Chapter Thirty Nine

Steam rose to the surface, hot water beat down his back. The demon Lord leaned forward, willing his body to forget the images that ran through his mind only minutes ago. He tapped the screen of the water temperature instantly changing the water to cold.

His body froze as the cool liquid rained down taking away visual queues of what happened in the morning. A soft growl rumbled out as he washed up and dried himself.

Towel drying his hair he walked to his desk in his bedroom and placed the wireless earbuds in his ear. Before he even spoke the man on the other end began.

"Finally, I thought my eldest son had forgotten about me."

"Is there something you need?"

Damien stepped into his walk-in closet and pulled a pair of blacks pants with a black long sleeve shirt off the hanger.

"Now son I just walked to talk, nothing else."

Damien pulled off his towel and stood in front of his floor to ceiling mirror naked. He began to dress as he spoke.

"We haven't spoken in over ten years. I find it hard to believe you simply called to hear my voice."

His father cleared his throat on the other end. There was a brief pause, Damien could care less what his father had to say. Finally dressed he left his damp hair to dry naturally.

"Well a little birdie told me you left with a female from the Glory Forest."

Damien walked out of the closet and slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Your interest in who I bed astounds me." His lackluster voice sent his father into a snorting mess.

"What?! That's not what I meant." he defended.

"I care not for what you meant. The fact that you still have individuals who are willing to spy on me and incur my wrath is most interesting."

His words grew cold as the conversation continued. Damien headed to his door to leave but paused when he heard the door across from him open first. He did not wish for his mate to hear the conversation he was having.

The demon Lord knew he would not be able to hide the displeasure in his voice. The biting cold words continued.

"Is there a point to this call?"

"Cold as ever Damien." his father muttered.

"I wonder why,"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. I… the way we left things the last time we saw each other doesn't sit well with me."

"Get to the point what do you want?"

His father sighed. "I want us to be a family again, like the old time."

'We never were a family.'

Damien didn't respond.

"A dinner or lunch whatever, can we all just come together?"

"I have to go, I'm getting another call."


Damien hung up and blocked his number. The buried rage he felt towards the previous Lord he called his father roared to life. It was something he never dealt with. He was never good with emotions let alone the broken ones his father left him with.

He would never forgive him for what he put his mother through.

"Like old times" Damien scoffed. "Such bullshit."


Rina emptied the camper bag on the floor. And looked at what she had left to wear and sighed. She had avoided calling her family. The mere suggestion Damien had made to gather her belongings made her cringe. She wasn't ready to explain anything to her mother.

Rina pulled on a thick knitted white sweater and leggings. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and left her room and headed towards Nathaniel's room.

She opened the door only to find the lights still out. Rina flicked the lights on and crawled onto her son's bed.

"Wakey wakey." She pulled him into her arms and bombarded his face with kisses.

"Mom! Stop," he tried to squirm away but Rina managed to get a good grip on him.

"Stop!" he yelled again, his shouts turned into giggles.

"Okay, I'm up."

"Good." his mother mumbled into his hair. She ruffled his hair.

Nathaniel sat crossed legged on his bed and rubbed his eyes then yawned. The sleepiness in his eyes was still evident.

"Mom," he whined.


"Why did you have to wake me up?"

"A growing boy like you needs plenty of sleep but also food, little man. Now get up and get ready and take a bath."


Nathaniel shuffled around the room gathering his clothes when his head tilted, he stared at the door.

"What is it?" She noticed her son's strange behavior.

"Dad's mad." he walked towards his door and pressed his hand against it.

"What are you talking about?"

"I can hear him talking, he sounds mad." he shivered.

Rina got off the bed and guided Nathaniel towards the bathroom.

"Come on, let's get you washed up." she tried to distract him and put on the water hoping that would drown out his sensitive hearing.

"I never heard dad so mad," he muttered.

"It's okay sweetie everyone gets mad once in a while and he's not mad at you okay?"

"Okay." he muttered.


Racks of women's clothes, shoes and every accessory imaginable was packed into the large sitting area next to the kitchen.

Rina pulled Nathaniel along and walked into the kitchen.

"That's a lot of stuff mom." Nathaniel stared wide eyed.

Ana walked out of the pantry closet. "Good morning Lady Rina and young master." she greeted.

Both mother and son responded in kind. They sat by the granite island in the middle of the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat today?"

"I want pancakes!" Nathaniel cut in.

Rina giggled. "I guess we'll have pancakes."

She turned to the sitting area again. A tall lanky man walked through the entrance with another rack of clothes.

"What's going on over there?" Rina pointed behind them.

"I took the liberty to bring the store to you."

Her mark pulsed with heat at the sound of his voice. Damien walked in through the other side of the kitchen and stood next to them."

"Morning dad." Nathaniel's response was less enthused than usual.

"Good morning, pup." he stared at his son a moment longer then turned to Rina.

Ana served Nathaniel a fresh batch of pancakes with syrup and a variety of berries on the side.


Damien grabbed Rina's hand and guided her to the clothes.

"You didn't have to do this."

Damien raised a brow and stared at her. "Your position requires you to hold your status, appearance is the first step."

"You said we could get my stuff from my house."

"You have yet to give the order to do so. We cannot wait any longer, your family dinner is only a few days away."

Dread dropped in the pit of her stomach.

"What are you talking about?"

"I sent them a formal invitation for dinner. As promised they are not aware of your presence here. Once they get here, we can speak freely."

At first she wanted to be angry with him. He invited her family without telling her first. She had yet to speak with them, she still wasn't sure how she should explain everything. She didn't want Nathaniel to see the family in any type of disagreement of heated discussions.

Nathaniel was very observant, but he was still a child. At the same time she couldn't be angry with Damien, he told her he would send out the invitation. It was her fault in assuming the dinner would take place at a much later date.

Rina sighed. There was no point in getting angry now. A bundle of nervousness began to take over. The need to prepare herself for the upcoming dinner was evident.

Damien pulled her towards the center of the room. The lanky man from before came in with another rack of clothes. His face brightened at the sight of Damien.

"Lord Damien! It is so wonderful to see you again." the tall brunette clasped his hands and bowed.

"Let me see the deliciousness that has caught your eye." he walked towards them, eyeing Rina.

"Tomas." he growled.

He stood before Rina. "Beautiful!" he bursts out.

"This will be so much fun. I hear you are in need of a new wardrobe." Tomas's eyes roamed over her.

"Petite, but not lacking in curves. I can see why the Lord favors you."

The demon Lord growled but said nothing more. Rina was taken aback by both males. Tomas was so open and freely spoke his mind while Damien was a demon to be feared. She never saw anyone speak with such familiarity in front of the demon Lord.

"Hi," she squeaked out.

"Oh she's cute," Tomas chuckled.

"Do your job," Damien growled and sat on a plush one seater and crossed his arms.

"Alright dear I hear you have two important events you need to pick an outfit for."


"Dinner and ballroom?"

The nerves that grated the edge of her mind came back full force. She was so busy thinking about her family arrival she completely missed the most important event to come. She would be shown to the world.

"Yes...that one too."

"Alright!" Tomas clapped his hands together. "Let's get started."

Every piece of clothing down to the most basic item was from the most expensive brands out there. There was at least half a million dollars in clothes and shoes and she wasn't even counting the bags.

"Everything is in your size," Tomas explained.

Rina wasn't sure she wanted to know how Damien got her size.

She roamed through the racks of clothes and pulled a few items here and there. Shoes came next, they would focus on the dinner party first then the ballroom dress.

"After you pick the clothes for the two events, pick whatever else you want to add to your closet.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Either you pick at least thirty outfits or everything here shall be put in your room."

Rina's eyes widened, she turned towards Damien. His gaze showed he meant what he said. His gold eyes darkened as his gaze traveled down her body. Rina felt instant heat ignite at the pit of her stomach.

She forced her eyes to drag way from his focus, they slid down to this lips then folded arms. The thin black material stretched over his muscles pulled at the strings holding her arousal at bay. It should be a crime for someone to look so attractive in such a simple pose.

Sighing, she turned back to the clothes and eventually found a dress she liked for dinner.

"I think I'll wear this." she mumbled.