Guardians of the frozen food

Gerhard's POV

Once everyone woke up this morning, Captain set out our tasks. Damian and I were to go out to the Shop that was on the other side of Brackenfell High school to go and collect food while her and Blake went to the library to see if they can find any info on what we are up against. She said that we have less than an hour to get back to them before she comes and finds us. We both started walking in the same direction before we split of. Damian and I ran off to the Gate that surrounded the shop and to our surprise, the gate was locked. We found this strange because the world ended on a Monday, therefor the shop would be open and second of all, no one in their right mind would bother locking a gate when the undead are running at you.

After Damian and I jumped the gate, he grabbed hold of his 10mm SMG and I grabbed hold of my 10mm Atlantic Firearms Pistol and we took off to the entrance that was standing wide open which I found even more strange.

"We need to be fast. Wipe as much food into the two duffle bags that you are able to fit while I handle the drinks."

He nodded and went on to do his task. He wiped shelves clean while I stocked up on water and other drinks and that's when a female voice spoke over the shops intercom, "Can you please explain why exactly you are bagging all of my food without my permission?"

I looked into one of the cameras in the corner of the store and opened up my hands and shrugged, "Because we need food to survive. That reason enough?"

There was a few seconds of silence before the intercom buzzed again, "You wait down there, I'm coming down."

I looked at Damian with a frown and he started laughing.

"What did I do?" I asked.

He continued laughing childishly and wiped a tear from under his eye, "It doesn't matter what you did, because you are in trouble either way."

I physically started sweating a little before I heard a door open and saw a tall and thin, brown haired girl storm down the isle towards me. When she stopped in front of me, she looked me up and down then put her hands in her hips.

"Yip, I'm in trouble," I muttered under my breath.

"Lets start again shall we?" she said and squinted at me, "What do you want?"

"Just some food, that's all." I replied.

"My food that you are currently stealing." She corrected she then clicked her fingers at Damian, but not taking her eyes off of mine. Damian then came up behind me and held up the duffle bag full of food. I smacked his hand and gave him a dirty look.

"Don't give her that. She has no jurisdiction over this food."

She smiled, "Wow, someone finally learned a big-boy word."

I stepped closer to her and towered over her, "Oh, there is a lot more where that came from. Don't test me."

She stuck her hand out to me, "I'm Meags." she introduced herself but I didn't shake her hand.

"Gerhard." I replied.

"Mmhm, who is the big gorilla man behind you?" she asked and Damian pointed at himself as if making sure that she was talking about him.

"Yes, you." she clarified.

"I'm Damian, not a Gorilla man." he said and Meags smiled.

"You can come out now, Marcel." She shouted and then someone jumped out of the freezer behind me. I jumped and moved closer to Damian.

"Thank goodness, it's damn cold in there." Marcel complained and rubbed his hands along his arms in an attempt to warm up.

"Well, of course its cold in the 'freezer' you idiot."

"Shush, Hufflepuff." he said and her face turned red from anger, "So, what are you guys doing here?"

"They are here to steal our food from under our noses." Meags answered.

"No, we arent. We just need food that's all." Damian corrected.

"Oh, really? Did you ask me if u could have some?" Meags asked with a bit of shock on her face.

"First off," I started, "We didn't even know you were here when we got here in the first place and second, I dont see you name on any of the packaging, sweetheart." I pointed out.

"Gerhard?" came a voice from the doorway, "Who is this?" Mia asked.

"Mia, meet Meags and Marcel. The guardians of the frozen food, apparently." I answered.

"Uhm, we are the guardians of alot more than the frozen food, thank you very much." Marcel said with a hurt expression.

"Yeah, what he said." Meags said.

"Did you get the stuff?" Damian asked.

"Yes, I did." Mira answered.

"Get what stuff?" Meags asked.

"The stuff that tells us how to end this nightmare of a life," Gerhard said.

"We're in." Marcel said.

"Good, cause we will need a distraction for our plan to work." I said as he looked Meags and Marcel up and down.

"Let's get to planning then." Captain said with a smirk forming on her lips.