There Was Once A Little Bean


All of this destruction

All of this despair

All of this madness

All of it caused by such a little, tiny, cute existence?

Yes. Unbelievable.

Sometimes the truth is weirder than fiction.

Who would have guessed that such a minuscule creature would affect the world so much?

Propping up an entire monstrous civilization.

Causing the annihilation of another.

Even going as far as bringing about the downfall of a true god.

None of it makes sense.

Not the main actor itself, not the following events, not the twisted coincidences that made it all possible.

In fact, all of it can be explained by a strand of a fragmented consciousness that…

Crap! That divine being is awakening again.

He doesn't like me narrating. At all.

Narrator out!

* Leaves as quietly as he came *


The sky is so blue!

I can see it through the trees!

Haha. I feel good.

Wait, this is my first time thinking ever!

Hum weird. What changed?

Not important!

I am me!

I think there-something …I am!

Nailed it!

Hum let me see. I was me.

Not thinking anything me.

Then this weird thing entered me.

And I became thinking me?!

UWAWAWA this is confusing!

Oh, wait! I know this one!

When you don't know something you can always blame the gods!

By the will of the gods! I am!


Oh. This calls for a celebration!

And maybe an introduction?

Today is little bean's first day as smart bean!

The smartest and coolest bean of them all!

I am round! Best shape there is!

I am small, this makes me really cute!

I am green! I can hide like a boss bean!

A big baddy snake wants to eat me?

I will not move and hide in the leaves!

Green on green: I am invisible!

Oh…bean cannot move either.

So bean is really good at staying still!

Bean is bean, that simple.

Now, where is bean?

In a forest.

There are trees.

There is grass.

There are flowers.

There are bushes.

There are animals.

There are bees.

There are butterflies.

A forest is a wonderful place!

Full of life and potential friends!

Oh, bean can also see the sky!

Bean already said that once?

Hum but the blue sky is very pretty.

And so big!

I wonder how many beans could fit in the sky.

Hum…more than 5 probably.

See bean is smart bean!

Bean knows how to count.

Bean is so good that bean doesn't even use any finger.

Of course, bean has no finger.

It could be fun however.

I could point at people.

I could go YOU!

I WANT be my friend!

Please? Pretty please?

*gasp* oh no.

Bean has a problem.

Can bean even talk?

If bean cannot talk getting friends will be hard.

What should I do?!


Wait no!

No need to despair. Bean doesn't give up easily!

I am a courageous bean!

Also a patient bean!

I can always wait here and make friends this way.

I maybe won't be able to tell them they are bean's friends.

But they will be in bean's heart!

Ah…bean doesn't have a heart.

But bean can still love!

Bean can do so many things.

Wow, bean is amazing.

Bean is the proof that legs/arms/ faces are all overrated!

The living proof that….


Oh, something is coming!

Friend or foe?!

Bean is excited.

Bean is also scared.

Shows up a really tall guy.

Refined features, dark skin, cool eyes, long pointy eyes!

Ah, bean knows what he is!

One of these non-human characters!

A bishōnen!!!!! OMG!

What should bean do?

Play dead?

Bean is the best at playing dead!

The tall mister is coming closer.


Your face is too close mister!

I'm an innocent bean!

Bishie temptation does not work on me!

Maybe just a tiny bit…

"Is it this …thing that is emitting mana?!"

Bean is no thing bean is ….

Wait?! It knows bean is special?!

"Wow, how lucky! Must be a spiritual plant. With this, the young lady might stand a chance at surviving!"

Huge hand! Slender fingers but huge hand still!

Many beans could fit in it.

Is bean going to be eaten? 0_0

Bean is scared.

Bean doesn't taste good!

Bean is …. too cute to get eaten!

The super tall man is bringing bean away!


Bean is scared!

Wait, no. Bean is a courageous bean.

This is a new adventure!

Bean is brave and will not cry!

Not just because bean cannot cry!

Bean doesn't even have eyes after all.

Ah…. but bean can see!?

How can bean even see without eyes?

Blame the gods!

Bean sure is amazing!

While bean is thinking, we go super far!

Many beans away!

There are many other Bishies in a clearing.

Also girl ones.

One of them is kneeling on the ground.

In his arms is a small little girl.

He is crying.

Ahhhh, don't cry.

Bean will comfort you!

The little girl is not moving at all.

She seems cold.

Eyes closed.

A small eternal smile.

Ah, bean knows about this.

The little girl is dead.

Death is scary.

Death is sad.

Dead people cannot have fun.

They cannot see the forest.

They cannot see the trees.

They cannot see the grass.

They cannot see the flowers.

They cannot see the bushes.

They cannot see the animals.

They cannot see the bees.

They cannot see the butterflies.

They can see wonderful places no more.

Cannot make friends either.

Most importantly they cannot see the blue sky.

The sky that is so blue and big.

What comes after death?

Bean doesn't know.

But bean knows that living is fun.

And that little girl cannot have fun anymore.

The man is devastated.

Bean knows about this.

He must be her father.

Does bean even have a family?

Bean does not know.

Bean would like one.

To protect bean.

To love bean.

To cry when bean dies.

"Master! I found a…. I guess it is too late already."

"Don't interrupt him Cerdrok you insensitive ass!"

"How dare you, get out of …!"

* Sigh*

"Enough. Crying won't bring her back. Nothing will. What did you find Cerdrok?"

"A spiritual plant master! I thought this would help the young ..."

Everyone is crying. And sad.

Bean doesn't like sad.

The first man hands bean to the crying one.





What happened?

Why is everyone looking at bean?!

Bean is scared.

The crying man is crying even more.

He starts to smile.

He starts to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. THIS BEAN RIGHT HERE IS THE FUTURE OF OUR CLAN! THANK THE GODS! I really thought you were dead for good. I'm glad. I'm so glad. So very glad!"

What?! Bean is confused?!

The man is still crying.

"Don't cry, mister! Everything will be alright!"

"Yes. Everything will be alright now that you are back! Everything will be…."

Bean is still confused…and where is the man taking bean?!