Chapter 28 - The First Day

Thong laid in his bed, looking at his digital clock as he saw time move by. All that remained was a few hours before he would need to leave his home to make way to the hidden station behind the bank. Thong got up from his bed, changing his clothes once again as sweat had begun to build up on his body.

Thong's thoughts: Why am I so nervous? I don't know any of the details, the strength of any of the people I will face, and yet I can't help but feel scared. My entire body feels uncontrollable.

Thong's thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at his door. He opened his door to see his father standing across from him.

Anh: I knew you would be preparing right now. I waited for your mother to begin getting drowsy before I came to speak to you.

Thong: Dad…

Anh: After our fight the other day, I could tell that you had improved. But you are still extremely dangerous and unable to control your own power. I had spoken to Tiana after you had gone unconscious, and she had told me about your training with the other man. I will not ask for details, but I assume you have found a new meaning for our martial arts.

Thong: Yeah, I found my own way… I just don't know if it's the right way.

Anh: Only you can decide that. I do not wish to know more than I already know. I will explain to your mother that you're away on a business trip so as to not worry her. Thong.

Anh looked directly into his son's eyes.

Anh: You have reached a greater height than any of us have. I don't think I have much longer until the loan sharks decide to take their amounts back personally. Your funding has been greatly appreciated, so take care of your mother when you return.

Thong gulped as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder. Walking past his father, Thong looked directly down the hallway.

Thong: I will save you. You've done what you could, so let me do what I can.

Anh closed his eyes, a smile appearing on his face.

Anh: Come back safely, will you?

Anh stood in the empty hallway, Thong having already left. Tears flowed from Anh's eyes.

Anh: You're all we have left…

Thong noticed a large truck in front of the bank, Dianshi speaking to several men in suits. Their builds varied, but Thong could tell they were all capable guards. Thong got closer, Dianshi noticing him in the corner of his eye. Dianshi hurried the guards away as Thong got closer.

Dianshi: Hello, Thong.

Thong: Hey Dianshi…

Dianshi: Before you ask, I have not seen Mike. He seems to be traveling with the Imperium at this moment.

Thong's thoughts: He read me that easily?

Dianshi: I am designated to be an assistant to any fighters that apply, you included. Reading into the worries and intentions of fighters is part of the job. And yes, these trucks here are the means of transportation we will be taking to reach the specially made arena.

Thong: Specially made arena?

Dianshi: Of course, we can't be having our activities out in the open. We made an arena in an isolated forest, with enough guards to prevent pedestrians from entering. Now, if you will. Enter this truck.

Dianshi stepped back, gesturing to the open back of the truck.

Thong's thoughts: This looks oddly suspicious, but I know this will be something I need to do. Dianshi wouldn't do something to betray me or the other fighters here, right?

Thong stepped into the truck, only to see someone running in the distance.

Hugo: Hey! Wait for me!

Hugo was running faster than Thong had ever seen him move before. Hugo jumped past security and into the back of the truck. The guards immediately moved to grab him before Dianshi moved a hand in front of them.

Dianshi: Despite his looks, he is a registered fighter. But that is as much as this truck can contain, take them away.

Thong noticed as the guards closed the door to the back of the truck. There were no lights, no openings. The truck was in utter darkness, but Thong could feel the presence of other fighters besides him and Hugo.

Hugo: Does anyone else smell something funny?

Thong immediately noticed what Hugo was talking about. He slowly became lightheaded as he placed one hand on his lap and another to his forehead.

Hugo: I don't feel so good…

Before Thong knew it, the world became silent. No more voices, no more presences, nothing. He then knocked out.

Thong slowly opened his eyes as he looked up at a blue sky. His senses were slowly coming to him as he pushed himself up. His body felt sluggish, but slowly began to wake up. The sky was nothing like how he had seen it before entering the truck. Thong looked around him, noticing Hugo deeply asleep next to him. Thong reached out a hand to him.

Thong: Hugo… Wake up. I have no idea where we are…

Before Thong could place a hand on him, a foot slammed down between him and Hugo. Thong looked up at the man with a wide grin on his face. The man had a blonde buzzcut, with baggy clothes covering his body.

???: What's up, losers? The name's Cuff Que, the man that's going home with that title.

Thong's thoughts: Cuff Que? I've never heard of this dude before.

Thong looked around himself, noticing the number of people strewn about the area. Behind himself stood a large building, the entrance guarded by several guards. Before he was able to get his full bearing, Cuff grabbed onto Thong's hair before pulling him up.

Cuff: What do you think you're doing, looking over there? Give it up, kid! I'm going to destroy you, and show this company that winning some fights aren't a big issue.

Cuff's smile was cut short as a sword was brought to his neck. Cuff turned to the man in a full suit of armor who stared at him. Cuff couldn't see his face, but he could sense the man's gaze.

Cuff: Tch! Whatever.

Cuff released his hold before walking away. Thong looked up at the suited man with a dazed look.

Thong: Thanks…

The man walked away, sheathing his sword. The clanking of his armor was apparent. Hugo rubbed his eyes as he grew an annoyed look.

Hugo: Turn off the alarm, will ya?

Thong's thoughts: Those are two characters, for certain. I've never seen them before, are they new? A suit of armor and a loud personality. What other fighters will be shown here?

Thong's attention was immediately shifted as a woman appeared in front of the guards. Her hair was tied back in a bun, her glasses with a black round rim. She wore a black turtleneck and long beige skirt. She coughed before looking around at all the fighters gathered in front of the ring.

???: Hello everyone. My name is Shizu Nunes, a representative of the head of the Eclipse. As Daymond himself is busy with the excused fighters, I will explain everything to you.

Thong's thoughts: Excused fighters?

Shizu: You are all fighters with too low of a rank or of a newer status that did not fit the criteria to be excused from these prelims. We will only be accepting a small number of you. So the moment you all gather inside the ring we have at the center of this building, you will be fighting to determine which of you will be allowed into the main tournament.

Cuff: That's bullshit! You're telling me I have to fight all these losers? Let me just fight the head and we'll get this over with!

Shizu: If you're that confident in your ability, it should be no issue to fight everyone here, correct? If you can't beat anyone here, what hope do you have in the main tournament?

Cuff: Bastard…

Thong's thoughts: We have to make it through a preliminary round before we can properly fight? That sounds tedious and unfair, but I guess there are just that many fighters applying.

Shizu moved through the group of guards, which now moved to the side to make an opening to the main building.

Shizu: Come, your trial awaits.

Thong noticed as several fighters started making their way to the building. Thong reached down, grabbed onto the collar of Hugo's shirt, and dragged him into the building.

Thong's thoughts: I guess the road to this tournament is still a long one. But I need to do it.

As all the fighters entered the building, the doors slammed shut, guards standing around the door once again.