foggy forms

It was clear that we had to visit Marcel's grandfather, who layed soundlessly in his wooden box six-feet underground. We decided to leave the next morning as we all decided last night that we were not going to dig around in a gravesite in the middle of the night. There was a thick and heavy fog that clung to the ground as we slowly made our way to the sleeping dead. Marcel buried his head into his grandfather's leather-bound book that layed open in his large hands. Meags carried beautiful Lilly flowers to place at the foot of the late Mr Swart's gravestone once we buried him as they did once before after we get the broach. Blake had a cold look on his face as if he were deep in thaught while carrying the shovel and Damian and Gerhard began to grow bored and started to have a sword fight using my swords while running over the graves of some random dead people. I demanded them to have some respect, and they responded by saying that even the dead deserve a bit of adventure even if they dont see it through all the muck in their eyes. I rolled my eyes at their snarkyness and ventured on behind the rest.

I walked behind them as I thaught about what we were about to achieve. Time travel had always been a very vague and unrealistic concept that even the smartest minds couldn't achieve, but at the moment I feel highly stupid for many reasons, but the main reason was that we are now following a man who is the sibling of our current enemy and I feel uneasy about the fact that we are leading him straight to an artifact that was in his possession a long time ago.

How do we even know that it's for time traveling?

What if it's a trap?

I kept my guard up as we walked. You have to stay alert during the apocolyps and be ready for anything and everything.

Marcel came to a sudden stop causing me to bump into him.

I'm apparently not as aware of my surroundings as I would have liked to be.

"Here!" Marcel said and pointed to a small rectangular gravestone with his grandfather's name on it.

I looked back at the boys who had stopped playing and told them to start digging.

"Why can't you girls dig?" asked Gerhard and pointed to meags and I.

"Because you boys have the muscles and we have the weapons." I replied without taking my eyes off of the horizon.

The fog just kept getting thicker which made me feel uneasy as I have a fear of not being able to see my surroundings.

it was a while before we all finally heard the sound of metal meeting wood, but that's when my hair suddenly stood on end. Something was out there in the foggy shadows and it was not good.

Gerhard and Damian climbed out of the grave after tying roped to the bars of the coffin to make it easier to pull it out and called all of us over to help them pull it out.

but I stayed my ground and held out my sword as I stared at into the distance.

"Captain?" Damian called out and that's when a low growl pieced my eardrums and sent arctic shivers down my spine.

"Nobody move." I ordered as I slowly backed away from my current position.

"What is it, Cap?" Gerhard whispered.


Golden eyes pierced the fog and something big emerged along with those eyes. The body of a mountain wolf that had pieces of rotting flesh pealing away from its yellow tinted bones.

It strode into view, with its black and moldy fur coat was covered in dew and foam emerged from its big mouth. It looked absolutely terrifying if I do say so myself.

"Don't you just love my new pets?" asked a familiar and cold female voice.

"They are a bit too dead for my taste, but each to their own, I suppose?" I responded while trying to find out where the voice was coming from.

"Indeed, which is why I'm going to be taking what is mine." She said, sounding closer now and I realised that it was coming from the thick black metal collars that rapped around the wolf's neck.

"And what is it that you think you will be taking?" I asked as I motioned for the others to get ready by tapping my foot on the damp ground twice.

"The broach." she answered before the wolf lunged from and landed with his large damp paws on top of me. The only thing keeping its sharp teeth from meeting with my face was my blade that I crammed, side-on, in it's mouth.

"Give me the broach and no one gets hurt." The voice of Shrodina demanded from the collar of the wolf that was to be my demise.

"I'll never let you get your ancient fingertips anywhere close to that broach!"

I turned my sword to press the blade into the corners of the wolves mouth and I struggled to push back hard enough in an attempt to give me enough space to get to my feet. My blade slid through the already disintegrating skin of the wolf as I was able to push it back when it met with the bone of its jaw.

I had an idea of how to stop these things and I hoped I was right.

I drew my other sword to test out my theory.

I sliced its head to the side with the sword that was in its mouth and slammed the sharp end of my other sword against the hinged of the collar before it fell to the ground and once it did, the wolves body went limp and crumbled into a pile of dust at my feet.

Captain:1; wolf:0.

I turned to the others and lifted up my swords in disbelief.

"Thanks for the help, guys. I really appreciate it."

"What did u want us to do, drop the dead man in his coffin and come to your rescue when we all know you're over qualified to protect yourself?" Blake asked.

I stared at them blankly and shrugged my shoulders, and nodded my head, "That would have been nice, yes."

"That is just wrong, what happened to respect?"

"Just get that coffin out and keep your guard up. Wolves always travel in a pack."

They got the coffin out and opened it up and that where we saw the late Mr Swart with his arms crossed over his chest and low and behold, pinned to the blazer of his old tailored suit was the pin. A beautiful purple colored crystal in the shape of a rose that gleamed in the morning dew.

"It's beautiful." Meagan stated in aw.

Marcel apologized in hushed whispers to his grandfather before removing the pin from his smartly dressed cold corpse.

"How does it work?" Blake asked.

Marcel gave the pin to Meagan while he checked the book.

"Only one of us can think of the time zone and the place that we wish to go. I think it's best if we let Blake take this one." He said as he handed the broach to Blake.

"Or I could take it from here." came the same female voice once again, but this time it came from every direction.

Four pairs of golden eyes locked on our locations.

Gerhard slowly closed the coffins lid and got ready for battle along with the others.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that was one of the options. please try again at another time." Marcel stated in a cocktail manor.

one of the wolves lunged at him, but Meagan jumped between them and smashed the wolf's head in with a tree branch that she found laying on the floor and Blake slammed one of the shoves down on the hinged of its collar.

"We need to leave!" He instructed.

"Agreed!" I shouted from where I was holding off one of the wolves with Gerhard who shot at its collar.

"Everyone needs to be in contact with one another and you have to repeat what is on the back of the broach, which would be easy for Blake seeing as it's written in Egyptian hieroglyphic."

"Then let's go" I demanded.

We all ran to each other and linked in as Blake began to read in Egyptian.

That's when one of the wolves sprang from behind me and dug his kanines into my shoulder and I screamed out in agony

and that's when my surroundings changed and I was suddenly in a sand filled village with cracked clay houses.

The wolf released its bite from my shoulder as I hazily watched as the others broke the collar and rushed to me before I blacked out from overheating.

"She is loosing too much blood." came Meagan voice which sounded far away

"We need to get her to a doctor."said Marcel in a soft worried tone

"I know of a healer from this time." Blake said before I felt light as if I was being carried and that was the last thing that I remembered, before I blacked out.


hope you guys enjoy😁
