Chapter 20

After Francesca had finally gathered herself Edward held her hand as they walked back to the car and he drove them to the Rocci Mansion. Luckily the Rocci Mansion was at the outskirts of the Capital in an exclusive community built for the richest families.

As Edward's car drove up to the gates, a guard stopped their car and approached.

"What's your business?" The guard asked.

"Armand, it's me." Francesca said as she waved at the guard.

"Oh, Miss Francesca, we didn't recognize the car or the man." Armand the guard said in surprise as he saw Francesca in the passenger's seat.

"Oh, well I didn't inform dad I was bringing over a guest." Francesca said shyly. The guards of the Rocci Mansion had seen her grow up and it was their first time seeing her with a man who was not one of her relatives.

"It's alright Miss." Armand said as he signaled for the guards to open the gate. "Have a good night."

Francesca nodded as Edward drove into the compound. The Rocci Mansion was actually located inside a compound that housed multiple homes belonging to members of the Rocci family as well as barracks for their guards and staff.

As Edward's car pulled up to the driveway Francesca suddenly felt nervous, she was doing something completely out of character, growing up she was taught not to do things like this, nothing impulsive, nothing that will drive her away from her family. She was brought up to do as her family asked, putting the family and the clan ahead of all else, and now she was about to put herself first.

Edward noticed the worry and fear in Francesca's eyes. He took her hand in his and caressed it gently.

"Don't worry. I'm here with you." Edward said as he lifted her hand and kissed it. "I will always be on your side." He promised as he moved to get out of the car and open the door for her.

A driver ran up to them and Francesca told him to park Edward's car. The driver nodded and did as she asked. They then entered the Rocci Mansion with Francesca's hand in Edwards, the maids at the entrance were surprised to see her with a man, but they were told not to say anything. They simply announced that Francesca was home and led her and Edward to the dining room.

As they entered, Francesca's mom gasped in surprise.

"Francesca you are late." Her father, Martin Rocci scolded without looking up at her direction.

"Martin." Tina Rocci said as she nudged her husband.

Andres and Matteo who were also at the table turned to look at Francesca who had just arrived. They were surprised to see Francesca holding hands with Edward Vernon.

"Edward, what is the meaning of this?" Andres asked as he looked at his friend.

"Well, I proposed to Francesca and she said yes." Edward said calmly. He had known Andres for a long time and he wasn't intimidated with the mafia leader's gaze.

"This is not a good joke." Matteo said calmly as he looked at his sister. "If this is your way of trying to leave this home that is not the right way to do it."

"Matteo, Edward and I are serious." Francesca cried out.

"Francesca, darling, you don't have to do this." Martin Rocci told his daughter with a sigh. "If you want to act, alright, go on auditions." He said in an attempt to calm her down.

"I want to do this." Francesca answered back.

"Now Francesca, I know your papa and your brothers can be too much most of the time. So please think about this rationally. You've only met Edward recently, you cannot marry him. Don't do this to spite them." Tina Rocci told her daughter.

"I'm doing this for me not for them." Francesca said.

"Mr. Rocci, Mrs. Rocci, Matteo, Andres, I love Francesca and she has everything I desire in a wife." Edward suddenly said. "I proposed to her, and she said yes. I intend to marry her and make her greatest dreams come true."

"Edward! Don't listen to my sister." Andres said in a raised tone. "She's just doing this to escape home, she'll eventually get tired and bored with you then come back home."

"Is that really what you think to me Andres?" Francesca shouted, how dare her brother think she would play with someone as kind and genuine as Edward.

"Francesca, I care about you above all else, and Edward is my friend. The two of you are not a match. I will not hand my sister over to a man like Edward and I will not let you trick him." Andres said as he stood up and walked towards the couple.

"Andres, I'm serious about your sister." Edward insisted.

"Really? You were also serious about the past twenty girls you dated in the past two years!" Andres accused as he looked at Francesca to gauge her reaction. To his surprise Francesca maintained her calm demeanour and didn't show any signs of being bothered by Andres' revelation.

"Doesn't it bother you Francesca?" Matteo asked as he looked at her from his seat.

"No." Francesca immediately answered. Why would it bother her, this was simply an arrangement between an employer and an employee, they weren't really together so she had no right to get jealous or hurt over the past.

"Andres all of that is in the past, there is only one woman for me, and she is your sister." Edward said as he gripped Francesca's hand tightly.

"Father." Andres said as he looked to his father for help.

"Francesca you cannot marry this man." Martin Rocci sternly told his daughter.

"Why not?" Francesca answered back. "First I can't pursue the career I want because you said no decent man would want me after, now I can't be with the man I love who doesn't care about what Industry I'm in. Can't you be happy about me papa? Why do all of you insist on controlling my life?" Francesca asked.

"We are only looking out for you darling." Martin said to his daughter in a tender tone.

"No, you're strangling me." Francesca accused. "You want to be in control of every aspect of my life. You want me to simply do as you ask. What's next? You'll choose the man I will marry?"

"Francesca, my friend has a son, he is incredibly smart and good looking. He also has a promising career." Tina Rocci slowly said.

"I can't believe you mom! Even you?" Francesca shouted in frustration. "Edward and I are leaving." Francesca said as she turned to exit the Rocci Mansion.

"If you dare step out of those doors now I will disown you and you cannot come home. I will also take from you everything I have given, your money, your bodyguard, your name!" Martin Rocci threatened his daughter.

"I would rather be a nobody than a Rocci." Francesca said as she walked out of the mansion, the whole time she was tempted to turn back, but she couldn't for her future she just couldn't.