Chapter 116 - Can't Teach an Old Dog

Months prior to the 8th Eclipse Grand Tournament, in an unknown location…

Masked and Joseph went down on one knee, facing the darkest place of the room they were in. Several people stood around the room, each with differentiating aspects to them. A man with a longer than normal nose, a man whose head reached the nearly three meter tall ceiling, a man who they continuously forgot stood across from them. Yet it was clear that none of these men were the ones they were kneeling to. A tall woman sat hunched over in a seat that faced the two. Masked's expression was covered, but Joseph couldn't help but break into a sweat.

Joseph: Mother, why did you summon us here?

Mother: It is clear. I want you two to infiltrate further into the Eclipse. I have an insider that has informed me that pieces are moving at an alarming rate in that organization. We're suspected to believe that there is someone with knowledge on the whereabouts of the "subject." Find whatever opportunity is available to move up in the ranks of the organization and cease its power. Once we're able to control and eliminate the Eclipse, the "subject" will be found.

Masked: Infiltrating deeper into the Eclipse will definitely give tougher challenges. There are people we will have difficulty defeating in future matches.

Mother: Then kill them. They are filthy assassins, the old head and current head are no different. Kill whoever stands in your way and come to rule the Eclipse. That is my order. Do you understand?

Masked and Joseph nodded, feeling the overwhelming pressure of the woman in front of them. The shadowed men around her were unmoving until the one with the long nose turned his head.

Long nose man: Shouldn't we have Brook assist us as well? I think if we're finally going to find the subject, we'll need our best minds at work.

Mother: That is without a doubt. We will be moving our own pieces and find our ideal time to take on the Eclipse. Until then, you two will play our inside men. Do not disappoint.

Joseph watched the ring with a twitching smile. His body felt a rush overcome it as he watched the match at hand. Violet and Tristan joined his smile, yet theirs were filled with much more confusion.

Joseph's thoughts: So he's finally putting the kill order into place. But he missed the first shot and now he's on his cooldown. He's lucky he incapaciated Moll for the moment.

In the audience, Vector, Mason, and Ryan watched the match with wide eyes. The one with the heaviest weight on his chest was none other than Ryan, watching the brutality his friend had brought down upon Moll.

Ryan: What is he thinking?!

Vector: He's immobilizing Moll. It's simple, but effective.

Mason: Yeah, not like dismembering your opponent is against the rules. Though I think the match will be called pretty soon. Moll has no chance of winning…

Ryan's thoughts: They're missing the bigger picture. If he cut through Moll's foot with that, that means he was prepared to kill Moll entirely! Something is wrong. Dangerously wrong…

Masked heaved, feeling every part of his body struggling to move. Each muscle fiber stinging as he attempted to stand back up right. It almost seemed as if steam was coming off of him, that was how overworked every part of his body felt.

Masked's thoughts: I tried to get him… I tried to end this all in one swing. But it was like he moved just a moment before I could. I remember this principle was mentioned before. Foresight, something that allows you to read and react to an opponent's attack. You don't need to be faster, you just need to read ahead. Moll must have mastered that principle, and that let him survive for a bit longer. But the blood loss should be the end of him…

Masked looked up, his eyes widening under his mask as he watched Moll crawl over to his severed foot. He continued to hold his sword in one hand, grabbing his foot and tearing off any of the remaining fabric of the pants that remained on it. He then tore parts of the pant leg, tying the pieces of fabric and tying it around the wound tightly. The blood began to drip slower and slower, but the bone and flesh of the wound were still visible. Moll's body seemed slightly paler, but he looked up at Masked with a slight smirk on his face.

Moll: Hey kid… you really forced my hand there… You nearly killed me… But I'm still here, so I'll keep fighting.

Zachary: I don't even know how to explain what's happening in front of me! Moll has lost his foot, but he refuses to lose!

Zenzo: This is that knightly spirit! He refuses to give up! Moll can keep going!

Moll pushed himself up, stumbling and tilting back and forth. He eventually balanced himself on his one leg, pointing his sword at Masked.

Moll: You were oddly still after that last attack. I figured out your little power boosting trick. How long is that going to limit you? You've used it a pretty hefty amount in our fight.

Masked remained silent, Moll still stumbling as he tried to gain his balance. Everyone could do nothing but stare as Moll pointed out the flaw in Masked's ability. Joseph's smile disappeared as he stared at Moll's calmed expression. Despite the injury to his leg and his lack of balance, Moll didn't seem worried in the slightest. His heart was beating faster than before, but he hardly wore that on his face. He seemed unstoppable. Masked forced his body to move, shift in any way. Moll was right, Compression had finally left its heaviest toll on him. His body weighed down on him heavily, gritting his teeth underneath his mask, he tried to think of something. Anything that could help him get out of this situation.

Masked's thoughts: I've done enough with you. So I'll take over it from here.

Masked dropped his broadsword, the sound of it hitting the ground faded as Masked took a wide stance. Moll stared at Masked, realizing that he had given up his main weapon to fight with what his body had left to give.

Moll's thoughts: The sword would only slow him down at this point. Its downsides outweigh the benefits. This is where we end, Masked.

Masked moved slowly, inching closer and closer to his opponent. Moll gripped the hilt of his sword with both hands, preparing to meet Masked's attack. Masked felt as if his body was covered in pins and needles, but in his mind, his mission was absolute.

Masked's thoughts: I will win… for Mother!

Fighting against the fatigue his body ached with, Masked charged forward. Moll brought his sword high, waiting for the right moment before swinging it down. However, due to him not being accustomed to his missing foot, his swing missed. Masked dodged the swing, grabbing onto Moll's waist before bringing him into the air then slamming him into the ground. The back of Moll's head slammed against the ground, blood splashing upward. Masked struggled to get up, his muscles feeling extremely tight. Before he could continue his assault, Moll kicked upwards, knocking the masked fighter down. With everything he could muster, Moll got back up, mounted Masked, and pointed the tip of his blade to Masked's neck. Everyone watched the match with bated breath. No one was sure of what would come next. Masked laid exhausted, but his eyes shined a brilliant crimson as he forced his upper body to move up and attempt to face Moll. Moll pulled his sword back, watching as Masked got closer and closer. He clenched his fist, throwing a left hook aimed for Moll's temple. The punch connects, Masked gritting his teeth. Yet Moll remained unmoved.

Moll: You've lost your power, Masked. You put everything into that last throw. This is where you end.

With a swift movement, Moll wrapped his arm around the back of Masked's neck and slammed down on the base of his neck with the pommel of the sword. The brilliant crimson eyes faded out as Masked fell to the ground, his arms sprawling out against the cold ground. Moll shoved the tip of his sword into the ground, pushing himself back up. He looked all around him before meeting the crowd with a smile. The audience erupted with cheers as Zachary grabbed his mic with pure delight.


Zenzo leaped out of his seat, running over to Moll and putting an arm around him, supporting the old man.

Zenzo: Are you okay?! Your foot is gone!

Moll: Calm down, will ya? My head is feeling pretty light, ya know…

Moll's head bobbed, he was on the verge of unconsciousness. Paramedics ran into the ring, bringing out stretchers for both fighters. Zenzo helped Moll lay down on one as he held his friend's hand.

Moll: Hey… While I go recover, give the audience a good show, alright? And make sure that masked guy isn't dead. I don't feel like killing people today.

Zenzo: Don't worry, you can count on me. Just go rest up, alright?

Moll nodded as he was quickly rushed out of the ring. Joseph stood at the window staring down at the ring, his face hidden from Tristan and Violet.

Violet: H-Hey… Wasn't Masked supposed to win?!

Tristan: What the hell is going on here?

Tristan's nose immediately started dripping with blood, Joseph pulled his fist back. His smile was gone, all that remained was a grimace expression. Violet pulled out a handkerchief and started wiping away Tristan's blood.

Tristan: What the hell was that for?! We can have you removed from the face of the planet, you know!

Joseph: What, with your daddy's money? Masked failed his mission, so I need to step up to the plate. I won't be as merciful as he was. I'll kill my opponent from the get go, I have no reason to hold back.

Violet: Aren't you still in good relations with Moll? Maybe he can-

Joseph: DON'T MENTION HIM! It's because of him that my mission is in jeopardy. I'll be sure I win this tournament with my final breath.

Joseph rushed out of the room, leaving the siblings in silence. Tristan took the handkerchief and wiped away the remaining blood.

Tristan: We need to find another fighter to ally ourselves with. Someone that'll take out our issues.

Violet: But who?

Tristan: Actually… it might not even need to be a fighter. Let's see if we can get an assassin to help us.

Tristan and Violet's faces twisted into frightening smirks. They left the room as well, pulling out their phones to make a few calls.

Ryan leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. Mason and Vectored turned to look at him, puzzled looks on their faces.

Vector: You seem a lot better for someone whose friend just lost.

Mason: You were freaking out there too, you okay?

Ryan: Something is wrong with Masked. Something I wouldn't have guessed before. But I need to check on him when the round is over. It might be a while before he wakes up.

Vector: I see… So, who's fighting next?

Mason: Lorisian and Quintin. This is a fight that sounds like it would be in a science fiction novel.

Vector: A knight versus a cybernetic prosthetics. This is going to be a fun one.

Midori turned away from the monitor, walking down the halls. Hamadeen and Kuro didn't follow him, as they noticed the last look he had on his face was that of a smile.

Kuro: Haven't seen the old man that happy in a while.

Hamadeen: I think he needs some alone time, bro.

Kuro: Yeah. Now we can focus on your fight.

Hamadeen: Yeah. It'll be here in no time.

Hamadeen and Kuro walked in the opposite direction of Midori, both sides wearing faces of content after the match.