Chapter Twenty Eight

A warm tug of his lethal hand jerked him from his thoughts, he immediately looked towards the source. Gold eyes clashed with sliver-blue orbs with a hint of gold.

"It's time to eat." Nathaniel whispered.

"I'm not hungry…"

He tilted his head to the side and blinked twice. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Why do you talk like that?" Again he blinked in confusion.

Why wasn't his father answering his question?

"I do not know what you speak of."

"See that's what I mean?"

"Hn," annoyance began to close in.

"Nathaniel honey come to mommy it's time to eat-"

"But dad is not eating."

"Nathaniel, your father is a big boy now, but you're still growing now come here." his mother beckoned with open arms.

Damien felt pride as Rina verbally acknowledged him as Nathaniel's father in front of the group. It meant she accepted him as her child's father. His golden irises softened when he witnessed his pup obey his mother and give her a hug. There were many times when they were alone, Rina would constantly call him by his rightful title. But to do it in front of other sent a low rumbling purr down his chest.

His pup; who would have thought that the priestess that secretly ruled his thoughts, as much as he hated to admit it, would be the mother of his heir. He would make things right between Rina and himself. He had always held a sort of respect for her.

After all she was the only female that ever stood against him or said things that would get anyone else killed immediately. She was the only female that truly interested him unbeknownst to others.


The clear sky full of stars greeted her. Everyone was asleep while Rina sat on the porch connected to their cabin. She signed tiredly; they had a rough few days together. So many things had happened, she was left speechless at where to begin.

Everyone had a different personality and reaction to Damien's introduction. Sarah and Michael seem to be taking the news a bit easier than Tristen. He was literally Damien's brother by blood, their situation couldn't get any messier than that. It set a strange atmosphere around the group that slowly broke down because of Nathaniel's presence.

Taking a deep breath of the cool midnight air she stood and dusted herself off. Rina stared at the glowing moon for a moment longer before turning around.

She stepped inside the cozy room and lifted the makeshift door that stopped most of the cool air from entering the cabin. She was about to crawl into bed with Nathaniel when she noticed Damien sitting against the wall, he seemed to be asleep.

His eyes were shut and head tipped back. She quietly walked to her camper bag and pulled out an extra blanket. Rina tiptoed towards Damien's slumbering form and dragged the blanket closer to his shoulders.

A clawed hand shot out griping her wrist tightly. Rina gasped in pain at the strength of his hold. He roughly pulled her down, forcing her to fall onto his lap. His arm snaked around her petite waist, she stiffened in reaction. Rina didn't understand what he was doing, all she tried to do was cover him, nothing more nothing less.

She tried to shift away, then her body went rigid at what she saw. Blood red orbs were staring back at her. A soft growl passed through her body. Rina trembled at the sight the low growl turned into a purr.

The beasts sharp eyes shifted around them. It seemed aware of its surroundings including his slumbering pup, and his mate sitting on his lap. Sarah and Michael slept in the opposite corner of the large room while Tristen had yet to come back. Her breathing turned into labored pants, a foreign feeling curled within her.

Her breath hitched as heat pooled within her core. Feelings of want were invoked, this was the first time since their last encounter that he touched her so intimately. His arm shifted against her back.

Memories of the hot spring came back full force. The denial that turned into a plea for more came rushing back. Rina shook her head, casting away the wanton thoughts. She wanted nothing more than to shift forward and press against Damien's chest. This feeling frightened her, the nape of her neck pulsed. Heat rushed from her mark and took over her body.

She was wrapped up in conflicting emotions. Rina struggled to press towards the right direction, as her neck flushed in an unbearable heat. She whimpered. The beast tipped his nose up and sniffed.

'She fears me.' The beast rumbled.

A rough growl passed Damien's lips. Rina barely held back a gasp when she was pulled flush against his chest. His nose nuzzled her mark, the demon Lord dragged his tongue across his mate's mark then trailed to her jaw.

Her eyes fluttered shut.

Every time he pressed his wet tongue against her heated skin it sent her into a trembling fit. Goosebumps spread across her skin. Her body responded to every touch and wisp of breath. Rina bit her bottom lip forcing any possible sounds from coming through.

The demon Lord grabbed a fist full of her luscious hair and softly guided her head to the side to gain more access to her silken skin. He traced the tip of her nose up her neck to her chin. Her short pants stopped, Rina held her breath as he continued.

His long canine tongue brushed across the bottom of her lip. Rina whimpered as she yet again was at the mercy of this beast. She had to calm down or it wouldn't go away. Again she was hugged to his warm body. Her logic fought to take over what her body was responding to.

She sighed as the beast guided her head against his shoulder. She was so confused by its actions. It was such a drastic change compared to their last encounter. That was full of heated touches and pleasured pants. This was a much softer side of his beast, something she thought she would have never experienced.

Rina trembled as the memories rushed back again. The beast pressed his cheek against hers and growled softly. He tightened his hold on her as he dazedly played with her dark locks. The beast shivered every time his mate's breath brushed against his neck forcing a low growl of pleasure to come through.

"De…" she mumbled, her mouth was dry from panting. She licked her lips and closed her mouth.

The beast's hold on her small form tightened immediately, his eyes slid shut.

"Damien…" this time her call was stronger-she was getting through.

The beast snarled before placing his face in the nape of her neck taking in her scent in ragged breaths. Rina clutched onto his shoulders trying not to make a sound, hoping the wild beast would recede within Damien once again.

Taking a deep breath, she slid her small hands up his smooth covered chest to his neck and finally trailed to the sides of his face. Breathing deeply she called once again

"Damien…" bright red orbs snapped open at her voice. His head jerked back, his wide red eyes stared at her. He pressed his forehead against hers: thick silver hair swept on either side of her face. it created a curtain around her eyes highlighting the glowing orbs focused on her.

"Damien come back to me…" her words seemed to have snapped his resolve, his chest vibrated from his growls. He pulled a fraction away, his eyes slid shut. Their heads barely touched as Damien fought for control. His brows arched then scrunched in.

Suddenly she was pulled to his chest, her hands were trapped between their chest.

"Rina…" Damien all but growled, she shut her eyes and waited; she didn't know what else to do.

"I…I'm here…" she finally whispered.

Slowly Rina was pulled back. She still couldn't see his face and his head was still bent down.

"Damien?" she whispered again, she needed to know if it was really him.

He raised his head, the moonlight flashed across his features illuminating his gold orbs.

"Thank god." Rina breathed out a sigh of relief and hugged him. the demon Lord stiffened at the contact.

Damien suddenly pulled her back holding her by the shoulders as his eyes scanned her body searching for something.

"Are you alright?" a short burst of heat shot through her but she ignored it.

"Yes," she shook her head in response.

"But…what is going on? I need to know what this is, will this happen again…what's happening to you?" the last part whispered.

She saw something flash across his face but it was gone before she could even try to decipher it.

He shook his head, then his eyes narrowed. "I…it is becoming more difficult to control my beast from you. To keep him away." he growled in annoyance running his clawed fingers through his thick swaying hair.

"It hasn't even been a few days and yet…I can not control or stop my beast from getting to you." His eyes widened fractionally. "Did my beast do anything to you?"

He looked at her expectantly when she hesitated to answer.


She quickly shook her head. "No,"

"Need this Damien remind you that I can smell your lie?"



"You hugged me…and nuzzled me." she said placing her hand over her mating mark.

"And you licked me… from my neck to my cheek. But it was different this time it was…he was nice and…tender. It also played with my hair…that's all I think."

Damien sighed and slouched back against the wall.

"What does all of this mean?" she asked again.

"My…beast it desires you, but this time willing, without the influence of the mark on your neck. It knows what it did was not right way to pursue you-"

"I just don't understand how he can just take over and control you?" Rina whispered harshly.

Her body twitched with the sensations he invoked.

"This." he reached hesitant at first, his fingers grazed the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

Rina shivered at the contact.

"He wants to complete this, needs to complete it. When you were marked the second step was not enacted…the female is also to mark their intended mate, this did not happen." he breathed deeply taking in her delicious scent laced slightly with his. This calmed him; he wasn't going to fight his attraction for her anymore it was pointless he would only be lying to himself.

He momentarily leaned back against the huts wall trying to gather his thoughts when he felt a soft trail run down from his neck to his junction where his neck and shoulder met. A shiver coursed through his body at her soft caress. It was more of an exploration resulting from her curiosity than what others might have viewed it as.

Damien opened his eyes and watched his mate; she seemed to be in deep concentration staring at his neck, her eyebrows knitted together in frustration. He quickly laid his clawed hand over her small one before he lost his control again. Rina jolted at the contact.

"I'm sorry…" she whispered.

She gently pulled her hand away.

"Would I have to mark you here?" she asked.

At first Damien was hesitant to answer but then eventually spoke. "Yes eventually, it would have to happen. It would depend on the partner that has not been marked, if he can keep his beast in check."

'He was already losing control and it hasn't been that long since we saw each other.'

"How…how would I mark you? I don't have fangs like you…"

"I would have to make an incision right here." he explained touching the junction between his neck and shoulder.

"And you would have to drink my blood."

Damien waited patiently for the information she just received to sink in.


"Mom," Nathaniel mumbled in his sleep.

The mumbled call seemed to snap the two from their conversation. Both immediately realized their positions, Rina quickly got off Damien's lap and picked up the discarded blanket.

"Umm…this was for you before that happened so yeah-here," she quickly said, handing him the blanket.


Rina walked towards Nathaniel sleeping form, again Nathaniel mumbled for his mother craving her warmth and calming scent even in his sleep.

"Okay little guy mommy's coming," Rina whispered softly laying down next to her son. Nathaniel laid his head on her shoulder nuzzling his mother and took in her scent.

Damien stared as Rina cuddled their pup. He waited until her breathing slowed down, she was finally sleep. He looked down at the blanket Rina had handed him, it was saturated in his mate and pups scent.


The great Lord of the West had control and power that no one else could obtain, but now it seemed he had control over his lands but none when it came to the very priestess that had always ruled his thoughts…his mate.

His beast was all instinct yet he the logic side should have been able to hold off its urges. But here he was contemplating what would come of this union and possible issues fighting the wild beast within.