Chapter Five: First Mission

Tap tap tap was the only noise being made. In the silence of the room sat Mrs.Mystic, Anne, and I. She was behind her desk while we were opposite of her.

'I apologize for what Coach Coach put you two through. He told me it was going to be a friendly spare, not a fight to the de-'

'It's fine,' Anne cut Mrs.Mystic off.

'Anne's right, you didn't know or else we wouldn't be here.'

Her face of distress turned to a smile, 'Guess you are different.'

I thought about the man chosen to be the champion before me again. I haven't heard his voice in awhile. I came to me that he was a mere guide and now that I know how to roughly use my power's, he'd gone asleep.

'Seeing as you two beat our two strongest students, want a mission?'

Anne and I shot our seats and pressed our palms against the desk, 'Yes!' we wanted to help out others.

What motivated Anne I didn't know. For me on the other hand, I've always wanted to be a hero and now that I am, I'll protect others, I'll protect Anne.

Passing through the crowd of people in times square, it was humid outside. Looking up the clouds loomed a vast darkness over us.

'Target sighted,' one of the scouts spoke.

This feeling, working with other heros, got my heart pounding in excitement. For the mission Mrs.Mystic tasked to us, she paired us with the greatest scout hero known in existence, The Watchman. With the power to connect people's thoughts telepathically, he could do it over any length of distance, unfortunately this power comes at a disadvantage, he has to touch the person to enter their thoughts. Making up for that, he'd been granted a second power at birth. Though it may seem like it is just his build, he was gifted great agility, making him nearly impossible to catch.

'Zen,' I saw the target ahead of me, 'Apprehend him now, he's got backup on the way right now.'

Looking to my left, men were jumping out the back of vans with all types of guns.

Shooting into the air, they caused a panic. People started to run away from the area.

'Anne?' The Watchman chipped in.

'On it,' from above was Anne in her suit. Doing a superhero landing, she quickly stood, staff to her side, and that was my queue. Charging at the armed men, lead filled the air.

'Goodluck, Anne,' I thought to myself before The Watchman made a remark, 'She your girlfriend?' I turned down the alley behind the target, 'No, but she and I were raised together since my parents death. She's given me so much, and her reason was simply so I wouldn't be along,' I looked at the target, now acquiring a briefcase from a shady fellow in black.

'Take them out now.'

Pulling out my blade I swiftly ran at the two. With one clean cut I sliced the mans legs to stop him from running. The shady fellow on the other hand dodged.

'Fucking hell! Who the hell do you super bastards think I am! I'm fucking Danny Don! I'm untouchable! I'm-'

I shoved my foot into his chest, 'We have evidence on your illegal actions.'

His eyes widened, 'Reaper! Kill him! Kill him now!'

The shady fellow, no, Reaper pulled both his arms out his cloak and tore it off. The mand body was slashed everywhere, bone even shown, and his jaw was burned away, showing his skeleton underneath. Lowering his hands, two small scythes chained together accumulated put of thin air. Looking at his eyes, they were bloodshot, strained.

'What in the wo-'

Reaper moved so fast, it seemed as if he teleported infront of me. Before I could react, he kneed me in my gut, sending me flying upwards. Growing out my wings, I flew backwards out the alleyway for more space. Following, he ran out and jumped on a car then up to me. His face close to mine, I went to slash at him. Using his boney jaw, he bite down on my blade and looked at me with his wide eyes. Pulling back, he ripped my sword out my hands and snapped his neck down, sending my blade into the concrete street.

Retracting my wings, I fell fast to the ground. Using the car smashed car to break my fall, I forced myself to cover my fist with the bones that make my wings.

Reaper slammed into the street, leaving a massive hole. Hearing the sharp metal of his scythes, he climbed out.

'What are you?'

Pulling himself out, his upper body fell backwards the wobbled forward, 'My power is...,' he grinded his teeth together, 'Immortality.'

'I acquired the target, you two remove the remaining hostiles.'

Out the corner of my eye, I could see The Watchman climb a building with an unconscious man and briefcase.

Raising my fist, I blocked his attack, 'Can't outsmart me.'

What seemed to be the Reaper turned into nothingness, a black fog, taken by the wind. With his scythes pressed against my bone fist he pushed himself backwards. 'So you knew?'

'Think of it like a sixth sense,' I raised my.fist infront of me like a boxer.

He charged at me. With his mouth wide open, jaw lowered, a crazed expression fixed on him, it scared me.

Not cowering, I shoved my fist into his mouth before he swung at me.

Biting down on my fist he stabbed my sides with his scythes.

'I find you quite vexing,' I gripped his lower jaw and crushed some of his teeth, 'Let's fix that.'

Reapers face filled with fear. Not being able to talk or shout and free himself he dropped his weapons. His hands gripped mine. With all his might he pulled to remove mine from his mouth.

'If you say so,' I slowly begun to pull put his jaw. The gums, tissues, muscle holding his jaw to his destroyed body, stretched. With an extra trudge, blood spurted from his mouth, 'Immortal?! Well then I'll just destroy your will to live! or kill you endlessly over and over till you wish for an end you may never receive,' my eyes darted all over his body, 'maybe after your jaw, I'll skin you!'

He tried to use his wraith form but it was futile.

'As I assumed, you can't use your wraith form while in contact with another,' I pulled more at his jaw.

He tried to retrace his steps.

'Tsk,' with a final pull, I tore out his jaw from his skull.

Flying backwards into the ground, Reapers tongue hung and moved more freely now. Blood covered the inside of his mouth and put on his clothes.

Checking his heartbeat, it stopped, 'So you died of shock?' Stabding tall I slammed my foot in his stomach jolting him awake. 'Can't be immortal if your dead!' Raising my foot to stomp him some more, he became a black mist, dissipating from sight and blown away. Going over to my sword, I tugged it out the concrete and sheathed it once more. Looking up, Anne stood in fear.

Her body shook, eyes filled with distrust, hands cupped together, her breathing nonstop.

Looking at my hands, she feared me. 'Anne I'm so-'

'Where the fuck is Zen!' She shouted so I couldn't miss her.

I lowered my head down, 'Did I make you cu-' I felt a sting sensation go and leave my cheek. She slapped me.

'A hero!? More like a monster! Please don't become a monster.'

I heard stifled tears. Tilting my head up, she'd been holding them in. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her, 'I'll do better next time,' my shoulder grew wet, '..' I didn't dare speak.