"Now to the next point!" the speaker's voice echoed through the council's room.
"The deceased Emperor exonerated the region of Greenwald, home to the race of Elfs, from paying taxes and gave them a certain amount of autonomy, how does his son now Emperor of the Gagrica Empire, want to proceed with this matter? "
The room turned silent after the speech and all eyes were set on the new Emperor. An imposing man in his thirties was sitting upright on the throne in the middle of the room. The rings under his eyes suggested that he didn't get enough rest in the past day's what was probably caused by all the work that came with him taking over his father's position.
"My father, God bless his soul, gave them too much freedom by granting them those privileges they neither pay taxes nor do they abide to the laws of the crown. One platoon and one official envoy shall be sent to inform them of my decision and to collect the first tax."
Most of the council's participants nodded in agreement over his decision. Only one person was seemingly against this choice, it was Lord Áeán the human who reigned over the region of Greenwald.
"M'excellency with all due respect, the race of the Elfs is the last one able to use magic and has a whole other culture than we humans do, they only accept a human ruler because of the autonomy that they received. Furthermore, if we revoke it the dwarfs might fear that their privileges could be revoked too resulting in worsening our relationship with them and given that they craft all our weaponry we should stay on their good side."
"Is what he says true Lord Dagda?" The deep and stern voice of the Emperor reverberated.
"While it's certainly true that our region produces and invents all the weapons for the Empire we are absolutely loyal toward his excellency and the Empire, therefore the dwarfs in my region will have no such fear." The lord smirked towards Áeán.
"Than it's decided, Greenwald's privileges shall be revoked!" With the final words of the Emperor, the council was dissolved.
"To hell with Lord Dagda, I hope he falls in one of their bloody furnaces. He guarantees that the dwarfs are loyal even though he is a human himself." He mumbled while quickly going back to his chamber where an attendee was waiting for his arrival.
"Quickly take a bike and immediately ride to Felrenrion you need to deliver this message as soon as you arrive: Starting today all taxes shall be doubled!"
Even though the attendee's face turned pale he quietly bowed his head and hurried out of the room.
In 1916 after Idemis' ascension, the heir of the Gagrica Empire was crowned after his father's death. With the decision to revoke the privileges of the Greenwald territory an envoy was sent to cross the Ogeroy Creek, which formed a natural border of the region, to announce the Emperor's decision.