Chapter 47 - Counter

Lorisian raised his fists once more, Mason panting as he stared the knight down. The audience watched on as both fighters seemed exhausted. Xavier rubbed his chin before turning his attention to Jason.

Xavier: He wouldn't be bluffing about his condition, would he?

Jason: That I can't really tell. I may have known him for a while, yet he's still a man of mystery. But he's shown me he's pretty honest about how he feels.

???: Yeah, that bastard doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut about what he's feeling.

Jason and Xavier turned their attention to the door of the room, Quintin and Doctor A walking in with Quintin annoyingly rubbing the back of his head as Doctor A tapped away on her phone before looking up at the other two.

Doctor A: Hello there, Jason. X.

Jason: Yo.

Xavier: Nice to see you.

Jason: What's your deal with him, Quintin?

Quintin: I don't want to even bother with it. And I can tell just from hearing you that you probably got an earful of it already.

Jason: More than a few times, yes.

Lorisian charged at Mason once more, unleashing another series of rapid punches with Mason barely avoiding them each time. Mason's exhaustion had caught up to him as one of Lorisian's punches sent his head flying backwards. Mason stumbled back as Lorisian went in for another left hook. Mason's eyes shot open as both his hands grabbed onto Lorisian's fist, twisting it to its limits.

Tico: He's using some of the joint locks I taught him.

Kammy: So he's finding new counters to deal with the blows!

Cero: With how tired he seems, throwing Lorisian continuously would simply tire him out further. He's likely changed tactics to conserve strength.

Kammy: So he really is on the wire…

Tico: Would be real nice if he doesn't lose here. We need to make sure we have as many people ahead of the Imperium and Arachna as possible.

Cero: Mason won't disappoint. He's giving this match his all.

Kammy: But isn't that knight basically insulting him by not even using his shield or sword?

Cero: And he's definitely paying the price for it. His personality became a lot more serious after the last throw. He knows just as well as anyone else that taking on Mason lightly will lead to his defeat.

Mason tightened his grip on Lorisian's fist, Lorisian not making a single noise. Mason turned to look at Lorisian only to be met with a headbutt from the knight's helmet. Mason's head bobbed back as blood shot out of his nose.

Zachary: Lorisian has moved in with a headbutt! Mason seems to be on the ropes.

Zenzo: Lorisian is doing everything he can to overpower The Radiant! Who will prevail in this match?!

Mason's grip released as blood dripped from his chin. Lorisian didn't waste a single moment of Mason's dazed state, immediately landing a blow to the jaw. Mason stumbled back as Lorisian began to pull back his fist. Mason's own arm shot out, grabbing onto Lorisian's wrist before throwing him once again. Lorisian hit the ground with a loud thud as cracks began to form beneath him. The audience gasped as Mason's face was full of a mix of exhaustion, anger, and shock. Mason stumbled back as Lorisian rolled over, pushing himself back up slowly.

Lorisian: Thee are truly powerful. Perhaps I shouldst has't hath brought mine own shield f'r extra protection

Mason: Shut up already…

Quintin tapped his foot as he stared at the match below him.

Quintin: I just need Mason to win…

Doctor A: His condition seems to be too critical.

Xavier: A damaged foot, a bloodied nose, and a blow to the jaw. But Lorisian has taken several blows to the head from the impacts with the ground as well. I think this fight can still go either way.

Mason watched as Lorisian got to his feet once more. The knight staggered, the damage to his head clearly having affected him.

Mason's thoughts: So my tactic did work, but it took so long that I'm worse for wear. I'm struggling just standing here. But like hell I'm giving up… They're counting on me…

Mason ran at Lorisian, his arms outreached as he got closer and closer. Lorisian reached out as well, attempting to grab one of Mason's arms only for Mason to move his arms out of the way. Mason dropped close to the floor, and with a quick spin, swept Lorisian's legs and dropped him to the floor. Once Lorisian had gotten on the floor, Mason quickly grabbed onto Lorisian's legs, tucked them in, and brought the knees to the ground before placing his own legs on top. Mason grabbed onto the metal boot of the knight, pulling it up slowly as he heard slow sounds of pain from Lorisian.

Zachary: Has he done it?!

Zenzo: Is Lorisian going to forfeit?!

In the small window of space Lorisian had, his fist shot out once more, Mason's jaw taking another uppercut. Mason's grip weakened, Lorisian immediately pushing Mason off of himself before getting back up to his feet. Mason sprawled out on the floor as he looked up at the ceiling.

Lorisian: I am quite my most humble apology, but I wilt end the square hither.

Lorisian raised his foot before bringing it down on Mason's head.

Mason's thoughts: My solution… My answer to the armor… My trump card… I'll use it!

Mason's hands grabbed onto Lorisian's armor, Lorisian making a noise of shock. Mason's arms began to bulge, seemingly increasing in size.

Tico: No way!

Kammy: Is he really going to…?!

Cero: So he thinks he's left with no options.

Directly from the ground, Mason lifted Lorisian into the air, and with a quick motion, proceeded to swing Lorisian to the ground.

Cero's thoughts: Yet he made the biggest mistake.

Before Lorisian collided with the ground, he quickly looked down at the focused Mason. Quickly moving his other foot, Lorisian slammed his boot on Mason's head. Mason let out a gasp as his grip weakened. Lorisian hit the ground, but with a much lighter impact than expected. The audience watched as both fighters laid on the ground.

Zenzo: What… What happened?

Zachary: Are we going to witness our first draw?

The sound of metal moving became apparent as Lorisian pushed himself up. Lorisian got onto his feet, staring down at Mason's unmoving body.

Lorisian: Haha! T seemeth yond I has't cometh out on top!


The audience broke out into a cheer, many of the fighters around the ring looking on in concern.

Tico: That Lorisian guy… He's tough.

Cero: He exceeded Mason's expectations. But Mason made one crucial mistake. He used that style without having properly mastered it.

Kammy: But I thought he spent so much time with you to master it!

Cero: But as you saw there, he left himself open. He had lost from the very moment he thought of abandoning his own style.

Cero turned and walked down the hall. Paramedics ran past the group and into the ring, Kammy and Tico watching as Cero disappeared into the halls.

Tico: Talk about harsh.

Quintin, Doctor A, Jason, and Xavier all stared down at the ring. The paramedics helped escort Lorisian away as Mason was put on a stretcher and carried away. Quintin let out a sigh and turned to the door.

Quintin: I guess I'll need to deal with him for longer than I thought.

Jason: I think you should've known he was going to win.

Quintin: I know. I was just hoping he wouldn't. He's a pain in the ass.

Doctor A's thoughts: What's exactly their connection anyway? Quintin hasn't told me much of his past, and I never met any family from when we were in school. So what is it with Lorisian?

Doctor A followed Quintin out of the room, Xavier and Jason standing there by themselves.

Xavier: I need to head back to the infirmary. Seems the damage here is a lot larger than the previous match. You're welcome to see if I can deal with Lorisian's armor.

Jason: I'll pass. I have someone else I need to get in contact with.

Xavier: Alright. Talk to ya later, Jason.

Xavier left the room, Jason looking back at the ring.

Jason: That was a good match.