Chapter Thirty Seven

This was not the typical greenhouse Rina had in mind. It was massive, bigger than some people's homes. Long rows of shelves stretched the perimeter of the green house. The tables at the center were set up to follow the length of the green house. Herbs, trees and rare flowers decorated every corner of the humid glass house.

Under Rina's strict upbringing and priestess lessons herbology and natural healing was a course that was heavily broached. She could name many herbs off the top of her head and create natural concoctions and pastes that would help calm an alignment.

But here in the demon Lords private greenhouse, she saw plants that were supposedly lost i time in time and others she didn't recognize.

"This place is amazing." she said breathlessly.

She traced her hands over the thick bark of a tree trunk thicker than her waist. The tree had blossomed. Thick purple petals tipped in yellow colored the branches. She didn't recognize the tree.

"What type of tree is this?"

Nathaniel ran down the aisle looking at all the potted flowers and herbs sniffing one ever so often. Then jumping to his next discovery.

"It's a fruit tree, very rare."

"What type of fruit?"

"It's a mix of a peach and bloody orange, I'm not sure how else to explain it. It's known as a Berostilla tree. Its rarity is due to its taste and time it takes to mature into a budding tree."

He traced the yellow tipped petals as he spoke.

"It takes fifty years to mature, and the taste is very subtle but just right to the demon palate. Humans do not have the patience to wait for its growth nor the want for a sugarless fruit."

"You have so many rare plants here." Rina said.

"It has been in my family since before I was born. My mother would come here daily and take care of everything without the servants' help. It was her getaway from her title."

This was the first time Damien had ever talked about his mother. Besides Tristen he never mentioned anyone else in his family. Demons lived long lives, Rina wasn't sure if his mother was still alive or not.

"You must have come here a lot as a child." Rina said.

"Yes and did exactly what our little pup is doing now."

Nathaniel continued his exploration in the next aisle. His small fingers grazed over delicate stems to pinch the sturdier plants and pull at their leafs.

Rina giggled. "It's hard picturing you so tiny and cute."

"Hmm… save for the eyes one would mistake him as my clone." he chuckled. "It will be interesting to see what my mother will do once she sees him."

That answered her question. His mother lived.

"Do you have any other close family members?"

Damien's face contorted in displeasure. Rina knew right away this was a sore subject, but it was something they needed to discuss. She was the mother of his child and Lady. She needed to be aware of close and distant relatives.

Rina wanted to understand the bonds he held close and others he did not trust. Demons lived a very long life, one century could run by without an issue. The next could result in a family feud.

"As you know my mother and father separated long ago. It was due to the late Lords unfaithful actions that led to the birth of Tristen."

"I thought wolf demons mated for life?"

"They do, but my parents never mated. Their arrangement was purely to merge two powerful clans and produce a worthy heir. My mother and father were the strongest in their clans. My father's beast never marked my mother. So when he came upon Tristen's mother…"

Damien carefully ran his claws along the hard trails in the Berostilla tree bark.

"It broke my mother, she had remained faithful and completed all duties expected of a Lady. It took a long time for my mother to rid herself of the sadness my father instilled in her. His actions put a rift between the wolf clans."

"Where is your mother now." she asked.

"She travels, she doesn't like to stay in one place too long. She rarely comes here but I'm sure once she hears I have not only mated but have a pup. She'll come running back."

An uncomfortable feeling curled at the edge of her thoughts.



"Your mother, how does she feel towards humans?"

It was widely known that even though the four territories signed a peace treaty many demons still saw humans as beings below them. It didn't help that Damien's father picked a human over his mother a powerful demoness."

The demon Lord's eyes darkened, he turned to face her. Gaining his full attention.

"My mother is cold but fair. She will not judge you based on your heritage but your worth alone."

Damien cupped the side of her cheek and brushed his thumb over her parted lips.

Rina took a step forward as Damien titled his head down. Her hands smoothed over his broad chest and scraped her nails against the thin fabric of his shirt. His body heat radiated from him. Rina sank into his warmth and tipped her head back as he dove in and claimed her lips.

He swept her hair back and pressed his hand at the base of her neck and tangled his fingers into her thick locks. His other hand smoothed over her backside then came back up and rested in the dip of her back.

His tongue invaded her mouth, she moaned as he tightened his hold on her. Rina wrapped her arms around his strong neck trying to pull him closer. Panting they pulled apart, their breaths mingled as they tried to catch their breath.

They could hear Nathaniel in the background but he was still far enough away to not notice the intimate position his parents were wrapped up in.

"We have to stop." Rina whispered.

"Yes, we should." Damien scraped his fangs against her bottom lip.

The action sent a jolt of pleasure to her core, she moaned into his mouth and locked her lips over his. She raked her fingers through his thick hair. Rina tugged his hair then pulled him back, unsure of what she wanted.

One moment she wanted to stop, the next she was pulling him back for more. Damien growled against her lips, the vibration had her pressing her thighs together. The sound always sent sparks of shivers down her spine.

"Stop." he growled against her lips.

She whimpered, her indecision was putting a strain on him. His thick shaft pressed against her lower region. Her hands clenched his hair close to his roots eliciting a throaty growl.

"Woman." he snapped.

He shifted against her and pulled her back by her hair while holding her lower half tightly against his. His nose flared as he took in deep breaths. Rina slowly slid her hands from his hair and slid them down his chest. He growled at the sensation then glared at her.

"Your teasing has become unbearable." his hand tightened around her hair.

The jolt of pain sent a shock of pleasure straight to her nether lips. She tried to move to alleviate the pressure. But his hold made it impossible.

"Please," she whispered.

He only answered with a smirk then released her. Rina stumbled back and leaned against a table trying to regain her composure. Her body shook with unbridled arousal that just sat there with nowhere to go.

She clenched her legs and rotated her hips. A growl behind her told her the demon Lord was just as affected if not more. The sway of her hips did nothing to relieve his want.

All thoughts came crashing to a halt when Nathaniel's light footsteps began to head their way. Rina took a deep breath and turned to face the demon that left her in a wanton state. She shifted from one foot to the other.

Damien's eyes darkened as they trailed from her head to toe. She had to look away before she did something she shouldn't.

"Mom, dad!"

"Hey-" Rina cleared her throat. "Hey did you have fun looking at all the flowers?"

"Yeah! And it didn't hurt my nose. None of the smells were too strong."

It took a moment to realize Nathaniel was right. Normally the aroma in a greenhouse would be thick in floral scent and other herbs. But it was a subtle pleasant smell that her human nose picked up. She could only imagine what their sensitive noses took in.