Chapter 121 - I Love You

The audience was left speechless. They could do nothing but stare at The Self-Made Man sprawled out in the crater that Lorisian had created. The knight stood over Quintin's body.

Zachary: I-Is it over?

Zenzo: No way he could survive that! Cero and Ryan could because they're monsters in human form, but Quintin isn't built for such punishment!

Zachary: Could we be witnessing the next death in the ring?!

Lorisian let out a heavy breath, feeling the pain finally catch up to him.

Lorisian: I wast not the one to killeth thy father.

Quintin's body lay there unresponsive, blood leaking from his body and filling the small cracks around him.

Lorisian: Thy mother and I hath tried so hard to bid thee, but thee wouldn't hark. While it is true a knight didst this, it wast someone who is't hadst decided to betray us long ago. I hadst to bid thee, and beating thee wast the only way to maketh thee hark.

Lorisian turned around and began to walk away from Quintin. A small bolt of electricity arose from his legs.


Before Zachary could finish his remark, Quintin jumped off the ground. The light of his legs returned to their usual low blue. His forehead and nose dripped with blood, but his expression hardly recognized the pain.

Quintin's thoughts: The legs shocked me awake… And he said he didn't kill my dad? What type of bullshit lie is that?

Lorisian: Little nephew…

Quintin clenched his fists tightly, to the point where blood dripped from his hands. The lights on his legs changed from blue to pink once more, his hair standing on end.

Quintin: You say you had to beat me to make me listen, huh? Well, I ain't beat yet.

Lorisian: The match is ov'r! Standeth down!

Quintin: I refuse to. I know what I saw, and I won't let you get away with it! I have this chance to kill you, so I'll take it!

Lorisian unsheathed his blade, holding it in both hands. His grip tightened as he watched Quintin's eyes twitch. Doctor A quickly wrote down notes on her clipboard, Bodin leaning over to get a better look.

Bodin: Lorisian's strength really is hard to gauge. Your legs are flawless, human error truly is at fault here.

Doctor A: Shut up, you're distracting me.

Doctor A's thoughts: Lorisian shows some incredible resilience to damage. Could this be that knight spirit? And had it not been for me foreseeing such a knockout, Quintin would have lost right there.

Lorisian stared into his nephew's eyes, seeing the spark that burned within them. It was no longer hatred towards everything Lorisian had stood for, but a different flame. It was one he could relate to himself.

Lorisian: Thee has't the eyes of a knight.

Quintin: Let's end this, "uncle." I'll show you that your knighthood is nothing.

Quintin stretched his leg back, feeling his entire body tense up. Lorisian made his stance sturdy and strong. He held the sword in his hands tightly. He no longer felt the same annoyance he had before, but one of pride.

Lorisian: Face me, little nephew!

Quintin: Go to hell!

The audience held their breath as the two fighters faced each other down. It was almost as if the whole world stood still. A drop of blood dripped from Quintin's chin, which sent him flying from the ground and towards Lorisian. Lorisian felt the attack coming. He prepared himself before unleashing the strongest swing he could. Quintin's left leg connected with Lorisian's sword, the world coming to a complete stop. Quintin's eyes trembled as he felt time stand still. The electricity from his legs kept his mind aware of each moment.

Quintin's thoughts: I can't feel the slightest bit of malice from him… I know he's the man that killed my dad, but why isn't he trying to kill me? Why does he pester me nonstop? Why? Why? Why?

Sparks flew from the impact of both weapons, both fighters pushing into the other. The attack felt as if it would last an eternity. Yet in reality, it lasted no more than a second. The metals clashed and struggled, but eventually, the moment came. Quintin was the first to see it. Slowly, but surely, Lorisian's sword dug into the metal of his leg.

Quintin's thoughts: How…?

Both fighters flew past each other. Quintin crashed into the ground behind Lorisian as Lorisian stumbled forward. The jaws dropped of everyone that stared. Doctor A and Bodin's eyes shot open as they saw the lower half of Quintin's leg fly into the air. Lorisian's sword had successfully cut through Quintin's leg and crashed it into the ground. The pink glow grew dark. The leg has finally turned off. Quintin's hair fell in front of his eyes, and despair grew as a sword pointed toward him. Lorisian towered above him. Quintin's other leg returned to its low blue light, his heart growing cold.

Quintin: Just kill me… I…

Before Quintin could get the next word out, he felt himself be picked up slightly. He felt metal wrap around him. He closed his eyes as Lorisian brought him into an embrace. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

Lorisian: I would nev'r killeth mine own family. F'r I truly love thee.

Lorisian held Quintin tightly. Quintin could do nothing but let out a weak laugh.

Quintin: You stupid knight… I lose…

Zachary and Zenzo looked at each other before Zachary grabbed his mic.


The audience let out a roar of cheers, tears mixed amongst them. Paramedics ran into the ring, running to Lorisian and Quintin's side. Lorisian separated from Quintin, noticing that he had already gone unconscious.

Paramedic: It's from the blood loss. We'll hurry him to the infirmary. You'll need to come too.

Lorisian: I shall. I just needeth to receiveth something first.

Doctor A placed her clipboard down, letting out a tired chuckle. Bodin turned to face her defeated look.

Doctor A: That knight targeted the same leg he grabbed earlier. His grip strength is probably terrifying, so he weakened the leg enough to cut right through it.

Bodin: From the looks of it, his sword isn't doing all too good. It's chipped to all hell, hardly usable.

Doctor A: I can see that, but that means there's a flaw with my design. I guess I have a lot of room to grow.

Bodin: We aren't perfect, A. We're working to be perfect. So don't beat yourself up over this.

Doctor A: You're right. I'll start working on a new version right away. But I need to make sure I get the legs back to see what went wrong.

Doctor A rushed out of the room, leaving Bodin in silence. He placed his hands into the pockets of his lab coat.

Bodin: There she goes again. When will she give herself a break?

Quintin awoke in the infirmary. His body felt weak and sore. He looked down, noticing his cybernetic legs were gone.

Avi: Don't worry about it, your doctor took them.

Quintin: Came and went without a word, huh?

Avi: She left one message. "Good job."

Quintin stared at the ceiling in defeat. It was one of the few compliments she had given him, but it tore at his heart. The doctor glanced at his patient before focusing on the x-rays in front of him.

Avi: You're pretty banged up. Several fractures all over the place. You should have a concussion right now, but you're up quicker than anyone should be. I'll get to dealing with this right away.

The door to the infirmary swung open, Lorisian walking in with a wrapped-up object in hand.

Lorisian: Little nephew!

Avi: Don't be too loud. The patient has just woken up.

Lorisian: Oh, of course.

Lorisian walked over to Quintin's bedside, pulling up a chair and sitting beside him. Quintin turned to look at his uncle, who still wore the badly damaged armor.

Quintin: How are you still moving with that?

Lorisian: I has't something important to showeth thee.

Lorisian unwrapped the object in his hand, revealing it to be a spear. From only a glance, anyone could tell it was expertly made. Quintin stared at the spear before turning his attention to Lorisian.

Quintin: Why are you showing me this?

Lorisian: This belongs to the sir who is't hath killed thy father. The one known as Pierre Halberd.

Quintin: Pierre…? That name sounds familiar…

Lorisian: He wast the one selected to beest the Shadow's Champion. On the night of his inauguration, he slaughter'd the Inner Circle and hath left.

Quintin: How do you have his weapon? It wasn't anywhere to be found.

Lorisian: I ranneth into him a year 'r two ago. I did manage to receiveth his spear.

Quintin: You have the evidence here, why don't you bring it to the village and have them hunt him down?

Lorisian placed the spear next to Quintin, directly turning his helmet to face his nephew.

Lorisian: I wanteth thee to has't this. Pierre is still out thither.

Quintin: Why does that mean I need to have it?

Lorisian: It is anon thy mission to avenge thy father. Defeat the sir who is't hath killed him with his own weapon. At which hour we combated, I couldst bid thee hadst the spirit of a knight. I handeth the mantle to thee, lance.

Quintin grabbed the spear and held it overhead. He looked at it shining in the ceiling light.

Quintin: Stop Pierre myself, huh? I tried to kill you because I thought you killed my dad. Now that I know who it is, I should do it myself, right?

Lorisian nodded.

Quintin: Then I'll do it. I'll right the wrong I caused.

Lorisian stroked Quintin's hair before standing up.

Lorisian: I wilt wend anon. Mine own medical room is different from this one

Lorisian left the room, leaving Quintin with a new flame burning in his heart.