Chapter 16

Francesca lay on her bed as she played with her phone. She wanted to ask for someone's opinion, but she didn't know whose. She normally would ask one of her brothers for advice, but they were clearly out of the option.

She thought about calling Joanna, Alvin, or Karen, but none of them knew that she was from a rich and powerful family, so they were out of the question. She wasn't that comfortable discussing these things with her friends from University so she was at a loss on who to call.

While she was thinking about who she could talk to, her phone suddenly buzzed.

'Hey girl!' It was from Katerina Sebastian, her best friend in highschool who was now studying abroad.

'Can I call?' Francesca quickly replied back.

It took a while but Katerina soon replied that Francesca could.

"Kat!" Francesca cried out as soon as Katerina picked up her call.

"Hey Francesca, what's up?" Katerina asked.

"Well, my parents want me to quit acting and move back home." Francesca said with a sigh.

"Nothing new there Francesca." Katerina groaned.

"Well, I have a second option." Francesca said slowly.

"What? I'm all ears." Katerina asked.

Francesca hesitated for a bit, she was worried that Katerina would judge her for her decision, then she recalled that this was Katerina, her friend that was open to practically everything.

"Edward Vernon offered to pretend to be my fiance so that I could live in his apartment. I will also use the Vernon surname when acting." Francesca told her friend.

"What's in it for him?" Katerina was extremely frank and didn't even attempt to sugar coat her words.

"Well, he confessed that he likes me." Francesca told Katerina.

"Do you like him back?" Katerina asked.

"What does that have to do with anything? It's a business deal." Francesca told Katerina.

"It matters because you need to act like you love him. You're an awesome actress Francesca but you've never been in love. If your family figures out that this was some ploy, I'm sure you will suffer a thousand times over." Katerina warned her friend.

"Then tell me Katerina, what was it like being in love with the famous Eric Chan?" Francesca said with a giggle.

"Francesca!" Katerina shouted over the phone. "I was young, I thought I loved him, but he loves Calathea, he is supposed to be engaged to Calathea. So drop it." Katerina said in a stern tone.

"Katerina there is no use lying. I saw it in your eyes, you loved him, and I think you still love him." Francesca said seriously.

"Drop the topic Francesca." Katerina said in a threatening tone.

"Fine, fine." Francesca said with a sigh. "So what do you think, should I do it?"

"Is your freedom worth alienating your parents and your brothers?" Katerina asked.

"They'll understand eventually." Francesca said. She knew that if she did this her parents and her brothers would probably stop speaking to her for a while. It was like throwing a slap on their faces, she would rather marry a man she had just met for freedom rather than spend another day in her gilded cage. "Katerina, I want to live my life, not the life that my parents have built for me. I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to suffer for my freedom."

"Francesa, you do know how hard it is to survive and be successful without backing right?" Katerina asked in a serious tone.

"I do. And I'm willing. Plus it's not like I won't have anyone, I'll have Edward." Francesca smiled as she thought of him. They had just met and yet she felt like she had known him for years.

"Then do it." Katerina said with a laugh. "As long as you are aware of the consequences and are willing to take them on, don't hesitate and follow your dreams."

"Thank you for listening to me Katerina." Francesca said with a smile.

"I'll always be here for you Francesca. Now go to sleep, I need to get to class. Bye." Katerina said with a laugh as she dropped the call.

That night Francesca slept with a smile on her face. She was excited to tell Edward about her decision.

The next day the first thing Francesca did was to drive over to Ver Industries, she was glad to find Edward alone in his office.

"Francesca." Edward greeted as he stood and motioned for her to sit on the couch.

Edward came over and sat next to her. Francesca couldn't look him in the eyes, she was nervous about her decision, what if Edward thought she was just using him.

"I've made a decision." Francesca said in a shaky voice.

"It's ok. Breathe." Edward said as he reached out and held her hand to comfort her. As she felt his warm hand over her cold one her heart began to beat faster.

"Please don't think any less of me for my decision." Francesca managed to mutter.

"Don't worry Francesca, I'm not one to judge." Edward said as he gently stroked her hand. "The choice is yours, and yours alone. It's your life, and with me you have full control to do as you wish. Well, maybe except in your career, Alvin and I will do our best to guide you in the right direction." Edward said with a wink and a gentle laugh.

Francesca smiled weakly, normally she would have laughed at his jest but she was too nervous to do so.

"Let's do it." Francesca said as she let out a deep breath.