Getting adjusted


Aurora woke up with the sunlight beaming on her face, indicating it was morning, she regretted not asking Jo to switch places with her and wished the window wasn't complicated that much, so she could actually put proper curtains

: Case 1249 please answer this mail:

The electronic machine blinked, she never noticed the small grey metal structure near the door, until now, she wondered that the numbers seemed oddly familiar.

"It's for you" Jo answered rubbing her eyes waking up from her sweet sleep, she gave her a friendly smile indicating she was nice to her.

When Aurora delayed showing further movements, Joey stood up and answered the main, she took a paper near her bedside and started noting down, a part of Aura was so grateful that Jo was so saintly and patient enough to tolerate her stubbornness, but she didn't want that feeling to take over whatever she felt for Jo.

"They're repeating the mail, please listen to this"Jo handed the phone like structure to Aura, and this time she bothered to get up and reach it out.

: Case 1249, you've been provided with the necessary things for you down the west wing:

: Case 1249, please check the schedule for today and act accordingly:

: Case 0938, ensure you provide the rules and regulations of this safe house to case 1249:

Aurora was so irritated right now for constantly calling her with numbers as if she was some packaged item to be shipped, she eyed Jo who listened patiently, and guessed another number referred would be her

: Case 1249, we provide maximum support from our side, you are allowed to utilize all the facilities and a card will be provided for you shortly, to access the library and other parts of the place:

: Case 1249, we look forward to you to exhibit your potential!:

At this point, Aurora was really irritated, but she wondered what they meant by exhibiting her potential. Jo smiled at her again. and this time Aura was getting creeps about this and really wondered whether she was some hospitality robot.

"You need help?"Jo offered with a smile, and Aurora stood blank.

"I'll ask Vii," she said after a while and Jo looked a bit disappointed but she regained her all hospitality looks within a fraction of a second.

She tried to open the door, but she didn't know how, and she also didn't know where Vi lives either

"Actually I need your help", She told her, and Jo's face brightened in excitement, like a 5-year kid's face would light up.

"So how do I find Vi, and get out of this place? I mean this room," Aurora asked her.

"Oh, you need a card to open the door, and also yeah, you can call him from the same phone you received the message from," she looked at her and her standing posture was weirdly professional.

Aurora gave her a weird look.

"You just have to know the case number" Jo answered and this irritated Aurora furthermore.

"I don't know it" she answered trying to control the anger and irritation she had built up inside her.

"It case:0201" she answered and started dialling the same number on the keypads of that electronic machine.


"Hello Joey, how can I help you," Aurora could recognize the voice and she sighed thinking about the positive aspects of the chimer which had irritated her so much. Jo pushed the phone to her.

"Umm...hey..Vi...this is actually Aurora," she answered fiddling with the dress she hadn't changed since she got here.

"I thought you haven't figured out a way to use this thing," he chuckled on the other side.

" need help know collecting some things..." she stammered to frame her sentences.

"Yeah, I understand, I'll be there in a bit, we'll collect it after breakfast," he answered and she could hear him talking to someone else on the other end.

"Yep I'll join!!..bye!!" she answered and she wondered how to cut it, and Joey helped her by pressing the red button on that phone.

"I gotta goo okay! gimme your card," Aura asked Jo.

"Without brushing huh?" Jo laughed and pressed another set of numbers and within no minutes a lady with a maiden outfit handed over a big pack of cover.

"So here's your brush and the other things" Aurora looked puzzled at the items

"But where do I go and do this?" Aurora replied giving her a shrug

She used the common bathroom last night after her dinner and she would be disgusted if she were to travel that much and take a bath.

"Oops!! sorry" Jo pressed another button near the main gates and the elevated wooden plane sticking to the wall, which she thought was an attempt to decorate this blunt room, opened in response.

"I don't know how I forget to introduce the bathroom to you" she giggled and sent her in.

The bathroom looked silver and elegant, except for the few wooden shelves and a gripping pad under the shower. And she noticed a huge mirror and looked at how terrifying she looked.

Aurora washed her face and realized she had met everyone with the stupid dirty face and she felt embarrassed looked at her dirt-stained dress and she also noticed how everything else was least concerned when she was more bothered about her survival.

She brushed her teeth properly, with the toothpaste which gave out an acidic stench which seemed to feel fresh after washing.

And she took bathe, cleansing in every way possible and when she looked at the cloths, she discerned how it looked as same as Jo's and since she had nothing else to wear.

She wore the baby pink shirt and white skirt and accessorized her with the pink shoes and white socks, she looked at the huge bathroom mirror and she looked pretty good than the first time she glanced at this mirror.

She tied her hair into a messy ponytail adjusting with the comb that had been provided, and she looked at her face, clearly, after so many days in a proper mirror.

The mirrors that they had made in the forest was so improper and never reflected their face properly.

She came out of the bathroom and saw Jo talking to Vi about something serious.

"These are the first set of clothes, you'll get more like this when you receive your books and other materials," Jo gave her more details and Vi just smiled at her assuring she looked better.

"No wonder they like this place," Aura whispered to Vi, mentioned about the ambient lifestyle provided for them after losing everything they had.