Chapter 3

Francesca had been waiting for over a month for Edward to contact her regarding her auditions and their further plans for her. Every day she would constantly check on her phone and yet there wasn't even a message.

She knew that building a team and working out all the paperwork for her acting career would take time, she just didn't expect it to take too long. She was even worried that her brother Andres had convinced Edward to fake an offer in order to keep her from going to random auditions and trying out her luck.

Within the month that she waited she watched as several young actresses and models made their debut, some under Ver Industries, while others under bigger talent agencies like the famed Lights Entertainment, owned by the Abad family, and smaller ones like FV Cinema, and Sky Network.

She longed to be among those women who, one after the other, paraded across talk shows and noontime shows as they talked about their first projects. Most started with supporting roles while one or two had managed to snap up lead roles for movies and shows that Francesca also wanted to be in. Sadly, since Edward hadn't contacted her yet, she missed the opportunity to be in any of them.

Her day soon returned to normal, going to school, shopping with friends, then going home. She suddenly felt like all the excitement in her life had suddenly disappeared in a moment, vanishing as hope for her career in the entertainment industry faded with her waiting.

One night, she was at home with Andres, pouting.

"What's gotten you so sad?" Andres asked his younger sister.

"Edward hasn't contacted me yet." Francesca said with a sigh.

"I'm sure he is just busy." Andres said as they walked to the dining table.

While the Rocci family was having dinner the maid announced that Edward had arrived to visit Francesca. Her father, Martin Rocci, eyed his daughter suspiciously. She had never had any male visitors in their home, mainly because they would always be driven away by one of the brothers.

"I'll meet him with Francesca, take him to my study." Andres told the maid as he gently put aside his utensils and stood up.

Francesca did the same and followed her brother upstairs to his study.

"Edward!" Andres happily greeted his friend as he and Francesca entered. "Why are you here at such an odd time?" Andres asked his friend as he gestured for him to take a seat.

Francesca moved over to a vacant couch and sat down as well.

"I'm here to see Francesca." Edward said simply.

"I know that, but why?" Andres asked as he observed his friend's movement.

"I'm her for business, purely business." Edward said with an awkward laugh.

"Then talk." Andres said with a nod. "Anything you can say to my sister you can say in my presence." Andres was now glaring at Edward as if threatening him to say what he was planning.

"Ah, no. It's just we found her, I mean you Francesca, a manager and a stylist. I want them to work with you as soon as possible." Edward seemed uncomfortable discussing the matter in front of Andres. "I do have one concern."

"What?" Francesca asked.

"Well it won't be good for your image if you continue to live here, with the Roccis." Edward said, scratching his head.

"Are you saying my family is not good enough for your future star?" Andres quickly questioned his friend.

"It's not that." Edward answered defensively. "It's just that I'm trying to protect her future career."

"How is taking her away from her home protecting her career?" Andres asked his friend.

"If she continues to live here people will accuse her of achieving fame because of her family. They will say that she used her connections to get auditions and roles. I cannot change the fact that she is a Rocci, but I can tell the public that she no longer lives with her family." Edward calmly explained.

"My father will never allow it." Andres warned.

"What if I told dad I'm going to stay at the dorms at school?" Francesca suggested.

"And how long do you think it will take dad to figure out that you are acting?" Andres said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Dad only watches the news, he even turns it off when the entertainment segment comes up. He won't find out till it's too late." Francesca told Andres.

"And what about Matteo? Do you think he will let us get away with this?" Andres asked his sister.

"We can convince Matteo." Francesca said stubbornly.

"Andres, your sister has so much potential. Letting her stay behind all the walls of this aging fortress will do her no good." Edward said in an attempt to convince his friend.

Andres paced across his office, confused as what to do about his sister and her career.

"Andres!" Francesca finally said as she could take no more of his pacing. "We both know that weather or not you let me I will do this. You keep telling me that you want to protect me, that you want to help me. If you refuse to help me and let me do this on my own I will not let you near me." Francesca threatened.

Andres was visibly distressed with what his sister said. He sighed and shook his head.

"Fine." Andres said in surrender. "Let's talk to Matteo tomorrow."

"And what excuse will you give dad on why Edward visited me tonight?" Francesca asked her brother as she thought of all the loose ends.

Andres laughed and grinned at her.

"I will give him the best excuse." Andres said as he leaned back on his chair. "I'll tell dad that Edward wants to court you!"