Chapter Thirty Four

Rina and Nathaniel waved at Sarah and Michael before they stepped through the portal. She sighed as they entered Damien's territory. Before their encounter Rina had only visited the western lands a hand full of times.

Each of those visits were coupled with seeing Tristen and witnessing the toxic relationship he had with his older brother. They always argued, more like Tristen yelled while Damien responded in clipped words that sent the younger brother into a rage. Then they fought to the point she thought the demon Lord would really kill him.

It certainly wasn't her place to object or involve herself in their fights. But she couldn't just stand by and watch Damien beat Tristen down. It wasn't how she was built.

It was clear now her brash attempts in trying to stop their fights and yelling at them unknowingly caught the demon Lords attention. A shiver trailed down her back.

Rina grabbed her son's small hand and walked toward Damien. He took her camper bag and walked ahead of them. They followed him to the parking lot to a reserved area. A chauffeur dressed in a black suit greeted them.

"Lord Damien, welcome back." he took the bag from his Lord and guided them to a large black SUV with tinted windows.

The chauffeur's eyes roamed across the additional guests only to widen at the sight of Nathaniel.

"Take us home." Damien commanded.

"Of-of course, my Lord." his voice trembled.

Damien paid little attention to the man's words and sat in the passenger seat while Rina and Nathaniel sat in the back.

"Come on sweetie buckle up." Rina clipped the seat belt in place and off they went to the western palace.

"We're finally going to see dad's home?"

"Of course," she answered.

The chauffeur's eyes kept darting to the rearview mirror as he drove. Rina could only imagine what he was thinking right now. No one knew of their existence and she had originally wanted to keep it that way. But Damien had convinced her otherwise.

She sat back and looked out the window. Her mind took her back to last night's heated sexually charged interaction. Rina tipped her head back, she could still feel the phantom trails of his claws against her skin. The way his fangs and teeth scraped her mark, she shivered at the mounting pleasure filled her.

A loud growl rang through the car, jolting Rina from her daze. Damien was looking at his phone as he growled. But the small sniff he took made her press her thighs together.

'Oh my god, he can smell it.'

How she kept forgetting this important ability was beyond her.

"Dad, are you okay?" Nathaniel asked.

"Im fine," Damien's steady voice replied.

Rina looked at anything but in Damien's direction praying that nothing more would be said of the incident.

They were thirty minutes into their car ride, Rina wondered how much longer it would be. She brushed her fingers over Nathaniel's hair. Only a few minutes early Rina noticed his head nodding and laid him. He rested his head on her lap as they waited for the car ride to eventually end.

The long road was coming to an end. For the last few miles, untouched land stretched on either side of the road. They turned into a private paved road facing towering black gates. The gates opened as they pulled up.

Once they passed the ride continued for a few more minutes until they reached their destination.

The palace was built with large white slabs of limestone, not a speck of dirt insight. The car circled the marble fountain in the front and parked by the steps near the entrance. Manicured bushes and roses decorated both sides of the property.

She had seen Daimen's house before but never really paid much attention to it the few times she entered. His home was monstrous, it had its own ballroom along with private gardens. But now as her gaze roamed over the property it was now a place she would soon call home.

Rina remained in the back seat as the chauffeur and Damien stepped out. He opened Nathaniel's side of the door and carefully unbuckled his seat belt. Rina supported his head as Damien pulled his slumbering form into his arms and laid his head on his shoulder.

The enormous entrance doors, three times the height of the demon Lord opened. Staff members began to line the front to greet their Lord. The sight of a pup in his arms with a human woman behind him had many slack jawed and bulging eyes. But no one dared to utter a word.

"Are the rooms ready." Damien asked the servant closest to the door.

"Y-yes Lord Damien, as you commanded everything was prepared." the poor servant shuttered as he kept his eyes lowered to the ground.

Rina quietly followed Damien down the long hall to the west wing of the palace. A section reserved only for family. Rina glanced behind her and noticed the same shuttering servant shuffling behind them.

She turned around and almost bumped into Damien's back. He stood before a closed door, the servant behind them scurried forward and opened the door.

The spacious room was decorated in neutral tones. The random pops of colors focused on the seating area that was now transformed into a mini playroom. chalkboard lined the wall, toys and plushes were organized in their own bins along with a small bookcase holding an assortment of books for children and crafts.

She had no idea how Damien was able to set up Nathaniel's room in such a short time of learn he had a son.

The closet and private bathroom was to the right side of the room. The servant rushed towards the bed and pulled back the thick duvet. The demon Lord gently placed Nathaniel down and covered him. He stared at him for a moment before walking out of the room.

Rina paused unsure of what to do. She was hesitant to leave her son in a new place, he would be frightened if he woke up and neither parent was there to greet him.

"Stay here until he awakens then bring him to me." Damien instructed.

"Yes, my Lord." the servant bowed.

The command relieved Rina, she left the room and slowly closed the door behind her.

"Thank you," she whispered to the man.

"Of course, my Lady."

She followed Damien until they reached the end of the hall. Only two doors were at the end. Damien opened the door to their right.

"Come," he said.

The same design as the previous room applied here except the layout was twice as large. The king bed at the center was designed in neutral tones, the solid wood bed frame was white washed wood with a cream cushioned headboard.

The layout was similar to Nathaniel's room with the exception of the additional room that was an office. It was an open concept room with only the bathroom and closets that held doors.

"These will be your quarters for now, you have everything here. Should you feel the need to add anything else inform any staff member and it shall be purchased. Whenever you feel ready I can send someone to pick up your personal effects from your home." Damien explained.

The thought of her family brought a slew of worried forward. Since she encountered Damien the thought of her family's questions or anger didn't even come up. She was so busy with the drama with Tristen. Then her focus was constantly stolen by the demon Lord.

She could not believe how fast everything was moving and her family had no idea where she was. They thought she was still in the Glory Forest like she usually went for two weeks. She normally made contact with them once she left the forest. Any form of communication beyond the portals did not exist until she left.

The demon Lord stepped closer as worry grew on her features. She nawed on her bottom lip as she stared into space.

"What is it?" he brushed his fingers down her arm.