Confused Yet Helpful Bean

Something amazing happened recently.

Bean got praised!

Praised for thinking about the web thingy.

See! Bean can do it when Bean tries.


Bean tries a lot too so Bean can do many things.

Well, Bean thinks anyway. Bean cannot be sure.

What if that something requires bean to …move?!

That would be the worst!

Bean is just a bean after all.


Bean heard something! Detective Bean is on the case!

This seems to be the sound of a door.

Bean's door to be accurate.

This means someone or something is coming inside Bean's house.

This means something serious…. Bean has a visitor.


Hum, Bean doesn't know this tall elf.

He is wearing a long robe. He looks different than most of the other elves.

He has some weird things in front of his eyes too. Glasses?

Bean has a feeling that's what it is called.

Ah, I should probably introduce myself first.

I am a well-mannered bean after all.

"Oh! A visitor! Hello there! I'm Bean!"


Like a boss! Bean is good at greetings. Father thinks so too.

"Hello, little Bean I'm Tarvan. Your father told me that I come in and chat with you a bit."

That is great news!

"Really? Bean loves chatting. Bean is a social Bean haha."

"Tell me Bean, are you the one that came up with the idea to place alert magic all over our surroundings?"

Did Bean come up with that idea? Yes.

Does the new elf want to praise Bean too? Or is there something else?

Bean is not sure. For now, let's answer vaguely.


Then the mister starts talking about lots of things. Bean doesn't understand anything.

Nothing at all. From time-to-time Bean recognizes some words.

Not the sentences, however.

Can this be considered a small success?


But Bean has no idea what he is talking about.

Time to use the secret nod and agree technique!

Wait no, there is an issue.

This elf asks a lot of questions. What if he asks me something about what he said?

Oh no….Bean is in trouble!

What should Bean do?! Ah, Bean has an idea.

Time to focus really hard.

Bean will try Bean's best.

Bean has a plan now.

Listen, listen, listen….

Bean keeps listening until finally, Bean understands a whole sentence!

How amazing is that!

Quick! Bean needs to stop the conversation with a well-timed question.

"The only problem is talking over long distances?"

Ouf, that stopped the long confusing explanation.

"Well yeah, that and the fact that…."

Oh no, if he resumes talking Bean won't be able to follow anymore.

He wants a way to talk over long distances? Ah, bean knows!

"Just use the link with everyone to give information."

There it is! Bean giving timely advice! At least Bean thinks.

But apparently, it was the wrong answer.


This is so complicated. (@_@)

Bean just wants to admit that Bean has no idea what is happening.

This conversation is too high-level for tiny little Bean.

But Bean needs to keep answering or he might become angry.

Even if he doesn't become angry, he might be disappointed with Bean.

Bean doesn't what that to happen either.

Ok, so the link thingy isn't good enough because it cannot transmit information.

It cannot transmit enough information.

Bean truly did not know.

Bean just wanted to be helpful.

Is the mister angry at Bean…no?

He seems fine. He is still smiling too.

I guess he is a nice guy.

Bean will keep asking questions then.

Bean wants to learn.

That is the only way for Bean to truly become a smart Bean.

Bean keeps listening.

There is a problem with the information because of the language.

Bean is still confused, if the language is the problem why not change it?

The mister says it's not so easy. That no language exists that works for that.

That all the ones we have a too complex.

But there is something Bean doesn't understand.

If it doesn't exist …. we can create it no?

Maybe not, after all, Bean doesn't know….

I guess Bean will say bean's idea.

"Then create a simpler language."

Is it a good one?


Something is wrong with mister elf. As soon as Bean says that he freezes!

Is he sick! What should Bean do?!

Should Bean call for help?

Mister elf looks alive at least. Is he thinking?

Does Bean look like that when Bean is thinking too?

No, Bean has no face.

Also, Bean has no eye.

Bean can't fix empty air like mister elf is doing right now.

Did Bean say something too weird?

Bean waits…and waits….and waits….

Until the man starts to chuckle by himself.

That's when he gets on the ground.

And then he says something to Bean.

"Thank you, master! Thank you for enlightening me with your wisdom! I will work tirelessly until I achieve our goals. The new language, the blood pledge link modification, and finally a perfect warning system around our home. You can be assured I won't fail you! Do you have any order for me master?!"

Wait who is this master?!

Is he talking about Bean?!

Bean is supposed to be the student!


Bean is confused. Mister is confused too!

He might really be sick.

This is worrying.

Ah. He asked if Bean has any order for him.

Bean has no idea what he is even talking about!

Time to use the special Bean ability. Act like Bean knows what is going on.

"Ah? None. Good luck with that!"

It is always good to wish people good luck.

Luck is the best! After all, if you are lucky you will have plenty of sun and water.

Also many friends! Bean is very lucky to have found a family and new friends.

As Bean is thinking that, the elf leaves Bean's home.

Another mission accomplished for little Bean.

At least Bean thinks it was alright.

At least he left happy and that makes Bean happy.

Bean truly wonders what will happen tomorrow.

Hopefully lots of fun things. =)