Chapter Seven

Flames raged at the center of the fire pit. Tristen threw another load of wood by the fire pit then crawled into Rina's tent.


He tugged her forward forcing her to collapse on top of him. Rina let out a slew of giggles as he ran his fingers down her sides.

"What ya doing?" he trailed light kisses on the edge of her jaw. Towels and soaps were laid out next to them.

"Tristen, no...stop I want to go to the hot springs."

"Later," he mumbled.

He flipped her over and dragged her shirt up, his hand splayed across her torso before slipping underneath her back and gripped her bottom. Rina moaned into his mouth and pushed him back.

"Down boy." Tristen narrowed his eyes.

"How about we go together?"

"How about no, I'm going with Sarah so maybe go hunt something or I don't know hangout with Michael."

He scoffed at the mention of Michael. "All he does is talk about women, don't know how Sarah stays with him."

"Because he's all talk and no action." she twisted under him and sat up and gathered her bathing supplies.

"This is my time and our time will be later."

"Fine," Tristen layed down and pressed her pillow over his face. "Just go before I stop you."

Rina quickly left the tent and spotted Sarah by their camp bags.

"Sarah, I'm going to the hot springs, you want to come along? Rina asked.

"No thanks I need to sharpen my weapons, can't wait to use them here. We can train like the good ol days."

Sarah gasped as Michael came up behind her and slapped her behind. Sarah punched him in the shoulder resulting in an immediate yelp.

"Men," Sarah huffed before she sat back down.

"Well… at least I won't have to worry about him peeking." Rina giggled as she headed towards the hot spring. Surprisingly Tristen hadn't attempted to follow her.

The dirt path to the hot spring was a fifteen minute walk with many twists and turns. Moisture in the air let her know she was close. Rina continued until the hot springs came to view, waves of steam floated over the surface of the hot water. Rina released a tired sign as she slipped her clothing off.

A hiss left her when she dipped her leg in before going into the hotspring waist deep. Shivers passed through her at the immediate increase in temperature. Soon Rina became used to the heated water. A small groan left her as she tipped her head back and leaned against the edge.

"Finally some peace and quiet."

Rina poured a generous amount of natural soap onto a washcloth and began to cleanse herself of all impurities.


His nostrils flared sniffing for his prey. He ran through the forest spreading his aura so nothing would dare cross his path. The forest grew silent with his aggressive presence. He was finally free of his master's control, hundreds of years passed since his last taste of freedom.

'Too long.'

Long silver hair whipped back as he leaped to the next tree. He tilted his head up once more searching for anything that would make his day worthwhile. He came to a sudden halt, the scent of zest mixed in with a blooming field came through, he struggled with how the scent tugged the core of his being.

It was divine, his red demonic eyes scanned his surroundings for any threats. There was a fine line between quenching this thirst or fucking it to his satisfaction he still wasn't sure which one he wanted. No one would interrupt him, that he would make sure of. His lips pulled into a smirk when his prey came into view, ripe and ready for the picking.

He wanted her the moment he laid eyes on her. She was the only female that ever stood up to him, physically and verbally. Any other female demoness would have whimpered in fright, but no not her she didn't care who he was or what power he held. It was what made him desire her even more. Other demons were either after his title or bed, neither were acceptable.

Her humanity may have stopped his master from indulging in her virgin body, but he would not stop until he had a taste of her untouched flesh. He took another deep inhale and growled. She was strong, loyal, and would bear him pups…strong pups. He finally stepped into the clearing of the hot spring and released his aura. Her back went rigid, she sat up and turned around gasping when her eyes laid upon his form.

Rina covered her breast, hazel eyes clashed with red orbs. He could hear her heartbeat quicken at his very sight. A low purr rumbled through his chest.

"Damien, what are you doing here?!" she yelled.

He only growled in response and took a step forward edging closer to the hot spring. Rina began to move further into the water as he approached.

He let out a snarl voicing his displeasure when he saw her back away from him. Rina's eyes darted around the hot spring looking for an escape. She was naked in the water alone with Damien. The molten golden irises she knew were shrouded in a deep red shade, a sign its host has lost control of their body. Damien's beast had taken over.

This would normally mean a demon has lost control of their inner beast to kill, except Damien wasn't in rage for blood but for something entirely different.

A ripple in the water shook her from her thoughts. Rina looked up towards Damien's direction but only saw a pile of her clothes and…Damien's. Alarm bells started going off in her head when something snaked around her waist and pulled her backwards, her back collided with a warm but firm surface.

She gasped in surprise. It was soon replaced by fear when another hand sank into her hair and pulled her head back non to gently, gaining access to the nape of her neck. She jumped when he dragged his tongue alongside her neck. From there he proceeded to trail his fang down her throat leaving droplets of blood behind then licked it clean.

"Stop this." Rina said her body trembled as he lapped at her neck.

His growl vibrated through her body making her tremble. Fear and something more began to claw through her core. Rina knew where this was heading and it terrified her. She needed to stop this now, but she needed to tread lightly.

Damien turned Rina around, she quickly pushed against his chest but the arm around her was unmoved. He pulled her closer tipping his nose towards her and took a deep inhale. Black demonic markings traced his forearms. It was the first time Rina had ever seen such markings, the rarity of the markings paired together with a demons strength. the more powerful the more markings their body held. Black markings curled around his hips and lower. Gasping she closed her eyes and tried to turn away. A low growl rumbled through his chest.

"Please… you hate humans, remember? I'm ugly and filthy-don't do something you'll regret -"

Damien tightened his hold on her, cutting her words off. He leaped out of the hot spring, cool air brushed against her naked body. The next thing Rina registered was her back on the grass and Damien on top positioning himself between her legs. Tears began to trickle down.

"No stop…please you don't want to do this and neither do I!" Rina cried out.