Chapter 98 - Match 15

Tristian and Violet cheered as Joseph got up from his seat. His hands were in his pocket as he walked out of the room.

Tristan: You weren't lying about that Hamadeen kid.

Violet: He really made it look like he was going to lose for a second there.

Joseph: Of course he won. He's my student, so he wouldn't lose to some karate kid.

Violet: You say that, but he looks pretty bloodied up from what I saw. That Simon kid is pretty dangerous.

Joseph: That's also a given. The Arachna wouldn't send out someone that would fall easy. Simon would've given anyone in this tournament trouble. Out of all the Arachna fighters, I don't think I can beat a single one easily.

Tristan: Not so confident now, are we?

Out of nowhere, blood dripped from Tristan's nose, Joseph holding his fist in front of him.

Joseph: I never said I would lose. Just you watch, I'm going to show you exactly what a winner is like. Oh, and I'll introduce you guys to my Collective buddies, too. Might as well extend our deal.

Joseph left the room, Violet running up to Tristan with a handkerchief before wiping off the blood. Tristan smiled as he stared at the door.

Tristan: There's no way we can lose now. If we get associated with the Collective, it means we'll have Moll at our disposal! We can't lose!

Violet: That deal with Joseph is really coming out well now!

Tristan: Let's go get our best suits, we'll need to look good when we meet them.

Simon laid in a bed in Bodin's infirmary, his left arm over his eyes as he filled with dread.

Simon: I lost… I let all of you down.

Yussuf: Aw, Simon. Don't be so harsh on yourself!

Magnus: Any of us would've struggled with him. Hamadeen is just a really skilled fighter.

Simon: I know, but I promised to get into the second round and bring pride to the Arachna. Now, we only have three of us moving forward.

Shun: Yeah, that was tough to watch.

Magnus: Can you even see properly yet?

Shun: Enough to see Simon's sad sack of a face.

Shizu: Enough out of you.

Shun: Alright alright.

Daymond walked up to Simon, Simon peeking from behind his arm to see Daymond's face. It seemed gentle, somehow.

Daymond: You did the best you could. I thank you for your service, so rest.

Simon chuckled to himself, looking down at his right arm in its sling.

Simon: Thanks guys, I just want to rest for now. So try not to be too rowdy, okay…

Shun: And like that, he's out like a light.

Magnus: I don't blame him. A strike like that from Hamadeen could easily put anyone to sleep.

Daymond: But this makes it clear. Magnus, Shun. Our victories must be assured. We are the last legs for this group.

Shun: Really upping the pressure on us, eh, boss?

Magnus: I agree. No matter who our opponents are, we must aim for victory.

Arthur: You say that, but didja forget who you're up against?

Nupan: Daniel. And that kid just killed a man right in front of everyone. You sure you'll do any better?

Magnus: I'll try my hardest to do my best. It doesn't matter if my life is at risk, I'll overcome my fears and beat him!

Nupan: You say that, but I can totally see you shivering.

Magnus pushed up his glasses as his face turned red.

Magnus: I am not nervous!

Daymond smiled, turning away before pulling out his book. Flipping through the book, pages of nearly every fighter within the Eclipse move within it.

Daymond's thoughts: Theodore will certainly be an obstacle to overcome. I cannot afford to make a mistake.

Gonzalez walked through the halls, his hands in his pocket before hearing someone running down the hall.

Abraham: I swear I saw a ghost! Where did he go?

Gonzalez: Abraham?

Abraham: Ah! Gonzalez, there you are. I was wondering where you were. You left me and Carrie by our lonesome. And she's pretty cranky right now.

Gonzalez: I can imagine. But I just needed to talk to Remy a bit… Are you sure you should be chasing after ghosts when your match is about to come up?

Abraham: Dear lord, you're right. I need to go get my sword, I left it in the locker room.

Veronica: Don't you worry, I brought it here for you.

Gonzalez and Abraham turned around, seeing Veronica appear with the sword in her hands. Abraham quickly grabbed the hilt and did a quick bow before running away.

Abraham: Thank you very much, Veronica!

Gonzalez: He really does have the energy of someone in the early twenties.

Veronica: I think you just act far too mature for your age, Sir Gonzalez.

Gonzalez: You can drop the formalities. I know you're much more mature than I am.

Veronica: I can't get anything past those senses of yours, can I?

Gonzalez: No way. Welp, I'm going to return to the audience. My match may be in a bit, but I know Carrie is going to annoy me after this round is over if I leave her alone.

Veronica: Shall I join you?

Gonzalez: Go ahead, we need to go cheer on Abraham. He has a lot to live up to, after all.

Veronica: Very well.

Both Gonzalez and Veronica disappeared down the hall, a figure with long hair standing just around the corner. Standing beside him is a tall man with medium length, spiky black hair. His eyes were covered by goggles and the lower half of his face covered by a mask.

Wild: Have you found anything yet, Blake?

Blake: Nope. I haven't checked in with the others, but I don't want to check in with Masked or Joseph until the coast is entirely clear.

Wild: Very well. Mother and Brook both mentioned that this may only be one of a few possible locations for the body. So continue the search.

Blake: Very well.

Blake quickly disappeared behind Wild, Wild walking through the halls without a single sound being made. And within the stadium, the audience erupted with cheers as the next match slowly came under way. Zachary returned to the center of the ring, waving both arms in the air before bringing the mic back to his mouth.

Zachary: After such a grand match, the time has come for the third Block D match! Stay tuned, folks, as this is a match you don't want to miss!

The audience burst with cheers and excitement as both fighters prepared themselves in their entrances.