the hard muscles under her hands.

"I believe I live here and can very well choose to do what I want when I want. But the real question is why are you in my private garden?"

"What are you talking about? It's right next to the ballroom."

He walked towards her and glanced down at her, the height difference was obvious. Especially without her heels. She glanced at a small barely noticeable fang biting his bottom lip.

"You are currently standing at the opposite end of the hall currently housing my guests."


He smirked. "Come." He commanded and turned towards the stairs.

"Rude." she mumbled as she followed him. Mid way up the stairs she gasped and turned around. Her attempt to go back down the steps halted as her feet caught between the ends of the dress that sent her tumbling forward. Her scream ceased as she felt herself pulled into a warm embrace.

Panting she kicked her feet sideways to unwind the fabric that had twisted around her feet. A low growl jolted her from what she was doing. Damien's arms tighten around her petite body, gasping she tries to pull away.

"Damien, what the hell let me go." the edge of his eyes were tinged red. Her breath hitched, she bent her head down knowing full well the Lord's anger was real.

If red seeped into a demon's eyes it meant trouble. Their inner beast was fighting to get out, once out it would be a bloodbath. She tilted her head further down in submission. Damien released another growl. But soon the forceful hold began to soften, he took a deep inhale before he finally let go.

Rina grabbed the ends of her dress and slowly backed away.

"Sorry." she mumbled. She looked by when she received no answer, the demon Lord no longer stood by the stairs he had disappeared. Rina let out a breath and grabbed her forgotten heels at the end of the stairs.

"Damn heels almost got me killed."

She knew Damien wasn't a fan of humans but that reaction was blown out of proportion, she had done nothing wrong. She followed the familiar halls back to the ballroom, it wasn't until she heard the music she knew she was heading in the right direction. Rina put her heels on and continued down the hallway.

Strong arms wrapped around her waist pulling her backwards. A short gasp left her when warm breath hit her neck.

"I've been looking for you." anger brimmed within at the sound of his voice.

Rina grabbed his hands and pulled them away. She quickly turned around and shoved Tristen.

"What the hell was that for?" he yelled.

"Why don't you go back to Kimberly and ask her?"


"I saw you leave with her, it doesn't take a genius to assume what happened."

"Woah, Rina you have it wrong. I only went with her to talk about you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to tell her its really over. I know in the past it was always back and forth with me and her but now I was serious. I'm serious about us."

"Tristen…" all the anger had seeped out of her.

Rina leaned in to hug her only to have Tristen hold her at arms length.

"Why the hell do you smell like my brother, your whole front half is marked in his scent."

"Oh I almost tripped down the stairs and he caught me."

Tristen narrowed his eyes down at her.

"Don't look at me like that."

"If it was anyone else I would be jealous but not from that icicle."

"Trust me he scared the hell out of me, he was so mad that he had to touch me."

"I'm surprised he even tried to catch you." he chuckled.

"Shut up." Rina slapped his shoulder.

"But seriously stay away from him, he's dangerous. I hate that his scent is on you."

"Then get rid of it."

Tristen backed her against the wall and pulled her hips towards his. "With pleasure." he whispered against her lips.