Chapter 38 - Kickoff

Thong got out of bed, putting on his usual attire as he headed out the door. Hugo and Li waited for him at the door, both wearing wide smiles on their faces.

Li: Looks like someone tried to sleep in on the big day.

Hugo: Didn't I teach you better?

Thong: Sorry, it was just hard to sleep last night. This day was just on my mind so much.

Thong's thoughts: Ignoring the fact I was already asleep for an entire day…

Thong, Hugo, and Li made it out of the living quarters before heading towards the main arena building. Hugo swung the doors open, the chattering of what sounded like an entire football stadium.

Li: That's quite the noise to enter a building too.

Hugo: Cause they probably noticed that the next head just entered the building.

Li: Aren't you the same guy that placed yourself against a top ten member?

Hugo held his shoulders tightly, a worried look growing on his face.

Hugo: I had entirely forgotten how old that guy looked when I chose that spot. Li, change with me!

Thong's thoughts: Hold on, he remembered his name within the first few days, but not mine?

Li: I think it's a bit too late for that. The roster has already been made.

Hugo: W-Welp… Old man or not, I, Hugo, will still become the new head. You two can be my lackies. We'll make the Hugo Corps!

Thong: I don't know if I want to join that…

Li: Sounds quite ambitious.

Thong, Hugo, and Li headed towards the second floor, entering a room with windows that stared down to the main ring with clear views of the audience around them.

Li: This place is packed!

Thong: I've never seen anything like it.

Hugo: V.I.P. spots for fighters and a great view like this. I can't wait to see how this all goes down.

The group looked outside the window, noticing a man standing in the center of the ring.

Li: It's Zachary.

Zachary raised the mic to his mouth, a wide smile growing on his face.

Zachary: Hello ladies and gentlemen! While it's surprising to be back here so soon, the excitement has not died! So I welcome everyone to the 8th ever Eclipse Grand Tournament!

The audience erupted in excitement, screams filling the arena. Thong covered his ears as Li and Hugo stared in surprise.

Li: Guess we're really in this now, huh?

Hugo: Only one of us will make it. And it'll be me!

Li: Yeah, sure.

Members of the Imperium walked through the halls, Gonzalez eating a bag of popcorn as Remy, Carrie, and Mike all looked at a poster of the order of the fights.

Remy: Looks like only Theodore and Mike are the only ones fighting in the first half. I can just be full of anxiety until then.

Carrie: Just wack your opponent with that big stick and you'll be fine.

Mike: He's up against an Arachna member, dumbass. I doubt he'll get that chance so easily.

Carrie: Oh yeah? Just watch him.

Mike: Wanna go, wise guy?

Remy: I thought she was a chick.

Carrie and Mike looked at Remy, Remy rubbing the back of his head as they let out a sigh. Gonzalez threw another popcorn into his mouth as he turned to the others.

Gonzalez: What were the others doing again?

Mike: Angel and Daniel went to get some snacks before their matches happen.

Remy: I think I saw Abraham go into the forest to train a bit? He seemed pretty focused.

Carrie: And Theodore is conversing with a bunch of world leaders in the stands.

Remy: W-Wait. He's talking to other world leaders? I thought he was the only one here?

Mike: I guess the Eclipse is just that popular. I wonder if they visit those other groups too.

Gonzalez: I wouldn't doubt they're talking about politics or something.

Carrie: That or they're calling him insane for fighting instead of leading his country.

Remy: I mean, don't others usually go out to play golf or something?

Mike: I don't think you have a chance of dying when playing golf.

Remy: You'd be surprised.

Carrie: That sounds like a long and convoluted story that I don't want to hear.

Gonzalez: As long as Theodore isn't getting us into a war, we should just trust him.

Mike: I doubt he's that stupid.

Carrie: You'd be surprised.

Remy: That line sounds familiar…

Shun, Yussuf, Nupan, Simon, and Magnus all sat around a table, Shun popping in and out of consciousness before slamming his head into the table and popping back up.

Shun: I'm awake.

Yussuf: Looks like someone didn't get enough sleep.

A hand slammed on the desk, getting the 5 members' attention.

Shizu: Then you better wake up. This first match is going to be a defining one.

Shizu stood back up, Dianshi standing behind her.

Shun: Would you look at that, the glasses nerds are here.

Nupan: Is it really that important? You have a top ten against someone who isn't.

Magnus: That doesn't change the fact we're supposed to show support to our own. Arthur is stronger than he lets on.

Simon: I dunno, I've seen quite a few of his fights and they aren't anything too crazy.

Shun: Yeah. I got my money on that masked guy.

Dianshi's thoughts: I was thinking the exact same. But I can't tell Shizu that…

Shizu: I see you guys lack morale. But we're all in this together. Our position as the heads of this organization is in jeopardy. Cero, Theodore, and Moll are all here with their own groups.

The room got quiet before Nupan stood up and walked towards the door.

Nupan: Then it looks like we'll just have to make sure we don't lose.

Nupan walked out of the room, Shizu letting out a sigh before walking out as well.

Shizu: Don't fail us.

As Shizu left, Simon turned his attention to Magnus.

Simon: Why'd you join us, Magnus? You usually sought out information, fighting didn't seem like your forte.

Magnus: Shizu and Dianshi weren't willing to fight, so I decided to take their place.

Shun: Don't fail us, then. We need to win according to Shizu.

Magnus: I don't plan on losing.

Yussuf leaned over to Shun and whispered in his ear.

Yussuf: I doubt he's gonna do it.

Excitement was echoing throughout the arena and in one of the many halls of this grand stadium, there was a different sound being resonated. The audio in question was none other than the sound of metal smashing into concrete. At the epicenter of the audio source stood Arthur Hickory standing in a dimly lit room. Suddenly the door behind him began to slowly open up, the light from the hallway revealing a demolished concrete pillar to the figure entering the room. At that moment, Arthur dropped his bats onto the ground.

???: You've gotten even stronger it seems.

Arthur turned around to be greeted by a face that he had recently grown distant from, but had seen hundreds of times. The man tossed Arthur a towel to wipe the sweat off his body, Arthur catching it with ease.

Arthur: Oh… Boss. I guess you came to wish me luck in the match.

Daymond: Of course. You're a dear member of my Archna, and I wish you the best of luck. Your opponent in this first match is no pushover, so you are gonna need it.

Arthur: Where are the rest of the gang? Would have thought they'd come to wish me luck as well.

Daymond: I have them relaying some orders to the guards but don't worry, they all asked me to relay their regards.

Arthur: Better than nothing. Probably about time I start heading out.

Arthur picked up his bats from the floor but before Arthur could leave the room, he was quickly stopped by Daymond who put a strong hand on his shoulder.

Daymond: Let me give you one piece of advice regarding your opponent. When he is swinging, avoid directly clashing with his blade. Now go show him the power of the Arachna.

A large smile painted itself across Arthur's face as he pressed forward towards the arena. Walking down the entrance tunnel of the arena, the voice of the announcer had now become clear as day to him.


Arthur: This should be fun.