Chapter Thirty-Seven: Repetition

While fly low and taking hits onto Hades, Anne kept her distance up higher and did the same. Hades was on the defensive.

'You two are an annoyance,' glowing yellow, he was about to discharge.

Odd enough, this fight seemed familiar but altered.

Discharging an electric blast, flew high fast. It was still faster than me. I wasn't able to escape the blast. Being stunned, Anne swooped down, caught me, and put me down.

'Follow my lead.'

I stood up and shook my head, 'Yeah,' his blast was strong but I had strengthened my body's resistance: thankfully.

Slicing the air, Anne sent a traveling attack at Hades.

Since it was traveling horizontally, he dodge over it.

Sending two more at him, now vertical and horizontal, Anne snapped he finger.

Managing to dodge the both of them again, Hades looked around, 'Where'd the boy go.'

Above Hades, I had rid my sword from improved iron gauntlets that wouldn't cover my demon like claws. Torpedoing down towards him, I closed my wings around me to build up speed.

Hades preparing to dodge, he felt his legs get cut.

Anne chuckled, 'There's two of us, remember?'

Speeding into Hades, I grabbed him by the neck and clawed at him with my other hand. Throwing him back as I used my wings to pull away, he tumbled across the grass covered in red snow.

Feeling something grab me from below, it was Hades, 'Illusions are so fun, aren't they?' He slammed me into the snow face first.

'Inner Collaspe,' Anne raised her arm as hour glasses were created around behind her.

'That attack,' Hades moved back, 'I see now, that's why some of this seems familiar yet odd.'

Hades said what I was thinking too. Pushing myself up out the snow, I flew beside Anne.

'You reversed time, didn't you? And currently your changing the timeline from what happened previously, but how many times have you done this? Does this also mean you can't beat me,' he grinned, 'Bring it.'

Reversed time? I looked at Anne. He face bore no emotion. The once shy girl, to lively individual, romantical partner, now has a stone cold face. 'Anne?'

'I've done this, over and over and over again,' she blocked an attack from Hades as she looked at me get cut in half by the real Hades.

With my upper half hitting the ground, my vision darkened.

'Anne! You take Yui, Mio, Ja-'

'WE ALL STAY AND FIGHT,' Anne explode at us.

'Hey, we have to protect the citizens too, Anne!'



Hades crushed me in seconds.

'NOOOO,' Anne slapped the side of her head.

'What's going on?' Stephen backed away.

'Zen! Anne, what have you done,' Sandra blew up the ground between them and Hades.

'I can save him,' she mumbled.

'Anne! Take Yui-'

Anne spend over to me and took my arm. Flying speedily upwards, Anne strengthened her arms and broke mine.

'What the hell Anne?!'

'You're not gonna die this time, I swear! I will live happily with you! So stop leaving me!'

'Anne, what do you me-'

A bright light shot from below and came upwards were we were vaporizing me and burning Anne's hands off.




Anne had reversed time, over fifty times. Anne reversed time again, but this time she went way back in time.

'Hey, what's your name,' I reached my hand out to the girl in the white dress.

She kept her hands to herself.

'Shy, alright, well let me show you around the school,' I grabbed her arm and pulled her outside.

Walking from around the corner, Anne pushed her hair aside with her hair. 'I remember when I first met you. You were kind to me, yet all I brought you was pain and death. Reversing time a little back, Anne was now above Zen's parents car. They were on the highway. Seeing another car driving crazily, she flew to the side of it. Stopping the car, she saw that the driver was asleep. Due to Anne's sudden appearance, people panicked and drove and ran away: except Zen's parents.


'How do you know me?'

'We know much, and we need to ask you: kill us.'

'I cameback to save you both though.'

They looked at eachother before the wife walked up to me, 'We are friends of Annabelle who you were born off of. She gifted us a longer lifespan so we may move a plan into motion.'

'Who's Annabelle?'

The man came forth, 'Annabelle Rosemary is an individual who had the power to control and manipulate space and time. She knew her power would grow week, so she planned to have her powers resurrected into a new person.'

'Why me? Why must I love your son and watch him die over and over!?'

'Poor Zen,' the mom chipped in.

'By staging our deaths, he will be adopted by your parents since were business partners and friends.'

'What if I don't want him to be a hero, what if I could stop him from doing so?'

'You'd have to change history itself, and even Annabelle couldn't do that.'

'Anne! Take Jack, Lily, and Yui!'

Anne raised her arm up high, 'Infinite Reality,' The time and space around them was separated into another plain of existence. 'Zen, remember me, ok?'

I looked at her, 'What are you on about?' Before long, everyone was kicked out back onto Elis Island. 'ANNE! AN-'

Stephen grabbed my arm, 'Her powers are tremendous, let's trust her.'

Hesitant, I got up and took one more long stare, 'Don't do anything stupid.'

'Hades, you cannot beat me,' Anne blew off his arms, 'This very space is mine to control.'

'You seem confident, has this happ-'

Anne teleported before him and cut his head clean off, 'But I doubt that was the real you.'

'Perhaps,' Hades grabbed Anne and discharged what energy he built up.

Stumbling forward, Anne used her wing to block Hades incoming attack. Barraging Anne with a volley of attacks, she was using her wings to block the attacks. As time went on, her wings began to deteriorate.

'How long can you keep it up,' he grabbed her wing, lifted her up, and then threw her afar.

Using her wings to slow herself, she landed. 'No matter what, I won't let you take him away from those who love him.'

'Are you not trying to save the people of this nation? I want to own the world however.'

'He will,' hour glasses began to materialize in this time and space, 'I will just buy him time.'

Cutting the demon in half, their invasion seemed to lessen, 'Ok guys, it looks like we're winning,' I sprouted my wings to fly upwards. Speeding towards me like a speeding bullet was Cecile. Switching to my gauntlets, I flew under him, grabbed him by his legs, swung us in a spiral, then I released him and sent him flying into the street below. Swooping down, I pounded at his face. The more blows I exchanged, the more I grew berserk. Then I heard a voice.

'Zen, you're loosing control, calm thyself.'

Doing as Blood suggest, I felt power surge through me, but I had still remained in control.

Grabbing my arm, Cecile broke it.

'Argh!' Tossing me aside, I used my increased regenerative capabilities to heal my arm as I got back up. Flying up to Cecile's face, I slammed my palm against his face and grabbed it, 'You guys should've trusted and had more faith in Blood.'

'He's a traitor who deserves to die for his failure.'

I crushed Cecile's face, 'Unfortunate for you, I disagree.

The demons were retreating.

'Guys, I think we won,' Lana was cheerful until-

'Is the sky turning black?' Lily chipped in.

The demon invasion was stopped and repelled, but now the sky went from clear to pur darkness yet visible. It was like we were in space and the stars were shining in the abyss. In the abyss was that of red evil, Hades, and white purity, Anne.

Hades had wings now. He was bleeding a great amount. His eyes were barely open and his arms were limp.

Anne however, wasn't scratched.

'If you use anymore of your power, you'll live a lot less than those below.'

Anne blasted off a chunk of his skin. 'Just a year is fine.'

'So be it,' Hades got up into Anne's face and bit her neck. Grasping her breasts with his hands, he gripped tightly with little strength he had to rip off the skin of her neck. Releasing, he spat the skin out. 'I will take this land.'

'In another time, you did,' Anne used the last of her power to obliterate Hades into nothingness.