Chapter 3 : Yorgins

One was obviously not a Yorgin nor an Erotech. This species has not been registered in Viers Britura. They grabbed him and put him on some ones crystal like shoulder. With a length of nearly two meters. Erotechs can not talk , but they have a mouth which Vier was sure about it.

"Look , little yorgin. If you are confused why we can talk , we are not one of you." One unknown specie talked.

Vier Yorgins reaction was unreadable , he does not know if the species his with now are even man due to long hair that reaches the small distance lines which was not an example of a ground instead it was a support to keep Caxsia. There was no feet at all , they have hooves.

"How do you Erotechs talk?" The other unknown specie talk also.

In Viers mind , he think it was a wrong time for him to drop out from the Qzazi's mouth beforehand. He looked at the two new species , Vier blinked his eyes. They looked at him angrily , the one who carried Vier on the crystal shoulder threw him away. Viers back hit something , he looked at from the above it was the creature who catch him. Vier shifted his sight to the species , there were ready to attack him all of a sudden. Did they see something in his eyes?

Vier Yorgin was spacing out to figure a way to communicate with them , if they are not Erotechs then Vier Yorgin can not do the finger wired communication. After a Tuenmi of thinking , Vier stood up and kicked one line from his stand point to jump in one of the unknown species forehead. All Vier think about was to communicate through their forehead.

The un-identified specie which Vier tried to touch their forehead was shaking his head in side ways to remove Vier from killing him. Yes, unknowingly Vier did not know what he was doing. He will be a murderer if he kill the un-identified one's.

"Stop moving , Hertzaf." One word that comes from the back up of the unknown specie talk again in a threatening tone.

"You! Yorgin , get down or I will end your life!"

Vier Yorgin followed the command from the un-identified specie since he did not come for a cold war between other species. He jumped back down in the different line, rubbing his hands together to remove some particles in the unknown species' forehead --the one he tried to communicate with has a black spots on the forehead and the skin is highly pale yet the blood is visible with blue and red that bubbled up in the body.

"Hertzaf, I think this little yorgin was not trying to harm." The one who released a threatening command said in a low tone.

"Sarika , do not tell you are going to let this yorgin go?" Said the one who Vier tried to communicate with its forehead.

"Hertzaf , can't you see?" The one named Sarika pointed her sharp grizzly claw at Vier.

"This yorgin is a newborn. He does not know any thing , which is un-usual." Sarika added.

"Could he be abandoned?" Hertzaf asked Sarika while looking at Vier Yorgin.

The sound from the creature echoed as it was licking its own discharge of un-released dirty from the food it ate.

"What is that creature?" Sarika commented while Hertzaf walk in circles as he stepped on the lines to have a good explanation about a Yorgin being here--accidentally or purposely dropped off at this kind of place. As for the creature Hertzaf got curious also , he never seen any creature like this before.


"Little yorgin , do you understand me?" Hertzaf tried to calm down him self from being killed --that's what he thought since Erotechs are born aggressive.

Vier nodded. He just listened to what he understand in between the unknown species conversation.

"Are you really an Erotech?" A loud slap come from Sarika's grizzly hand landed on Hertzaf pale like face.

"Do not be rude!"

"Sarika , look at the other Yorgins we saw from far away. As a new born they already have armored skins but this yorgin--" Hertzaf grab Vier using both of his grizzly hands which was twice as huge as Sarika's hand. And Raised it high to reach Sarika's eyes.

"See? This specie is not one of them!"

"He was abandoned. I bet he believed that he was sent off to start a home of its own."

Sarika got silent , while Hertzaf do the talking. If one thing Vier likes was not having a mouth since it opened and closes a lot as Vier was observing the unknown species.

"We take this yorgin as ours."

"Are you out of your mind?"


"What are you trying to do ! "

Sarika slowly take Vier away from Hertzafs hands and place Vier into her pale arms.

"I never have in contact with my dead Reicas, so let me try to experience having one." Sarika gently poked Vier's cheek.

It was then Vier knew , Erotechs are not the one's who own planet Vernura. Yet he was still clueless what kind of species are they.

"Sarika , the Erotechs killed our Reicas!"

"Now you agreed the fact this Yorgin is part of the Erotech?"

Hertzaf calmed face turned angrily in a span of milliseconds.

"Do what you want with that Yorgin , but if dares to kill one of us--" Hertzaf glaze at Vier like a food.

"I would not hesitate to kill him then make him a special dish soon!"

Vier may be a new born yorgin but he knew that the two un-identified species had a disagreement.

Hertzaf sprinted away using his fast , huge hooves. Sarika followed while holding Vier , as the creature from the back stopped cleaning the discharging hole from its lower tip edge body.

Vier actually does not feel safe in Sarika's arms nonetheless he got to blend in with it. Vier Yorgin does not even know if he was abandoned purposely or accidentally.

In his mind , A Yorgin is the first division.

Untold side of the yorgin was Caxsia , is where abandoned Erotechs have been dropped off. Some dies cause they can't survive , others die cause they have been eaten raw. Yet one forth of Caxsia has a boundary , the place were Yorgin is put on training to go further ahead to second division as they grow.