Chapter 59 - Clashing Steel

Deep in the woods, two figures ran through at high speeds. Dirt and leaves flew into the air as these figures continued on. One eventually came to a stop, breathing heavily as the other stopped further ahead.

Shun: What's up? We aren't even halfway there.

Yussuf: We've been running for hours… How are we not even halfway there?

Shun: This is part of that old man's training. He started after us, but I have no doubt that he's far ahead of us at this point.

Yussuf: All this just to get to the training location…

Shun: Not like we can complain. The Raijin Style is all about speed, remember?

Yussuf: Can't Hiroto just make it easier on us? We're not professionals at it yet!

Shun: If we can't handle this, how can we ever hope to get faster? Let's hurry up, there's no time to waste.

Shun disappeared among the trees once again, Yussuf letting out a sigh. Him and Shun were around the same age, yet Shun seemed out of his league. He was faster and more skilled with the Raijin Style. Even his weapon was more versatile than his own. Yussuf felt inferior to his brother in every way. But despite that feeling, he continued to push forward. Unlike his brother, he was using a sword, something that Shun's own weapon was nothing like. So he made the only decision he could…

The referee now stood between the two fighters, Theodore staring down at Yussuf.

Theodore: Fighting an Arachna in the first round seems fitting. Defeating you would only be appropriate.

Yussuf: Beating me? Sure you may be rank number three, but I'll have you know I've trained a lot for this day!

Theodore: I've been training a lot as well. So let's see who will come out on top.

Yussuf: Wait… You too? Aw man… I thought I was a step ahead of you.

Theodore's thoughts: Is this guy joking?

Referee: Fighters! Take your stances!

Theodore raised his fists to around chest level as Yussuf pulled his sword out of his sheath, holding the sheath in his left as he aimed the point of the blade at Theodore with his right.

Referee: BEGIIIIN!!!!

The referee swung down his arm, Yussuf smiling as he ran in, bringing his sword down. The sound of metal on metal echoed through the ring, Yussuf looking up to see his sword making contact with Theodore's gauntlet.

Yussuf: You were able to react to that? No way!

Theodore: You seem to get worried quickly.

Theodore threw out a kick below Yussuf's line of sight, sending Yussuf flying back. Yussuf let out a gasp, putting the arm holding the sheath over his stomach. Theodore noticed the sheath, pointing it out.

Theodore: Why are you still holding onto that? Wouldn't it be easier to wield your sword with both hands?

Yussuf looked up at Theodore, a pain-filled smile on his face as he then glanced down at his sheath.

Yussuf: It's… It's like a good luck charm to me. Plus, it means I haven't even hit you with my best yet…

Theodore's eyes opened in surprise, noticing the soft and innocent glance Yussuf gave his sheath. Theodore put on a soft smile under his mask. Then a voice in the audience drew his attention.

???: Ohhh Theodore dear. Has the match already started?

Theodore looked towards the audience, noticing a tall, large busted woman with flowing purple hair. She wore an open legged black dress with an opening at the chest with stockings riding up her leg and stocking gloves up to her arms. She wore shoulder bracelets and a shoulder cape to her left with an expensive-looking necklace over her chest. Her tiara sparkled on her head as a pearly white arm scarf laid on her body. She kept her arm in the air as she waved to Theodore. Ziyad came to her side, motioning her to sit down.

Ziyad: Miss Theresa, this is no way for a queen to act. You can talk with Theodore after the match has ended.

An elderly-looking man to their right put a hand to his chin.

Bipen, Current President of The United States: So these are the king and queen of Virtus, hmm? I wonder if they'd fancy some ice cream after dinner.

Theresa: Oh, I would love some. I'm a vanilla type.

Bipen: I'm more in favor of chocolate chocolate chip.

Ziyad: I swear, some of you world leaders act like teenagers.

A hand pushed Ziyad's hat down as Daniel climbed over him.

Daniel: Mama!

Theresa: Oh, Daniel. Come give me a hug. We can cheer for Theodore from here.

Daniel jumped into Theresa's open arms, letting out a cackle as Ziyad corrected his hat. Theodore let out a chuckle before turning back to the battle. Yussuf jumped into the air, quickly twisting midair. He seemed like a spinning blade as his sword struck time and time again into Theodore's gauntlet. Theodore pushed Yussuf away, Yussuf sliding across the ground before looking up at Theodore.

Yussuf: Dammit, you were able to react to that too. You were looking away!

Theodore's thoughts: He's right. I need to stay focused on this match.

Zachary: Absolutely terrifying! The match has only started, but Yussuf has been unsuccessful in his two attempts to harm Theodore!

Zenzo: Looks like he'll need a change in tactics!

Midori: Isn't he the one trained by Hiroto Kanta?

Shun: Him and me both. Do you know that geezer?

Shizu: I gave him small profiles on all of you. Well, anyone with interesting enough pasts.

Simon: Magnus, I feel like that was targeted towards us.

Magnus: Try not to be tilted by Shizu's words too much.

Moll: So Hiroto was his teacher, huh? He sure doesn't show the skills for it.

Shun: Because he's always been self-conscious about it. That's why I think this fight will be just enough to do that.

Simon: You want him to get beat up so he quits? What an older bro you are.

Shun: Shut up, you.

Yussuf raised his blade once more, running at Theodore as Theodore kept his eyes on him. At the last moment, Yussuf changed direction as he closed the distance between himself and Theodore.

Yussuf: Steel Rain!

Yussuf moved in with several quick thrusts of his sword, moving like a blur. Theodore's eyes squinted as he clenched his fists.

Theodore's thoughts: Lunar Graze.

Theodore's forearms moved quickly, pushing each of Yussuf's thrusts away, making it seem like the metal was bending. The audience looked on in shock as they saw the struggle on Yussuf's face. Placing all his strength into one final thrust, Yussuf's blade made it past Theodore's gauntlets. Before it could make contact, Theodore grabbed onto Yussuf's arm. Yussuf's face filled with shock before he was pulled in.

Theodore's thoughts: Dark Wave.

Theodore used the power behind Yussuf's thrust, moving him around before eventually pulling him into the air and slamming him into the ground. Yussuf let out a gasp as Theodore let go of his grasp. Theodore stepped back, seeing Yussuf turn in pain. Despite his pain, however, Yussuf kept his grasp on his sheath and sword tight.

Zenzo: Unbelievable! Theodore shows off his overwhelming power!

Zachary: This match hardly seems fair!

Moll: It's sad, but it's true. Your fighter isn't doing very well.

Shizu: That's usually how it goes.

Moll: What?

Shun: Yussuf always thinks he's inferior to me in every way. But there's one area where he outclasses me, and that's his endurance.

Yussuf slowly pushed himself back up, trying to smile through his pain as he pointed his blade at Theodore once more.

Yussuf: Man… That hurt. You really did train.