Chapter 14

Francesca was stunned. Her father had always shielded her from truths like these, her family had made it a point to protect her from most of the harsh realities of the underworld. She knew that the Rocci clan was always under threat, they had enemies everywhere, and their enemies were not afraid to use weapons against them. This was the very reason why she and her siblings were skilled fighters, her father wanted them to be prepared in case someone came after them.

"It's nothing new." Francesca told her second older brother. "Our lives are always under threat. Our business isn't exactly clean." Francesca said with a shrug as she continued to eat her food.

"Francesca, this is not a laughing matter." Her father, Martin, said in a raised tone. "Your safety is important to us, we don't want anything bad happening to you."

"Dad, how is this different from every other threat that comes to our door on a daily basis?" Francesca asked. She had witnessed many of the threats arriving at their doorstep, some more gruesome than others. "You made sure to have me trained well enough to protect myself. I'm even the best shot here, I'm even better than Andres with a gun!"

"This threat was directed at you." Matteo explained in his calm demeanor.

"At me? I've never boasted about being a Rocci, how would people know about me? I've always been low profile just as you had all asked. The only high profile thing about me is that tank I'm brought to school in. My friends don't even know that I belong to this Rocci family, only Katerina knows, because you can't exactly hide things from the Sebastians." Fancesca told her family. All her life her brothers and father had made it a point to keep her out of the limelight, just as how the richer and more powerful families had done, keeping their daughters behind closed doors till they were of a proper age.

"They know that the Rocci family has a daughter and now they are looking for you. With their resources they will eventually find out where you study and that you are living out of the family home." Andres explained calmly to her.

"They don't know who I am yet. I'm still safe. I can still avoid detection if I keep my head down and don't do anything to attract other people's attention." Francesca argued, her freedom was currently the most important thing in her life.

"Rocci isn't a common surname. You will be easily found." Matteo explained.

Francesca knew that it didn't help her case that she was in the entertainment industry, that would only make it so much easier for her family's enemies to find her.

She remained silent as she thought of a way out of her dilemma.

"What if I use a different last name?" Francesca asked.

"Why would you need to use a different last name in school? They already know who you are, it will only raise suspicion." Martin Rocci asked.

Francesca couldn't answer, it seemed her solution had only caused a bigger problem. She looked at Matteo and Andres for help. Her brothers seem just as confused as she was, they didn't know how to safely answer their father's question.

"Francesca, answer me!" Martin said in a raised voice, he was suspicious of his daughter's answer.

"I've been acting." Francesca confessed.

"You've been what?" Martin asked his daughter.

"Dad, don't blame Francesca, I helped her out." Andres suddenly said, coming to his sister's defense.

"You? It's that Vernon kid isn't it! Andres, you should know better!" Martin accused.

"Dad, it was my fault. I begged Andres to help me." Francesca said in an attempt to divert her father's anger from Andres.

"And you! Matteo, you knew didn't you!" Martin shouted at his eldest.

"I did. It's a fad. Let her go through with it." Matteo simply said.

"The two of you should be more responsible!" Martin shouted.

"Dad! This is what I want!" Francesca insisted.

"It might be what you want, but it is not what is best for you, what is safe for you!" Martin scolded his daughter.

"What is safe for me? Do you plan on keeping me locked up at home, forbidding me to chase after my dreams? Why can't I dad? I'm good at acting. My manager and all the directors said so today. I am good at this and I plan to make a career out of this!" Francesca said in a sudden outburst.

"What good is your career if you are in danger? You are safer with our men watching over you Francesca!" Martin told his daughter.

"Dad, if people don't know that I'm a Rocci then I will be safe. If I am in the entertainment industry people will be less likely to think that I belong to this family." Francesca explained. She wanted her father to understand that no matter what she would pursue her career in the industry.

"Francesca!" Martin said.

Francesca was so frustrated that she dropped her utensils and walked out of the house.

"Francesca!" Matteo and Andres called out as they chased her.

Francesca was already outside by the time they caught up to their younger sister.

"Francesca, dad is just worried about you." Andres said as he pulled her by the arm.

"Let go of me Andres!" Francesca shouted as she struggled to make her brother let go of her.

"Francesca, we are only worried about you!" Matteo said as he confronted his sister.

"I can manage!" Francesca said as she finally got free of Andres' grasp. "Why do all of you want to control my life?"

"We don't want to control your life Francesca. That's not what dad wants." Matteo calmly tried to explain. "We only want you to be safe. Why can't this life be enough for you?" Matteo asked.

"No, because this isn't me. I don't even know who I am Matteo! My life has always been dictated by what everyone wanted me to do. I've never had a choice!" Francesca said walking away.

"Francesca!" Andres called out as Francesca got into her car and slammed the door.

Andres and Matteo tried to catch up to Francesca, but she stepped on the gas and drove away through the gates of the Rocci mansion.