Chapter 164 - Old Timers

Quintin's eyes quivered as he watched the fighters enter their stances. It would be an understatement to say they were worn down. Lorisian's armor was in the worst condition it had ever been and Moll's body looked like it was on the verge of collapse. His mind could not wrap around the fact that these fighters were still standing. They were old and were fighting with weapons meant to swiftly end a life. However, despite their conditions, they remained standing.

Doctor A: I truly do hope that Moll wins. Then I'll be able to see what my cybernetics are truly capable of.

Quintin: Why… do you say that so casually?

Doctor A: Oh, I don't mean to disrespect you at all, Quintin. Without you, no one would ever have any trust in my technology. You showed the world that my technology is able to bring people further than superhuman. But what if someone that was already seemingly superhuman used it? Moll is the perfect opportunity.

Midori: I do not recommend speaking of my friend as a lab rat.

Doctor A and Quintin turned to the old man before them. His head was slightly turned with his gaze digging into Doctor A's skin. She smiled as she met his gaze back.

Midori: Moll is someone who would have even been fine with someone offering him a pegleg. He understands that this fight is one he needs to go through. His unfinished business and a test to himself.

Hamadeen: Test to himself?

Midori: Yes. It is undeniable that he is reaching his twilight years, much like I did. He believes he has reached his limits, but Lorisian is a memoir of his past.

Quintin: Don't act like Lorisian is the second fiddle to either of you! He isn't just another target practice for your prosthetics or to an old man falling out of his prime! He's… He's fighting to be able to accept himself…

Quintin looked out into the field, feeling something overcome his body. His eyes finally saw it, something he did not see before. Despite his opponent standing before him, Lorisian's eyes had laid upon his nephew. Quintin smiled as he turned back to Midori and Doctor A.

Quintin: He's about to show you that he's more than your little punching bag!

Lorisian and Moll dug the front of their feet into the ground before charging at one another. Their swords clashed before bouncing back. Lorisian swung hard as Moll met with his own powerful swing. Moll pushed both blades up and spun underneath them, landing a powerful knee on Lorisian's armor. The knight staggered back as Moll thrust his blade forward. Lorisian moved his arm quickly, sending Moll's attack to the ground. Moll stared up as he attempted to pull up his blade. Lorisian's helmet shone in the spotlight as the knight reeled his head back. With one swift motion, Lorisian slammed his helmet into Moll's face. Moll released his grasp on his blade, forcing Hamadeen and Kuro to gasp. Midori's eyes twitched as he saw the sight before him. Lorisian did not give Moll another moment to breathe, slamming his shoulder into his opponent, and sending him sliding back. Moll hacked up blood as he came to a stop. He placed a hand on his chest as blood rolled down the sides of his mouth. His eyes darted to his blade, which laid on the ground behind Lorisian.

Lorisian: Night night, Sir Moll.

Lorisian dashed at the tired fighter as he raised his arm into the air. Moll smiled as the attack got closer and closer.

Quintin: GET HIM, UNCLE!


Moll watched as the blade rushed down, the strike going through his head. To everyone's surprise, the sword struck the ground, its target nowhere to be seen. Lorisian heard steps behind him, whipping around before he felt a sword piercing his already amputated arm. Quintin's face filled with horror as he saw Moll pierce his sword through his uncle's fresh wound.

Moll: You nearly got me, old bud. But I have to say, you got rusty. I was able to read you like a book there.

Moll's eyes flashed wide as he felt an intense pain in his chest. He looked down as he saw a sword pierce his chest. Lorisian, with his one good arm, held Xoldia's hilt tightly.

Lorisian: Perhaps thee were the one yond becameth easy to readeth. Thou art lucky I am artful enow to has't did miss thy heart.

Moll hacked up blood as his eyes became hazy. Lorisian stepped back, pulling Xoldia out of Moll's body. Hamadeen's hands shook as he saw his groupmate, his friend, have a sword pulled out of his body. Kuro's sadistic smile faded as he saw the blood seep from the freshly made wound. Moll stayed on his feet, but Lorisian limply turned around. He stepped away with Moll's sword stabbed into his arm and Xoldia in his functioning arm. Zachary gripped the mic as he saw Moll come to a complete stop. The referee held tears in his eyes as he watched the match. Zenzo held his head in his hands, his face obscured from sight. The audience watched longingly as one of the faces of the Eclipse had been defeated before their very eyes.

Zachary: A winner… has been decided… The winner is-

Moll's body twitched as an intense flame rekindled in his body. His fists clenched as blood poured from his body. Lorisian slowly turned his head as he could sense the change in his opponent.


Moll charged at Lorisian, who swung Xoldia with all his remaining might at his opponent's head. Moll ducked underneath and struck Lorisian's arm, forcing him to drop his sword.

Midori: I see now! All this time, he had been examining the weak spots in Lorisian's armor! He found the perfect opportunity to attack between the smallest spot and force Lorisian's muscle to retract!

Kuro: Old bastard managed all that?! How?!

Hamadeen: He isn't a master for nothing.

Quintin's thoughts: Uncle, please…

Lorisian immediately took the brunt of Moll slamming his body at full force against him. Moll forced Lorisian onto the ground where both entered a struggle.

Lorisian: Thee… knoweth not at which hour to stand ho…

Moll: I… can't lose here… Not when I need to show everyone… that us old-timers can fight with the best of them… Don't you agree?

Lorisian and Moll locked eyes as they struggled on the ground. Mason watched the screen closely as he saw the fight unfold.

Mason: He's trying to enter him into a hold! If he can cut off Lorisian's breathing, it'll be game over!

Tico: As great as that sounds, Moll is hardly strong enough to keep a good hold. How is he going to manage it?

Cero: Moll knows better than anyone what his condition is. He'll make the best play he has available. Have faith in his experience.

Lorisian pushed Moll off with his one hand, both slowly getting back to their feet. Moll gritted his teeth as he charged forward, unleashing a flurry of left and right hooks across the knight. Lorisian could feel them. Each strike held Moll's desire to win.

Moll's thoughts: Why am I lying to myself? This isn't a matter of wanting to show that I can still fight. That old fighters are just as capable… I want to win because I enjoy winning. Each fight has been its own thrill, a testament to my growth. I WANT TO WIN BECAUSE I ENJOY WINNING!

Moll threw a heavy right hook, only for Lorisian to catch it with his hand. He lifted his head, the voids in his helmet staring back at Moll.

Lorisian: I said… NIGHT NIGHT!

Everyone shivered as Lorisian uttered those words. The knight pulled his head back one more before unleashing another dangerous headbutt. Adrenaline ran through the bodies of all those watched. Both fighters were locked into their positions. Moll smiled wildly as he had prepared for this exact scenario after the previous. He framed his left arm between himself and Lorisian, weakening the impact of Lorisian's headbutt. Blood ran down his face and past his smile. Lorisian continued to force his head downward, but he could not feel enough power coursing through him.

Moll: You should have ended me with that stab through the chest. That was your undoing.

Moll pulled his arm out of Lorisian's grasp, and with all the strength that remained in his body, threw an elbow. The strike connected with Lorisian's temple, staggering the knight for just a moment. That moment was all Moll needed.

Moll's thoughts: You… really were the fight to give me life, you know?

Moll wrapped one leg around Lorisian's, chopping at the knight's throat with his hand. The strike brought both fighters to the ground where a small dust cloud enveloped them both. Zachary and Zenzo watched closely, the audience stared with bated breath. As the dust settled, one figure sat there, his head looking directly at the ceiling. The blood that ran down his face did nothing more than compliment the faint smile he wore. Moll turned his head to Zachary, giving a weak nod. Zachary, moved to tears, raised a mic to his mouth.


The audience broke into a cheer as Zenzo and Hamadeen ran into the ring and to Moll. Midori calmly walked over as Kuro followed after him. Doctor A nodded and walked down the hall and away from the cheers. Quintin, however, wore a face of defeat. He moved the wheels of his wheelchair over to his uncle. He came to a stop next to Lorisian, who was bleeding out from several spots all over his body. He shut his eyes as his tears dropped onto the armor his uncle wore.

Quintin: You… did your best… Thank you…

Jason turned his back to the arena, Alexia and Tolman facing him.

Alexia: Jason, I'm so sorry…

Jason: Nah, it's okay. He was up against Moll, after all. I just had some hope, you know?

Tolman: By all means, he fought valiantly! I would argue he fought against Moll better than anyone else could have!

Jason: Yeah. I guess him not going for kills really screwed him over here. But I can't blame him. I hope he fought a fight he could be proud of. Welp, I'll get going. These matches don't take long and my fight is basically around the corner.

Jason disappeared into the hallway as Alexia and Tolman exchanged glasses.

Alexia: Dad… do you think I should go comfort him?

Tolman: No. Jason is not one to easily get demotivated. If anything, this match will ignite his desire to win further.

Jason clenched his fist as he walked down the hall, the light illuminating the yellow slits of his helmet.

In a room deep into the halls of the Eclipse building, Daymond nodded as he watched the results.

Daymond: He won, as he was always intended to.

Yussuf: That Lorisian guy put up a really good fight. He did his best, didn't he?

Shun watched the screen closely, his eyes following the paramedics that entered the ring.

Shun: Yeah. It's scary how well he did.

Magnus, who wore bandages all over his face except his mouth and right eye, wrote away on his notepad.

Magnus: These fighters really do seem to get better as they meet people that give them a reason to grow.

Shizu: This is all quite lovely, but Daymond, your match is up next.

Daymond stood up from his chair, closing the book he held at hand. He placed it into his coat and headed towards the door.

Daymond: Now it is my turn. Will Thong show me something interesting or will I have an uneventful match?

Simon: If he's anything like when he fought Shun, he might prove interesting.

Daymond: Perhaps. I do have my hopes up after all.

Light flooded the room as the door opened, everyone watching the figure of their boss become bigger than life.