This New King is HOT!


At first, I was devastated. This world is so unfair. Taking Irisce away from our king.

That fake that took the throne was unworthy.

No one other than me knows it, but our king is truly a magnificent being.

Powerful, strong, manly, amazing. If anything he is simply too kind for his own good.

At least he was never blinded by his kindness.

Still, none of us saw it coming. That monster that took over.

How could we?

Such dark and powerful magic is not something anyone would expect.

In retrospect, we should have had preparations in place.

Only in retrospect, that is.

No way we could have known. At all.

The first that got killed was that bitch. I truly hate her to the very core of my being. She pushed my idol away from the throne.

She should have convinced him to take his rightful place. For that, I will always hate her.

When she died I celebrated. All the torture she went through before her passing was deserved.

My own predicament kind of took the joy out of it.

Worse, they captured our king's daughter too.

Cute, smart, and innocent. If anything she was too sheltered for her own good.

She needed a strong female presence in her life. Many times I offered my services to my king, but he always refused me.

I blame that bitch again.

All that bitch's doing.

I was still hopeful even in the dark cell we were locked in. After all, he would come for us without fail. I was sure of it.

Only issue was the poison that got injected to the young mistress.

That one was an extremely deceitful move.

And he did come to save us.

Brought us all to safety. In his strong arms.

But it was too late. Far too late.

Irisce was already about to expire her last.

At that moment I wished I knew more about dark magic.

To trade my own life for hers.

At some point in history, most of our magical heritage was lost.

That event perplexed most of our historians. Now it all makes sense.

Of course, the old undying monster didn't want anyone knowing about his abilities.

He voluntarily weakened our whole population just so he could remain in absolute control.

It all worked. For him.

We are now suffering because of it.

I watched as our king hugged the small body of our princess. Slowly turning cold.

Until finally it stopped moving altogether.

I could see the distress in his eyes. It echoed what I was currently feeling.

She didn't deserve to die. I know our leader wanted us to follow her at some point.

Wanted us to become our devoted guardians. I was expecting the task.

As the tears fell in abondance I could somehow figure out what our leader was doing.

It was a first. Both for the crying and for the prayers.

I could understand all of it.

Should any god save our lady I would be ready to do anything. I would teach her properly this time.

Make sure she is protected and becomes strong herself too.

I would sacrifice my very being for it to happen. Sacrifice anything.

Of course, that was just wishful thinking. Or so I thought.

That brings us to this very moment.

Something incredible happens.

The young lady has barely just died that comes one of our companions.

Cerdrok, the ever clueless one with the worst timing of all. Now is not the time to disturb the king.

He brings a plant that is imbued with magic. If he came earlier it might have actually helped, not anymore. It is far too late.

We are all thinking the same.

That's when we hear the voice coming from the bean.

It clearly is the one of our lady!

The king instantly cheers up and starts treating the newcomer as his daughter.

Even when the bean itself assures him that it is not.

Then again, can it truly be a coincidence?

Or did the soul of our precious little one somehow enter this plant?

I don't know.

I truly don't.

At least it makes the king pick himself up.

He seemed like he wanted to die before. To simply disappear forever.

Now he is full of life. As our leader should be! This is for the best.

He orders us to build the bean a home.

We start the construction process.

We use magic to cut down the surrounding trees and make a wooden house to the best of our abilities.

We are warriors, not builders after all. But we truly pour our heart into it.

At first, the others are reluctant. I convince them otherwise.

I am good at convincing.

I tell them I'll use their bones as a raw construction material if they don't help.

That gets them working hard. They know I am dead serious.

When all of it is done our king brings us all in. At some point, someone placed a pedestal in the middle.

Whoever did that needs to be rewarded. I wish I thought of that.

The king carefully places the small bean there on a cloak.

Then he asks us to bow. We all do since it is but a formality. The others are still confused.

Then comes the most shocking demand. He asks us to pledge loyalty to the bean.

This means a blood pledge. The highest order of commitment. This is not necessary even toward the throne usually.

It is used in the royal guard legion. Only asked of the most loyal of subordinates.

And now we are asked to do such a thing toward a newcomer that we all just met.

This is madness. Pure madness.

Then again, I do not wish to live in a world where my king is absent.

Right now he needs that little bean to keep going.

Otherwise, he would go back to his sulking self.

Without any desire to live, without any drive.

No way in hell will I let that happen!

I get up, approach the pedestal and I cut my palm open with my mithril dagger.

As the blood slowly drips on the bean the pledge's magic takes effect.

From now on our souls are linked. Me the servant. It the master.

Going against the bean is now impossible for me. But it matters not.

I know my king enough to know that he won't go back on his decision.

The others are still hesitating. Time to persuade them again.

The threat of death should suffice.

Yep, that gets them moving again.

The ritual finishes. Everyone now linked to our new leader.

Well, our king shall remain the real leader in my heart still.

They all exit the room. Leaving me with the king and the bean alone.

He is happy right now. Oh god is he handsome when he laughs.

He says it's time to leave.

I ask bean if me visiting would make it happy. It replies with the affirmative.

Gotcha, my plan was a success!

Now I have a reason to spend quality time with the king. I could also get bean on my side. After all, bean will need a motherly figure right? HAHAHAHAHA. I'M A GENIUS!

This bean is really cute. Might really be Irisce's soul in there.

Either way, I'll take care of it carefully, lovingly even.

As we exit the building, the king suddenly dives my way.

His manly hand grasps my neck while he pushes me against the wooden wall.

I have trouble breathing.

"I've seen the way you look at my daughter! What are you scheming?! Talk now!"

My whole weight is easily lifted by his muscular slender arms.

How can such a delicate-looking frame hold such raw power I'll never know.

This is truly great if only he could always be this way.

It would be the best!

It takes me a lot of effort, but I finally manage to utter a sentence.

"C-choke me harder daddy!"

Oh, wait! What did I just say out loud?!

Let me try this again.

"My king, I'm not planning anything bad I swear!"

"Then what are your plans toward her? Answer truthfully or I'll snap your neck."

Oh gosh. This is hot. That domineering tone. This cold gaze.

"I'll be a mother figure for her and let her grow to the best of my abilities!"

He releases my neck. I can finally breathe again.

I wouldn't have minded if he continued for a little more.

His stern face softens. I can see a shadow of a smile.

"Alright. I'll count on you then. Don't disappoint me."

Haha. He believes in me.

For some reason, I get the feeling the king has changed.

How should I confirm it? How about this way?

"My king….do you still believe this world to be good?"

"Good? This world is trash. It took my wife away from me and almost cost me my precious daughter. No matter what it takes we'll keep moving forward. If the world opposes us, we'll destroy it. I won't let anything threaten my cute daughter anymore."

"What if we encounter intelligent species? Should we try diplomacy foremost?"

"We'll do whatever needs to be done. That simple. No matter what that is."

Thus our conversation ends.

Gone is the peace-loving king of old.

Gone is the easy-going king of old.

This new king is badass!

This new king is hot as fuck!

The way he looked at me as if I was nothing but trash.

Ready to dispose of me should I oppose him.

I really need to focus on something else.

My underwear is already in a bit of a crisis.

Oh right…what should I teach bean?

So many things to cover, so little time.

Shall I teach how ruling works first? Yes, that should be adequate…