Chapter Twenty-Four: Disaster Strikes

T kept her face buried in my chest, 'We're gonna die! This sucks,' she was crying onto my chest.

'No we won't,' I tilted my head back to see where we had ended up at, 'But if you could get up, that would be nice.'

She wiped her tears with my shirt and got up, 'Sorry,' she said sheepishly.

'It's ok.'

Getting up off me, footsteps echoed around us.

Racing to my feet I fabricated a katana, 'Who's there!'

emerging from the dark, it was a giant red beast, familiar too.


'Where do you think we are,' Anne held a flashlight she used her power to make.

'Wherever it is, I'm still suprised it was built underneath a casino without the government knowing, especially,' he dropped a coin and it echoed throughout the room, 'How vast the area is,' The Gambler looked at Anne and Psycho.

'Hopefully the others are ok,' Psycho added as they continued on.

'GUYS,' Diana shouted into the darkness. When she crashed into the dark room, she hadn't been with anyone else, 'GUYS!'

'Sorry,' a mysterious voice came from behind Diana, 'But I got you to myself.'

Turning around, Diana braced herself as a green vine surged at her.

Throwing T aside, I looked up the demon Cecile who rammed me with his arm into the side of the wall.

'ZEN,' T turned her arm into a liquid and then she stretched it out to be used as a whip.

As Cecile loomed over me, I struggled to move before I felt something wet wrap itself around my leg. Bringing his fist down to crush me, Cecile's face seemed empty. Before making contact with me, I got yanked out of the way.

Rolling beside T, I nodded at her, 'We've never fought together, ready to tango?'

T made her other arm liquefy, 'If you're in danger,' she sniffed up her tears, 'I got you.'

Sprinting towards Cecile, I saw his right fist rushing towards me at tremendous speed.

Using her right arm, T had positioned herself to my side, wrapped her whip around my waist, reeled me out of the way of his fist, and repositioned me behind him by whipping me around.

Behind him, I cut at the weak tender on his leg.

Growing furious, Cecile slammed his fist into the ground. With the ground shaking, we lost balance.

Falling on her butt, T had a panicked expression as Cecile came over and crushed her with both his fist.


Seeping out under his fist, a puddle of water moved towards me. Building up, it was T reverting back into a solid person.

'Thank god,' I got up to my feet, 'I'm glad you're ok.'

T was shaking, 'BARELY! He crushed me and it was very scary!'

Cecile clung himself at us.

In reaction, T had wrapped his torso with her arm and hardened the water to slam him down into the ground.

While he was down, I kicked him in the head, grabbed hin by the horns, and with all my might threw him out into the darkness. Panting, I moved towards T.

'He out?'

Moving towards him, he shot out his hand and grabbed my leg, 'NOPE,' I shouted before he tossed me into the wall like a ragdoll. Climbing out if the rubble, I felt roughened up badly. My ribs felt shattered. Letting my.stomach rise and fall was painful. With blood traveling down my forehead, it went over my eye, and it dropped off my chin. With my vision partially blurred, I rested my head back as I lowered myself down. Using all my power towards regenerating my shattered bones, but what I heard next was stuffs in nightmare.


'I DON'T WANNA DIE,' T gave a blood curdling scream.

With my good eye, I saw Cecile had found a way to stop T from changing into a liquid. Afraid to lose anyone, I let the demon inside lose once again.

A scream echoed around them.

'What was that,' Psycho looked around them.

'Sounded like trouble,' Anne backed up towards the other two.

Footsteps echoed near.

'Someones approaching us,' The Gambler shuffled his deck, 'Reveal,' he pulled out a 8 of Spades.

With the darkness upon them dissipating, they saw a girl with a head in her arms. That head, was Diana's.

Psycho's composure broke, 'Dian-Diana? Hey! You can hear me, right?'


'YOU BITCH, WHAT DI-' He voice was stopped suddenly with a cough of blood. Looking down, a vine that had pierced his stomach withdrew. Placing his hands on the open wound, he pulled the away and saw both his palms covered in blood.

'Anne,' The Gambler moved back towards her, 'Help me avenge my foolish comrades.'

Anne fabicrated her staff, 'If you thought I was gonna leave you, you're wrong.'

'Wait, I don't have to be here right now,' she pulled her hood down more to hide her smile, 'Bye bye,' enveloping herself with vines, she drilled herself into the floor.

As soon as she disappeared, a body came sliding over to Anne and The Gambler's feet.


The Gambler ran over to her. Feeling her pulse, it was fain, but absent. 'No,' he held himself over her. His deck of cards sprawled over by his side, 'No, no, no, no,' he broke into tears, 'MY FRIENDS ARE ALL DEAD AND THEY'RE GONNA PAY,' The Gambler looked up to where she was thrown from, 'SHOW YOURSELF!'

Walking out from the dark, I had a nasty grin on my lips, 'Wanna duel?'

'Zen,' Anne spoke in disbelief.

'Zen, you bastard,' he got ti his knees, 'YOU BETRAYED US DIDN'T YOU! LURED US-'

Growing tired of him, I walked over to him, broke his jaw, and kicked him onto the ground, 'I didn't do anything,' I snickered.

With a tremendous amount of force, The Gambler slammed his jaw back into place creating an horrific noise, 'Die,' grabbing a card, he plucked out a joker card, 'You lo-' blood exploded from The Gambler.

'I lose? I LOSE? Think again,' I walked over and kicked his body onto the ground, 'You told me your ability, so I made a bet that "WHAT IF I CAN DEFLECT IT,"' I bore a crazed look, with a wide smile, so close to laughing st his despair.

Laying in his pool of blood, he opened his mouth one last time, 'But....,' he looked at Anne, 'But why,' he went limp.