Chapter 3 - The Piercing Kata

Thong walks up to the entrance of the venue, a rather large man in a suit stopping him at the entrance.

Guard: Why exactly are you here?

Thong shivered as he saw the man's immense aura. Simply looking at his build, he could tell that this person was extremely strong. Thong hesitated for a moment, before snapping back to reality, remembering what Mike had told him.

Thong: I'm… I'm here to see the match with The Crooked Claw.

The guard stared down at Thong as Thong gulped. After what felt like an eternity, the guard stepped out of his way as Thong entered the dark construction site. Walking further in, he saw a circle of people forming in the largest opening of the ring, so he lifted his mask as he walked closer. Thong felt shock envelop his body as he looked around at the people that stood in the circle. Simply looking at the group, Thong could recognize how much higher class this audience was, But that was not the last thing his eye caught. Getting closer to the audience, he looked inside the circle as he saw Mike standing there, shirtless with the same pants and belt he was wearing before. Standing across from him was his opponent; A man looking to be in his 30s, wearing black gi pants, and holding a pair of kamas. Thong looked in shock as his opponent was armed while Mike stood there barehanded.

Thong's thoughts: Kamas are usually a karate based weapon, so it looks like Mike's opponent is a user of karate. Is Mike really going to fight him without a single weapon? Weapons give a huge advantage. Not only in damage, but in range! How can Mike look so calm there?

Mike cracked his knuckles as he stared at his opponent, who spun his kamas around his hand.

Mike's thoughts: Kusari Ginta, a decently famous martial artist. I guess I get to finally get a shot at his style.

Mike shifted his focus, looking into the crowd, barely seeing Thong in the background. He put on a smile as he widened his stance.

Kusari: I bet you know my name, Michael. I've become pretty well known amongst you rookies. With how quickly you're rising in the ranks, I thought I should stop you before you try to challenge my position!

Mike: I don't think the rank of 245 is that impressive, but I did want to fight you, so I'm happy this fight was arranged.

Mike stared at his opponent. Despite his remark, Kusari Ginta was no average fighter, because he was also known as "The Hope Crusher." He's a fighter that goes around taking down other fighters that's rising through the ranks at a quick rate. One could simply call him a rookie crusher, using his weapon based karate as his primary form of attack. With this combination, Kusari was able to etch fear into many raising to stardom fighters to the point where they lose the will to continue forward. That is the type of man Mike is facing today.

A man with referee apparel walked between the two fighters. A whistle hung around his neck as he shifted his gaze from one to the other.

Referee: Today we'll be having a match between Michael Taylor "The Crooked Claw" and Kusari Ginta "The Piercing Kata!" As all may see, Kusari is wielding his ever famous kamas for all to see! We are not a group that punishes the usage of weapons, for the audience's entertainment! There are no rules and victory is decided when the opponent is unconscious, forfeits, or in the worst case scenario, killed! Without further ado… FIGHTERS! ARE YOU READY!

Mike and Kusari widened their stances, Kusari holding his kamas in plain view. Mike smiled, his one golden tooth shining in the lights hung around the circle. Thong looked closely as Mike and Kusari stared each other down.

Referee: BEGIN!

The referee swung down his arm, and the audience erupted in cheer as the match began. Mike decided to make the first lunge forward while Kusari remained steadfast in his stance. Thong was able to see Mike's next move, even if just barely. Mike's right foot shot off the ground in a blur, curving directly at Kusari's head as he performed a roundhouse kick. In the small instance before Mike's foot made contact, Kusari's body leaned back making Mike's kick fly right over his head, the flow of his actions spinning Mike around. Following through with his motion, Kusari moved into a backflip before landing firm on his feet once again. Mike immediately spun around to get Kusari back in his sights. Kusari now held one of his kamas in his mouth before running forward, hitting Mike on the chest with an open palm strike. As Mike stumbled back, a cut opened in his face, blood dripping down from his wound. Thong stared in shock as Mike raised a hand to his cut. He then looked back at Kusari, noticing that the kama in his mouth had returned to his hand.

Thong's thoughts: That was fast...

Kusari: You silly amateurs think that just moving fast enough is all it takes to win a fight, but what if you decided to use weapons with that fast movement? Then you are likely to become a deadly monster!

Mike laughed it off as he raised his fist. Thong was not shocked by Kusari's quick movements, but rather his terrifying kamas. Regular kamas are dull, simply meant for practice and never practical use. But Kusari had sharpened those weapons. Even if he was able to lie to himself that it was more like a regular tournament match, the blood from Mike's face made Thong realize the real brutality that the matches had to offer.

Mike: You done yapping? This fight isn't over.

Kusari laughed as he charged at Mike. Mike charged forward, his quick right foot flying off the ground once again. Kusari laughed in his mind, seeing Mike go in for another foolish amateur trick once again. Kusari leaned back, doing another backflip only to spin back up and receive a full punch to the face. Blood spewed from his nose as he stumbled back.

Instead of following the motion of his last kick, Mike had immediately slammed his foot into the ground, waiting for the moment Kusari's head would pop back up for the real attack to begin.

Mike: Looks like I caught you off guard.

Kusari raised a hand to his face, blood dripping the ground. He gritted his teeth as he ran at Mike with his two kamas out. Mike let out a huff of air as he waited for Kusari to get closer. Kursari ran at Mike, throwing both his kamas into the air before charging at Mike. Mike raised his guard as Kusari threw an open hand at Mike, leading with a palm heel strike. Mike's arm moves swiftly, pushing Kusari's palm strike away with a low block. Kusari pushed further in, his right hand turning rigid as he went for a chop aimed at Mike's neck. Mike used his free hand to push Kusari's hand away, only to notice a figure drop into his hand. Kusari's fist clenched tightly as his arm swung down, slightly cutting down Mike's chest, Mike stepping back as much as he could, the cut only being around skin deep.

Some blood began to drip as Mike looked up, Kusari reaching his other hand up and grabbing the following kama.

Thong's thoughts: He was able to predict Mike's blocking pattern to time it with when the kamas fell! He can read that far ahead?

Kusari: Getting scared, punk?

Mike put a hand over his chest, a tiny amount of blood sticking to his fingertips. Mike clenched his fists as he returned to his wide stance. Kusari aimed both kamas at Mike, one's blade stained just a tiny bit from the shallow cut. Mike looked at Kusari intensely before charging in, his left side the furthest out. Kusari charged in turn, his arms making an x shape as Mike's arm stretched out. Before Mike's arm fully extended, a crack filled the air as Mike's back foot shot forward, striking Kusari's shin.

Kusari's thoughts: He feinted with the back punch! I was planning to chop off his arm, he must have read my movement.

Kusari stepped back as the pain from Mike's kick was heavy.

Thong's thoughts: Looking at Mike's opening move, he's clearly a much harder hitter with his kicks. A low kick at Kusari's shins is going to mess up his movement!

Kusari gritted his teeth as Mike looked at him with a slight smile. Kusari charged in as Mike took a step back, staring Kusari down as Kusari brought his kamas down, aiming the blades up for a low attack. Once Kusari got within range, Mike immediately launched a high front kick, going far above Kusari's head. Believing Mike's attack had missed its mark, Kusari wore a smile on his face as his arms quickly moved up. Suddenly, Mike's kick changed direction, slamming down on Kusari's head as it slammed him into the ground.

Thong: He changed his center of gravity and the direction his kick was going. Attacking entirely from Ginta's blindspot. Mike, how are you this strong?

Mike lifted his foot off Kusari's unmoving body. The referee walked over to look at Kusari's bloody face.

Referee: And we have a winner! And that winner is The Crooked Claw!

Thong looked on as the audience cheered. Mike looked through the crowd and directly at Thong.

Thong's thoughts: That violence… That brutality… It's barbaric… It's… satisfying…

Thong shook his head violently as he walked away from the sight of the cheering crowd. Standing in a more secluded area of the venue, Thong held his head with one hand as he felt a presence behind him.

Mike: So you actually came.

Thong turned around to face Mike, who finally put on his shirt with a small bandage to the face wound and more proper wrapping to his chest cut.

Thong: You do stuff like this for a living?

Mike: Basically. It's like a calling for me. I get to fight guys in a way that no dojo or tournament can. Anything goes, and it gives such a rush. Oh, and it gives this.

Thong's jaw dropped as he saw the wad of cash in Mike's hand.

Thong: Y-You made all that from just this one fight?!

Mike: Yeah… That Kusari guy is apparently a pretty famous fighter. Surprised he won as many matches as he did, dude was a total pushover once you punched him once. Well, he rarely used that backflip maneuver in those matches like he did here. Guess he got cocky since I'm still pretty new to this company.

Thong: That's impressive! I never knew you were that fast! That strong!

Mike: Aw, it's nothing much. Once you're in a position like I was, it becomes second nature. Want to get something to eat? My treat.

Mike and Thong left the venue and entered a nearby fast food place before sitting themselves down with their orders.

Thong: This is probably the best I've eaten in a while.

Mike: Oh yeah, you can't really go around buying fast food, can ya? Gotta be proper with your money and whatever.

Thong: Yeah, so thanks for inviting me…

Mike looked at Thong's happy face. Mike rubbed the back of his head before leaning back in his seat.

Mike: Yo, how do you feel about joining the Eclipse?