Chapter 96 - Bloodlust

In a small country in Asia, Simon and his family lived their own lives. During his younger years, Simon was constantly trained by his father, only to later learn that for generations, his family had served the king of this country. His father and mother were both elite bodyguards, with martial arts prowess that is said to match entire squadrons of armies. To continue the tradition, Simon was trained from childhood. Conditional training on his body to make each part as strong as a weapon and in martial arts to make the most use of his specially made body. At only the age of eleven, he was already on the level of an elite soldier. The Lunaz family was seen as a key aspect in the king's private army. Simon never complained about this lifestyle as he still got to enjoy his personal life with his parents. They went on trips to the zoo, had picnics in small parks, and got to enjoy going to high ranking schools. To Simon, this was an ideal life. Yet that came crashing down quickly one day. The environment in his home was different one day, his mother and father talking amongst themselves. He was quickly rushed into a small hiding space in the bathroom before hearing crashes all over his home. The sounds went on for hours before a crack appeared in the hiding space in the wall. Simon peered through it, his young eyes filling with tears as he saw the bloody bodies of his mother laying on the ground. In front of her, his father was kneeling as the king had two heavily armed soldiers at his side.

King: I won't repeat. Tell me where your son is.

Simon's father: I see how it is. Once you no longer see use in us, you kill us off, huh? Well, you can burn in hell before I ever tell you where my son is.

King: I have no use for traitors. Kill him then bomb this home. Then find a way to locate the boy's daily routines. He may be visiting a friend or at school.

Simon shut his eyes as his father was shot dead right in front of him. The king had already left and the two remaining guards moved around the home placing bombs. Simon left his hiding space, standing in the hallway when the two guards noticed him. His pupils were dilated before noticing the guards raise their guns. In an instant, their necks spewed blood before collapsing to the ground. Simon looked around, noticing the countless bodies of soldiers he assumed his parents had killed. In just one day, his life was torn from him. Inside him was a burning hatred for the king, but he knew that at his age and strength, he would never be able to kill the king. So he became a fugitive, fleeing the country and becoming a wandering warrior. His life eventually came to a change when a man with a strange arrow tattoo approached him. The fight between them was ended in no time, Simon brought to a knee.

Simon: If the king sent you, kill me now. This will be the last chance you have.

???: King? I work for no one, I move for no one. No one other than myself. You were just like me when I was a boy. A boy with no direction until loss forced you to choose. Why don't you join me? I promise you that I will try to give you the chance you desire to get revenge.

Simon looked up at the man, seeing the utter seriousness in his eyes. The man's words captivated him and brought warmth to his hardened heart. Simon lowered his head, the man looking on with a smile.

???: Welcome to the Arachna.

Simon's chops and spear hands moved with such speed and power, Hamadeen thought he was fighting the equivalent to a helicopter blade.

Hamadeen's thoughts: No… A helicopter blade could only wish to be this fast!

Hamadeen kicked back to open space between him and Simon once more, Simon immediately charging in and throwing another spear hand. Simon's spear hand grazes Hamadeen's arm, blood flying from the small cut. The audience was left speechless as Simon had begun to entirely dominate the match.

Man 1's thoughts: Is this the end?

Man 2's thoughts: Is Hamadeen going to die?

Woman 1's thoughts: Are we really going to witness another death?

These thoughts were shared by everyone in the audience, even fighters watching the match couldn't help but feel that Hamadeen's death was but assured. Hamadeen swung several quick right jabs, only for Simon to get low and weave between each strike. Hamadeen's range advantage had lost all its weight, all its impact. Simon had entered a state that no one could have seen coming. Michael sat up in his bed, Remy nearby getting his wounds treated by one of the nurses in the room. Remy's eyes filled with fear as he watched.

Remy: It's over…

Michael's thoughts: That bloodlust in his eyes. It's just like Minh's…

Hamadeen threw a right hook, Simon ducking below the blow, throwing a chop as he moved back. Blood dripped from Hamadeen's arms, fear capturing his mind. Simon's eyes only saw a blurred figure in front of him. As his eyes began to correct themselves, he saw the face of the "king." The king of the nation that had stolen his home.

Simon's thoughts: I will kill you. You messed up the moment you entered this ring thinking you could beat me.

Simon moved in, throwing a quick right punch, Hamadeen sliding off of it with his left forearm before throwing a right straight. Simon ducked below this strike too, his left hand shooting up and slashing up Hamadeen's chest. Moll crossed his arms, Midori walking up behind him.

Midori: That Simon boy is extremely skilled.

Moll: He sure is. His hands are like swords. But there's one thing I've noticed.

Midori: You mean…?

Moll: Yeah. He has a pattern.

Hamadeen kicked off the ground, opening the distance, watching as Simon repositioned himself.

Hamadeen's thoughts: He abandoned kicks after that cut across my chest. Meaning he's purely attacking me with his hands. I need to focus! If he's attacking with his hands, there's bound to be a pattern! Think!

Simon's eyes intensified before leaping forward, throwing a spear hand, Hamadeen jumping to his right before Simon followed up with a chop to the thigh. Simon threw a mixture of chops and spear hands, Hamadeen bobbing and weaving between the blows. One spear hand moved dangerously close to his eyes, Hamadeen weaving to the left.

Hamadeen's thoughts: He's trying to remove my vision! But I see it!

Simon turned his spear hand into a chop, Hamadeen smiling as he swayed out of the chop's way, landing an overhead punch to Simon's face. Simon staggers back from the sudden blow, Hamadeen refusing to let this moment pass him by. He follows with quick right jabs, striking Simon who had now raised his left forearm in defense. Hamadeen kicked back as Simon threw a downward chop which slammed into the ground once more, making another hole.

Hamadeen's thoughts: He's still moving after that?!

Zachary: Despite finally landing a punch, Simon seems entirely unfazed!

Zenzo: Just what type of monster is Simon?!

Simon gritted his teeth as he changed from chops to throwing spear hands and punches, Hamadeen bobbing and weaving through the barrage of punches.

Hamadeen's thoughts: I've seen these enough!

Hamadeen's upper body leaned forward as he landed a heavy right uppercut to Simon's gut. Simon let out a gasp as he stumbled back. Hamadeen aimed for a left hook, Simon swatting the blow away with his right forearm before punching Hamadeen across the face with a left hook. Hamadeen stepped back, Simon catching his breath before both their eyes flared up.

Simon's thoughts: I'll kill you!

Hamadeen's thoughts: I won't lose!

Both Hamadeen and Simon charged forward, Simon throwing forward a left spear hand that pierced through Hamadeen's right bicep. Despite the pain spreading through his arm, he didn't let this stop him, Hamadeen threw a left straight with all of his upper body strength, Simon slightly moving his body only for the straight to slam directly into his right shoulder. Simon pulled his hand out of Hamadeen's bicep before pushing him away, placing a hand on top of his shoulder.

Simon's thoughts: My shoulder… It's broken. I can't move my right arm…Was this the price I paid for focusing too much on damage?

A shadow formed over Simon's face, Hamadeen using this moment to catch his breath. He looked at his right bicep, noticing the stab mark.

Hamadeen's thoughts: The cut is deep… This is going to weaken my striking power in that arm. I'm losing blood quickly and I feel extremely exhausted… Can I go on?

The audience and fighters stared in silence, watching the two fighters breathing heavily. Simon changed his focus from his shoulder to Hamadeen, his eyes opening wide with surprise as Hamadeen lifted both of his fists.

Hamadeen's thoughts: I won't lose. Not when I'm this close…