Chapter 105 - Gonzalez's Trump Card

Zachary: Both fighters are back on their feet!

Zenzo: It looks like there's still more than enough energy for both of them to keep going!

Indica gritted his teeth before throwing his umbrella behind him.

Indica's thoughts: Gonzalez landed two solid hits on Gary, but that's it! This is where Gary gets serious! I can see it in his eyes, he's more motivated than he ever has been!

Gary and Gonzalez both faced each other before Gary began taking his steps forward once more. Gonzalez took his own steps forward, allowing himself to enter Gary's range. Gary's left hand shot out, Gonzalez running directly at it before moving a bit to his left, running past Gary's hand. Gary's arm bent at the elbow, chasing after Gonzalez, only for Gonzalez to speed up and exit the forearm's reach. Gary's right shot outward as well, Gonzalez quickly grabbing it with his left hand. He entered Gary's range before stiffening his fingers and throwing a spear hand at Gary's head. Gonzalez's head turned down, followed by the audience's gasp. Gary's spine was bent at an odd angle, his head nearly touching the ground while his legs were entirely straight up. His eyes moved, looking up at Gonzalez. Gonzalez ducked, Gary's left hand shot right above him. Bending downward from the elbow, it attempted to grab Gonzalez's head, Gonzalez jumping back and out of Gary's reach. Gary refused to give him a moment to breathe, standing back up, his right arm stretching out and aiming directly for Gonzalez. Gonzalez expected this and swung his left forearm to deflect the strike. Blood shot out from Gonzalez's arm, the audience frozen in shock. Using nothing but his senses, he could tell what had happened. He jumped back and out of Gary's range.

Gonzalez's thoughts: That wasn't natural. Nothing about this guy is!

Gonzalez looked down at his arm, noticing the way the skin on his arm was forming into a spiral shape. The epicenter of the spiral was torn and bleeding, as well as the edges of the spiral that span his forearm.

Gonzalez's thoughts: It hurts, but that's what he wants. I can't afford to lose my cool now. I still have to get revenge for Abraham.

Gonzalez ran at Gary, Gary getting back up and increasing the speed he threw out his arms.

Gary's thoughts: I'll take out this corpse's legs.

Gonzalez maneuvered around each of Gary's attacks, the impacts causing a large spiral shape in the ground. Gary's left arm slammed into the ground in front of Gonzalez before he swung his arm back up. Gonzalez leaned back to avoid the attack, only for the skin on his right pec to bleed and tear into the spiral shape. Gary's attacks had become even more unexplainable to the naked eye. Gary's onslaught began to cover the ring as he chased Gonzalez around. The audience stared at the ring wide-eyed, noticing that each missed attack that struck the ground left it with different spiraling marks.

Bodin: I've got it!

The members of the Arachna all faced Bodin, who wore a pride smile on his face.

Bodin: That Gary is an interesting specimen. If only he was a member of the Arachna, I would've loved to work on him.

Shun: Yeah yeah, just tell us what you figured out.

Bodin: Of course. I think as Gonzalez has likely figured out, Gary is triple-jointed. It gives him much greater hypermobility than someone who is simply double-jointed. Even crazier than that, he's triple-jointed everywhere in his body!

Simon: Is that even possible?

Magnus: There are very few cases of it in the world, but it is definitely possible. Gary probably found a way to use that to extend his reach and his mobility.

Bodin: Exactly! Even more than that, he's triple-jointed in each joint in his fingers. You saw how quickly he can turn body parts. Much faster than any person should be able to.

Yussuf: You're not saying what I think you're saying, right?

Bodin: Oh, I am. Gary is rotating each joint in his fingers and probably even his whole hand to leave those spiral shapes. A well-placed one is more than fatal! His unnatural anatomy makes him able to ignore the pain on his body and turn all of his attacks into ones that can kill. Gonzalez is able to read the distance needed to avoid dying, but as it is, Gary has the true advantage!

Shizu: I don't see Gonzalez losing as highly possible. The Imperium would definitely step in to prevent it.

Bodin: That's the thing. Gary likely won't tire out, so even if the Imperium interrupts him, he'll kill each of them. That's the amount of adrenaline Gonzalez is exciting him with. Basically, we have a true monster fighting right now. Unless Gonzalez is somehow able to tire him out or kill him, Gary will go on a rampage and kill everyone in the audience.

Nupan: Hold on! We have world leaders in the audience!

Bodin: He doesn't care. His files prove that he'll kill anyone. Meaning, we'll need to gather every fighter that can still move to stop him. Otherwise, this bloodbath will be the worst tragedy in human history.

The Arachna stood in silence before looking back at the screen. Daymond smiled at the screen.

Daymond: I wouldn't put the world at stake. We allowed him because we know we can handle him. And I know Gonzalez won't falter either.

Gonzalez bobbed and weaved through each of Gary's attacks, each one forcing him to stay further away from Gary himself.

Gonzalez's thoughts: It's hard to get close. One wrong move and I'm dead. His body allows him to cover nearly any front… Well, I'm here for a reason, so I won't hold back.

Gonzalez charged forward, moving through Gary's web of death, aiming for the eye of the storm. Gary faced down Gonzalez, his right arm going high into the sky before slamming down on the ground. The ground shook below Gonzalez, a huge spiral forming with cracks surrounding the ring. Gary charged at Gonzalez, throwing several spiral attacks at him. Gonzalez's senses struggled more and more to keep up with Gary's attacks, noticing how much of the terrain, attacks, and the audience's fear messed with them. Jumping back from one of Gary's downward strikes, Gonzalez came to a halt before grabbing onto the tail of his headband.

Gonzalez: I didn't expect to use this in round one, but you're too dangerous to face without it.

Gonzalez yanked on the tail, loosening the knot of the blindfold before it fell from his face. The audience was mesmerized by the beauty of his bright blue eyes that seemed to glow from his face. Gary's entire body began to shake with joy, finally getting to see Gonzalez's trump card.

Gary: I cannot thank you enough, dear Gonzalez. You bless me with those gems before your death.

For the first time, the storm of Gary's attacks had calmed, his arms looking as natural as any other. At a glance, no one would be able to tell he was the one that had caused all this havoc in the ring. Indica smiled.

Indica: That's it! Gary is finally prepared to finish this. Gonzalez has piqued his bloodlust. Nothing can stop him now!

Zachary: Look at that! Gonzalez has finally removed his blindfold, bringing a stop to the attacks.

Zenzo: It almost feels like something biblical!

Zachary: What will happen now? This fight seems to still have no winner in sight!

Gonzalez placed his blindfold into his shorts' pocket before breaking into a run towards Gary. Gary's arms trembled before they both shot out, aiming directly for Gonzalez. Gonzalez, covered in blood, avoided Gary's arms perfectly, running past them. Gary's right arm bent, chasing after him. Gonzalez caught this in the corner of his eye and stopped the arm with his hand. Slamming it into the ground, he jumped forward and punched Gary in the face. That single punch rocked Gary's brain, causing a momentary blackout that Gonzalez used to grab onto Gary's shoulder, holding him in place.

Gonzalez: I'll end you right here.

Gonzalez threw a spear hand forward, aimed directly for a vital point in Gary's face right below the nose. Gonzalez's hand hit air despite the fact that Gary's torso remained unmoved. Gonzalez looked down, seeing Gary's neck had bent at an angle no one should be able to achieve. Gary's eyes looked down at Gonzalez, his entire head was upside down.

Gary: I got you~

Getting a look at Gary's body, Gonzalez could tell what was coming next. He jumped away, Gary's foot flying up, the knee bending in the wrong direction. Gonzalez came to a stop, not a single new bruise on him.

Gary's thoughts: He's become sharper. How terrifying~

Gary's body returned to normal, yet his head was still entirely upside down, hanging from his neck. His hands grabbed onto both sides of his head before cracking it back into place.

Gonzalez: You're a freak, a monster. I refuse to let you stay here any longer.

Gary: Then face me, dear Gonzalez. Let's have your inhuman eyes and my inhuman body give the best climax before I end this world!

Gonzalez: The only thing that'll be ending here is your life.