Chapter 36 - Brewing Tensions

The day came and went, tensions had lowered, and the sun began to rise. The tournament would begin in two days, with many of the combatants and guests taking different approaches to their days before the tournament. Li walks outside of Thong's room as Hugo stands outside wearing a pair of shorts and a slightly open white sweater.

Hugo: How's he doing?

Li: Seems like he hasn't gotten any better since yesterday. Mike's kick must be the real deal.

Li and Hugo began walking away from the room and through the halls.

Hugo: And he has to fight him during the tournament. Talk about an obvious result.

Li: But that's enough worrying, don't you think? Let's enjoy our days. If Thong needs anything, he can call an assistant to come to him. I also left my number with him just in case.

Hugo: Well aren't you a nice guy?

Li: But Hugo, I must say, I found the results after what happened yesterday interesting.

Hugo: How so?

Li: I saw Silvia talking to the Kaisuto siblings. I don't exactly remember what for, but if I remember correctly, Mike handed a sheet over to them. What do you think that was for?

Hugo: I don't know. I don't really like that guy. He's way too rude.

Li's thoughts: You aren't much better yourself…

Kuro walked through the two fighters, his hands in his pockets as he looked at the ground.

Hugo: Now hold on!

Kuro turned around, getting close to Hugo's face as a sinister smile grew.

Kuro: What's wrong, asshole? Got something to say?

Li: Hugo, it's better to just ignore him…

Hugo: Hell nah, I got something to say about your privileged ass. You're going around thinking you can do whatever you want. I won't stand for it!

Kuro: Hoho? Want to die before this little game begins? Guess you'll be a good start before I go kill Daymond!

Hugo: Kill me? I trained a really strong student, Tennessee! He'd beat you with an arm behind his back!

Li: Hugo, do you know the concept of being quiet?

Kuro clenched his fists as Hugo stepped back, raising his own. Before the fighters could get started, a sword appeared between the two. Kuro turned his gaze to see Yussuf holding his sword tightly, Shun, Simon, and Magnus standing behind him.

Yussuf: As a member of the Arachna, I request you knock off this fighting.

Shun: If you guys were smart, you'd just wait for the main tournament.

Kuro turned to face Yussuf, cracking his knuckles.

Kuro: So all four of you want to take me on, huh?

Jason: Man, you guys are really noisy.

Everyone turned their attention down the hall, seeing the man clad in red walking towards them.

Jason: I was going to meet up with someone, but you guys really just can't help but make things more difficult than they need to be.

Hugo: Who's that guy with the terrible fashion sense?

Li: That's rank number seven, Jason Bellthorne. Were you not paying attention to the bracket making?

Hugo: I think I was.

Li's thoughts: A terrible response…

Jason walked up to Kuro, Kuro staring directly into Jason's eyes.

Jason: Your grandpa really wouldn't approve of this, you know. But I guess he told you that much since he isn't your teacher anymore.

Kuro: Tch! I'll deal with you when we meet in the tournament, Jason. I'll have so much fun tearing you to shreds!

Jason: I'd like to see you try.

Kuro turned around, walking away from the group. Yussuf resheathed his blade, Simon letting out a sigh.

Simon: Man, are all non-faction fighters such big issues?

Magnus: I think I overheard one of the guards mention there was an issue with one yesterday by the pool.

Li: Haha, that was nothing… Nothing at all…

Hugo: Hey, wasn't that when-

Li quickly put a hand over Hugo's mouth, dragging him away. Yussuf turned to Jason.

Yussuf: Thanks for helping us out there. You really helped us avoid a terrible situation.

Jason: I was just here by coincidence, no need to thank me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have someone to go meet.

Shun: Have fun on your little date.

Jason walked away as the Arachna members moved in the opposite direction.

Magnus: We're still playing cards in my room?

Simon: I don't see why not, that was just a minor setback.

Yussuf: I wonder if there are any more troublemakers like that around here…

Shun: No need to worry about that stuff. We'll deal with it when we can.

Joseph and Hamadeen sit outside one of the outdoor bars around the building. Joseph takes a sip of his drink as Hamadeen stares down at his phone.

Joseph: Something wrong, Hamadeen?

Hamadeen: It seems I'm facing one of the Arachna in the first round. How powerful do you suppose they are?

Joseph chuckled as he placed down his drink.

Joseph: You're worrying way too much about it. The Arachna is powerful, but did you forget your own proficiency?

Hamadeen: I'm aware. Fifteen wins and not a single loss… But I can never be too cautious in a battle of the underground.

Joseph: We're both elite boxers, even against weapon users, we can't lose.

Hamadeen: Are you that sure, sir?

Joseph: Don't sweat it. I'm not a pro in this world for no reason.

As Joseph lifted his glass one more time, Moll and another man sat beside them. The man was of a darker skin complexion, with shortly cut black hair and a nicely trimmed beard that was beginning to grey. Sunglasses laid on his head as he wore a flower pattern button-up shirt and black pants.

Moll: Great, now that we're all here, Zenzo, give us the report!

Zenzo: Of course, Moll. I've talked to a few of the guests, and I've guaranteed sponsors for the next couple of matches you three get.

Joseph: That sounds pretty promising.

Hamadeen: I thought we got paid by the Eclipse enough as is…

Moll: You'll understand when you're older, but money is pretty important, Hamadeen.

Joseph: Don't treat him like he doesn't know, but the sponsors do sound really nice.

Everyone's attention moved to Joseph's beeping watch. Joseph pressed a button before standing up, placing his glass down.

Joseph: I forgot, I had somewhere to be. I'll meet up with you fellas later. Oh, and cover that for me, will ya, Moll?

Moll: Haha! You youngins truly are something.

Zenzo: I'll be sure to send you further information regarding the sponsors later, Joseph.

Hamadeen: See ya, teach.

Joseph waved as he walked away from his faction members. Vector passed by him, taking his seat. Moll pulled the glass away from him.

Moll: You, I'm not paying for.

Vector: Not like I was really expecting you to.

Hamadeen: I'm going to go train a bit more. Send me the information when you can, Zenzo.

Zenzo: Sure can do!

Vector's thoughts: Why does it seem like they're all avoiding me…

Vector gritted his teeth as Moll and Zenzo turned to each other and started speaking.

Quintin and Doctor A walked through the crowds before stopping upon someone behind a hotdog stand.

Doctor A: I really do wonder how they manage to get things like this out here without people questioning it.

Quintin: Yeah, it's definitely a weird thing they do. But hey, the Eclipse makes a lot of money, and I get some of that. So I have no reason to complain.

Doctor A's thoughts: Yeah, and then you end up giving me that money for any minor damage or upgrades you want on those legs of yours…

Quintin: Yeah, can I get two of those, one with mustard. You like that topping, right?

Doctor A: So this was the nice meal you offered…

Quintin: Hey, it's pretty nice if you tried it.

Doctor A: There's literally an entire feast in the dining hall that is constantly moved around. You can't be serious.

Quintin took a bite from his hot dog, handing the man a ten-dollar bill. He grabbed the other, handing it over to Doctor A. Doctor A sighed, looking away from Quintin and past the hotdog stand. Beyond it, she saw a helmet looking in their direction. She tilted her head, getting a better look, seeing the entire knight in armor that stood there.

Doctor A's thoughts: What the hell…

Quintin: This hotdog was better than I expected, I'm going to have yours if you don't mind.

Doctor A: Hey, Quintin, you do realize there's a weirdo in a suit staring at us, right?

Quintin: Yeah, I'm more than aware. He came up to me yesterday after the bracket was made. I ran away before he could talk to me.

Doctor A: You have a history with him?

Quintin: Sadly.

Doctor A: When I thought you couldn't get sadder…

Quintin: I thought we were having a nice outing!

Doctor A: I'm going inside for an actually nice meal.

Quintin: A, wait!

Quintin chased after Doctor A, who quickly walked away from him. Lorisian clapped his hands as he turned his head.

Lorisian: How most wondrous is't to see that he finally did get himself a fair maiden!

Jason: Yeah, I really don't think that's his girlfriend, Lorisian.

Lorisian: Then who is't wast the lady?

Jason: I think that's just an accomplice. Anyone can tell that those two are the furthest you'll get of two people in a relationship.

Lorisian: Has't thee been in a relationship, squire?

Jason: That my friend is a very complicated story.

Lorisian: Truly a mystery mine own squire is!

Jason's thoughts: That does make me wonder, will that family come to watch? They have been affiliated with the underworld long before meeting me so I wouldn't be surprised if they came.

Jason and Ser Lorisian walked around before settling down at a table to enjoy a meal that they both looked at. Hugo and Li passed by them, both holding ice cream cones.

Hugo: How… How do they eat?

Li: That's a real mystery.

Joseph rubbed the back of his head, entering deep into the forest. Above him, a single bell sat. He let out a cough, as The Masked Man appeared from behind a tree.

Joseph: Let's get the ball rolling.