Chapter Forty One

Once Rina opened the door to the training area, all thoughts of confronting Damien flew out the window.

It was filled to the brim with soldiers training.

'Why didn't I sense them before?'

Groups of soldiers were packed into sections around the large training arena. Every group had two individuals at the center sparring. Rina spotted Damien towards the center of the arena. Nathaniel was close by being trained by another soldier.

The demon Lords swift moves were executed perfectly. He dodged the soldier's charge and side stepped a lunge from another angle. It seemed that Damian's section ran on different rules. He now faced multiple opponents.

His moves looked effortless, his expression held that of boredom. He had yet to attack, only dodged every swipe of claws and kicks from both parties.

Rina stepped into the training area gaining the attention of the surrounding demons. She continued until she was a few feet away from Damien's circle.

The casual dodges and turns transformed into blinding speed. The demon Lord directed a high roundhouse kick to the closest demon to his right charging towards him. The attack sent the soldier skidding across the floor smashing into unsuspecting spars until he slammed into the wall. Ending the attack.

The last soldier leaped back, noticing a shift in the air. The demon Lord did not wait for his soldier to make the next move. He sped forward and thrust his fist. The soldier had enough sense to cross his arms to soften the blow. The attacker was sent to the ground struggling for air. The strike may not have connected with his chest but the power behind his hit and press of arms still took him down.

Damien's back faced her. His black pants and tank top stood out against his silver hair and pale skin. It was absolutely flawless, Rina could only imagine how many battles Damien fought. Yet she could not remember ever seeing a scar on him.

She exhaled as he turned around and focused his smoldering eyes on her. The demons closest to her stepped back. A low growl trickled out as he approached.

All knew to move away once their Lord's eyes focused on the human woman.

Damien's hands gripped her hips and pulled her against him. A possessive move for all to see. Rina flushed as she pressed her hands on his chest, heat radiated through her fingers.

"What are you doing here?" he growled.

Tiring grunts, shouts and blows connecting washed away. Rina couldn't help but focus on his lips.

"Rina," he growled.

Her breath hitched, he leaned his face down.

"Is there something you need?" he asked.

She shifted against him eliciting another growl from him. She arched her brow.

"I came to see where my mate and son were."

Something shifted within him, his aura thickened around him. It pressed against her body, she gasped. His eyes narrowed, then everything around them began to blur.

Rina clutched onto Damien as he moved at top speed. She found herself in an all white bedroom triple the size of hers.

The demon Lord's eyes flashed red, he grabbed Rina and threw onto the plush bed. Gasping, she tried to sit up but Damien was already leaning over her.


Her words were cut off. He slanted his mouth over hers. Rina quickly melted into his touch as the demon Lord wrapped his strong arms around her. She hissed when he pulled her head back and trailed wet kisses down the side of her neck.

Damien's knee pressed between her thighs until she parted them. He slipped between them and pressed against her now throbbing core. His tongue lapped at her pulsing mark sending her into a bucking motion.

Moaning, she tried to move but was halted by a growl against her throat. Rina rotated her hips against his hard member and raked her nails down his side. A vicious growl vibrated against her, sending shivers down her body.


Rina had no idea what pushed him into such a state but she wasn't complaining, she wanted more. She struggled against the grip he had on her hair and whimpered.

Damien sealed her lips once more and released her hair to pay homage to her twin mound under her thick sweater. His claws traced down the middle, splitting the fabric in half. Rina squealed and tried to pull away.

He pulled his dominating lips back and dived towards her chest. Rina flattened against the bed then arched and Damien pinched and sucked so hard it sent her into a spew of moans. Her hands dug into his hair trying to pull him off.

The demon Lord grabbed her hands and held both wrists in his large hand. His free hand traced the hem of her pants. The sound of ripping fabric registered, Rina felt cool air brush over her heated core.

"Oh my-god- Damien!" she screamed as his long tongue dragged over her sensitive bud.

She struggled against his tight hold which only resulted in high pitched moans as Damien roughly dragged his tongue over her pearl in every attempt she made to break free. Her panting breaths became uneven, her chest bounced with every suck and lick.

Rina's thighs trembled, the demon between her legs focused on her hidden pearl. Soon heat flushed her system, her core quaked as she screamed her release. But Damien did not stop, he continued until she was a blubbering mess.

Shaking her head back and forth she bit her lip as she tried to get away. The climax had come and gone yet Damien's attention did not lighten.

"Please," she begged. "Please, I can't. Damien!" a blue aura surrounded her.

The demon Lord growled against her core then pulled away and gave her one final lick. Her body twitched as he crawled over her. Her hands now motionless at her side. Damien had taken every ounce of energy out of her.

She tried to catch her breath only for it to stop as Damien nuzzled her mark.

"Please," she weakly pulled at his hair.

He traced his nose up her neck to her jaw then her ear.

"Are you satisfied mate?"

She shivered at the sound of his voice, it was deeper than usually almost raspy. She nodded.

"I can't hear you." he pressed his lips against her ear.

His claws lightly traced a line down her abdomen and cupped her core.

She gasped. "Yes!" she answered.

"That's a good mate."

He pulled back, his deep golden eyes bounced across every curve of her face. He smeared his thumb over her lips, then his eyes flashed red. Rina realized a foriegn liquid was on her lips as soon as she shifted her teeth over the delicate flesh.

Damien growled and pulled her in for another searing kiss. He took her breath away, exhaustion took over. Moaning, she tried to push him away. Another growl rumbled through his chest but he did back down.

The demon Lord no longer loomed over her. He laid on his side and propped his elbow out and rested his head on his hand. Random twitches and shivers ran through her ever so often. Damien traced the luscious curves of her body as she tried to regain control of it.

The attention only increased her sensitivity, her breath hitched with every stroke and rake of claws.

"What-" she cleared her throat and tried again. "What was that?"

She shivered as he traced a particularly sensitive spot at the dip of her hip. The demon Lord let out a low purr. Her reaction to his touch brought him pleasure.

Rina found it odd, Damien would freely pleasure her yet expected nothing in return. But this didn't stop all the fears she carried for what their future held.

Where exactly did she stand in his eyes?

"My men did not expect your arrival, I did not wish for them to see you so soon." Damien growled.

He answered her question, she had already forgotten that she asked.

"So you're just staking your claim?" Rina pulled the covers over her naked body.

He growled.

"I very much enjoyed staking my claim as you put it." he shook his head. "All those eyes on you. The scent of arousal was in the air, many appreciated the sight of you." he growled again.

Rina arched a brow at his reaction and poked his chest hard.

"Listen here, I better not find out you are the possessive type. I can't have you doing this every time I'm in the company of a male."

The demon Lord crawled over her and dug his hands into the covers on both sides of her head.

"Oh I am very possessive that I can guarantee."

He lowered his body against her, the heat of his body forced shivers down her spine.

"Once we complete our mating bond I will have better control of my actions. Every instinct in my body continuously screams for me to fully claim you."

Heat pooled at the pit of her stomach. Her thoughts went back to the hot springs. She was breathless now yet they hadn't had sex since then. But the kisses, nips and licks sent her to new heights. It kept getting more intense with every little encounter they had.

Damien tugged the covers back and pulled her towards his chest. He traced soft patterns over her shoulder sending shivers down her back.

The thick rod pressed against her bottom but the demon Lord made no move to further his affection. He continued to trace lazy patterns over her skin.